This time I stumble back, falling on my backside as I stare at him in shock and terror.

"Shit." He curses lowly and strangely it sounds like him but that's not possible right? I'm still on my bed, right? Having a ridiculously realistic dream.

I pinch myself but the apparition of Virgil lying half naked on my lawn refuses to go away, I rub my eyes, inching backwards slowly.

"T-This ha-has to be a n-nightmare, r-ri-right'?" I stutter in a mumble, unable to tear my eyes away from his glassy blue orbs that are staring right back at me.

He lets out a slew of colorful curses again, he's lying on his side facing away from me but his face is angled in my direction.

Placing dew wetted hands on my face, I gulp and try to process what had just happened, there was a wolf, like I'm a hundred and one percent sure there was a wolf then boom! Flashy lights! And then there's Virgil?

...I think I'm going crazy

I track my gaze down the rest of his body, he has his arms wrapped around him and I remember seeing blood on the wolf, if Virgil is the wolf… wait, hold up, this is a little too much for my brain to process.

"Hayden." My name gets rasped out of… Virgil's? Mouth and I glance at him again.

He rolls over and a short high scream leaves me. 

There are huge, ugly claw gashes right across his torso and he's bleeding into the grass.

"Oh m-my G-God, y-you're bl-bleeding." I scramble forward, terror on my face.

He rolls away from my hand. "You should go inside where it's safe."

I flinch back like he had slapped me. "Are you stupid!" I lash out at him. "You're bleeding into the fucking ground and you're telling me to go up to my room like I'm five."

"Hayden…" He groans out, pain glazing his eyes.

A loud howl interrupts his words and the blood curdling howl makes my toes curl but I wasn't leaving the idiot out here even though I almost want to.

"I'm not leaving you, period." I grit my teeth, moving to help him up. "Now shut up and let me help you."

He closes his eyes in exhaustion and uses my help to get up, a loud movement in the woods makes me look in that direction and I curse mentally when I see a lot of glowing, sickly, pale yellow eyes staring back at us.

We needed to hurry, hopefully they would stay out of the house, unless they knew how to handle door knobs or turned human like Virgil - my heart skips a couple beats at the thought, was I really believing that? - well unless they could do any of that we would be safe inside.

The trip to the door seems ridiculously long now that I have to pick my steps carefully with Virgil leaning almost all of his weight on me but I'm determined.

He had a whole lot of explaining to do and I was going to get my answers, I wince at the blood smearing all over me, the idiot was bleeding really bad.

Those slashes had been deep and they look like... wolf claws? Ugh! I didn't even know what to think anymore.

I carefully lock the door behind us, now that we were safe from the wolves, I had to figure out a way to get Virgil up to my room without waking up my mom.

I needed to clean up his wounds at least and get them to stop bleeding or he was going to get really hurt.

I remain quiet for the rest of our journey, Virgil wasn't even one for company, he could barely keep his eyes open and terror for his well being sits in my chest right with the confusion of the situation and my anger at him.

My brain is working at almost ten times it's usual rate but I can't still seem to make head or tail of what is currently happening, half of me hopes that when I wake up tomorrow I'll find out that it was just a crazy dream and Virgil will come over tomorrow looking as perfect and immovable as he has always been.

By some stroke of luck, even with all the stumbling we did, my mom doesn't wake up and I don't think twice about locking up my door.

I put him to lie down on his back at the centre of my bed and I run to the bathroom to get my first aid box, a bowl of water, and a small hand towel.

My hands are shaking badly but somehow I manage to make it back quickly without spilling water, I immediately get the towel wet and scramble on the bed.

My eyes get teary at the sight that greets me, in the brightness of my room and with him lying on his back I can see the injury quite clearly and I bite back a sound of pain.

He flinches when I place the warm towel on him but his eyes remain close, his face looking pale and sweaty.

I quickly get started on wiping him down, swallowing occasionally at the amount of blood I keep squeezing out of the towel, he doesn't even look better when I wipe all the blood away, it just goes to show how bad he's really hurt.

"W-What w-were yo-you d-doing t-tha…" a swallow cuts off my words.

I can't believe he's always so ridiculously over protective of me yet he is dumb enough to get himself hurt so bad.

"Don't cry." He says quietly and I realize that my tears are dropping on his skin.

I wipe my eyes angrily but they don't stop and I just ignore them, placing the largest pad of gauze I could find , thank goodness my mom is always extravagant so with a couple gauze pads I'm able to cover up most of the injury.

"I'll be fine." He says again and I shake my head at the fact that he's comforting me even though he's the one lying on the bed with his stomach clawed out.

I bandage him up pausing halfway when I notice something strange, I lean forward and my eyes widen in horror….

His… His s-skin is knitting up right in f-front of my eyes.

I glance up at him briefly to see that he's eyes are still closed and I look down at the edge of a deep scratch to check again, it was knitting up perfectly, there wouldn't even be a scar.

What the actual effing hell?

I flinch backwards slightly at this, feeling a little light headed, this is just a dream Hayden, okay? It's just a dream.

I convince myself, forcing myself to finish up the bandaging even though it's supposed to be just a dream, even if I was dreaming I would still make sure Virgil was okay.

I finish up and sit back, stepping down from the bed to take the bowl and the first aid box back to the bathroom.

"Now…" I mutter when I get back, looking up at Virgil again, his eyes are open now and I stumble backwards, reeling from shock.

His eyes are blazing gold and I'm not imagining it now, his canines are much longer and are peeking out of the sides of his mouth.

That did it, I had taken in too many shocking events all at once, the rooms spins around and my vision goes dark, the last thing I hear is Virgil calling to me and then I'm going over, it feels like I'm falling forever because I don't hit the ground but I can't open my eyes to check.

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