His eyes drop to my mouth and my face suddenly feels hotter which gets worse when his eyes drop lower and I remember that I'm equally shirtless, he leans closer and at the same time a ridiculous sneeze pops out.

He freezes like he's confused, tilting his head to the side in a way that's very unnatural for Virgil to do.

I giggle nervously. "M' so-sorry a-about t-that." I mumble under my breath, feeling my nose get ticklish again. "I'm j-jus cold." I say, tucking my head low on my chest.

I really am, my hair is still dripping occasionally down my body and I had been in a hurry to come out so I didn't dry myself up properly, not to mention that I didn't get to finish up dressing myself.

I sneeze again and Virgil pulls me in for a hug, his hand releasing my wrists from their prison. I had been shivering slightly without even knowing it at least until I get enveloped by his warm body and my shivering gets worse.

"You know what this means right?" Virgil murmurs into the crook of my neck.

I groan. "Please no, not that, anything but that." Knowing Virgil I'm going to end up wrapped in as many blankets as he can get his hands on then the heater will be turned up to high.

"Well, there is an alternative." He says sneakily, blue eyes sparkling at me and I'm narrowing my eyes in suspicion, Virgil never sounds sneaky, Shana always does, Dale does sometimes but Virgil is annoyingly straightforward.

"And what's that?"

"I'll just heat you up myself." He rasps in my ear and an involuntary shiver ripples through my body.

That sounds infinitely worse and better at the same time, not to mention that I'm still wary of how his eyes keep melting to that burning gold.

"H-How?" The word spills out of my mouth without any approval from my brain and Virgil raises his head to look at me, alarms blare in my head when I see that his eyes are gold again, what's with his wolf today?

"I'll show you." He rasps in a lower voice lowering his head again to place an open mouthed kiss on my shoulder.

Well, that's apparently a faster way to heat me up because my entire body goes red, my temperature inching higher, it also doesn't help that Virgil's unnaturally warm skin is pressed flush against mine.

I bite back an embarrassing sound when he moves closer to my neck with the open mouthed kisses but I obviously wasn't silent enough.

"Virgil? Hayden?" Shana's intrusive voice calls from behind the closed door but Virgil ignores her presence moving to the other side of my neck.

I can't ignore her well and I get even redder that I'm sure I'm already well on my way to overheating, slapping a hand over my mouth to smother anymore incriminating sounds.

"Virgil, I swear if you eat him…" she starts to threaten.

"Shana what the fuck are you doing here?" Dale's voice interrupts her rant. "And stop saying that, Virgil isn't going to eat anybody, see, I'll show you."

I close my eyes tight, thinking how wrong Dale is when Virgil carefully nibbles around the soft skin of my neck and face, sharp teeth skimming over my collarbones, I'm practically being eaten but then the rest of his words sink in and my eyes fly open in a panic.

They were coming in??!!

Virgil isn't the PDA kind too so I expect him to step away so that we can at least be decent but instead he backs me harder into the wall that my body arches to accommodate this new position.

"That's not how to open a bloody door, Shana." Dale scolds.

"Excuse me, what? What do you think? That I don't know how to open a simple door? That I'm stupid? Are you calling me stupid, Dale?" She rounds on him and I've never been happier about their ability to get into rows because Virgil slides a hand around the back of my thigh, lifting it slightly so that I'm forced to throw my arms around him to keep my balance.

"I never said that." Dale replies blankly.

"Oh now you're calling me a liar too." Shana fires back and I wonder why Dale humors her.

"There." Virgil says with a smug smile, raising his head up to look at me and I see that his eyes are back to their captivating blue. "How do you feel now?"

I cover my face with my hands, my breaths coming out in harsh pants. "Like you even have to ask that." I pout, leaning against the door now that Virgil has let go of me, although he still holds on to my leg keeping me reliant on his support, a hand around my bare waist.

"I told you he was eating him." Shana's voice cuts through the room and I hide my face deeper in my hand - if that's even possible - I would have to sit in the shower for a couple hours to get all the redness out of my skin.

"Shana, please never use that word again, especially not when I'm seeing all this." Dale complains unhappily. "Peel yourself off Hay, V." He says to Virgil. "We need to clean up the mess you made outside the house."

"Who's we?" Virgil asks dryly, looking over his shoulder at Dale, although he's still not letting me go.

Dale glares at him. "First of all, I boarded up the windows…"

"Yeah, that's way harder than fighting a rogue Were." Virgil quips sarcastically.

Dale just ignores him and continues. "Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you?" He demands with something like horror in his voice. "Cutting through a major vein or severing its head was enough but no! I find guts hanging off the ceiling." Dale rants.

I cringe, making an uncomfortable sound at the graphic description.

"Language." Virgil says curtly, finally letting go of my leg so that he can gather me in his arms like he's trying to protect me from what he did. "And the rogue was looking at Hayden weird." He mumbles under his breath, sounding strangely childish.

"Unbelievable!" Dale exclaims, throwing his hands up. "I honestly don't care about your reasons, just remind me to never get on your bad side…"

"Unfortunately, you always do." Virgil quips, shielding my body which is no doubt pockmarked with very visible red marks and teeth marks too, while picking up my discarded shirt so he can help me in.

Dale sounds done with Virgil. "Just haul your ass out so we can go clear up the exterior of the house, it looks like a horror movie stage out there and there's no way I'm cleaning up your mess, at least not alone."

"Fine, shut up for a sec okay." Virgil throws at him and I give Virgil a look which he licks off my face, like the idiot literally leans forward and licks a wide wet strip across my face.

"Ew." I eye him, wiping my face with the back of my hand.

"Stay here with Shana, okay? Or I'll lick you again." He threatens lightly.

"Ugh! Fine." I bat my small hands at him which doesn't do any damage. "Just get your tongue away from me."

"I'll be back soon." He kisses my forehead before stepping away.

"Put a shirt on moron." Dale groans when Virgil turns around to face him.

"I don't mind." Shana comments, winking at Dale.

"Of course you don't." Dale says blankly, hurrying out, he was obviously done with the both of them and I can't help but chuckle at the scene.

Virgil follows after him and the door clicks shut, I just walk blindly to the bed on weak legs and collapse on it, face first.

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