I shower thoroughly, remembering to floss while brushing my teeth.

It was so ridiculous that I had to huff out a laugh, Virgil had texted me that I should floss as his payment for having to return to the meeting.

Well, I hadn't known what to expect because he had never demanded favours like that before and it's a little surprising to hear that all he wants is for me to floss.

It's just like him saying that he would have gone anyway because I encouraged him to but he also wanted to win our argument over flossing.

I tuck myself in, although summer has barely ended, Pine Creek is rapidly getting colder.

I just realize that I haven't slept alone ever since I moved to the Pack House and I honestly wasn't complaining, it's cold sleeping all alone anyway.

My mood sours as my feet get colder, I can't seem to read Virgil all the way and it was just depressing, sometimes he acts like my older brother and the next moment he's biting large ass hickies on my neck.

Dale is so easy to be with and I'm worried that I'm going to end up losing our friendship as well as everything else.

Maybe I'm just self conscious because I've had a silly crush on him for as long as I can remember and he suddenly reciprocates it out of nowhere, well there's the appearance of Dale to start that chain of events.

I can't help but think that it's his overprotectiveness that's making him do all this and it's really disheartening, we both needed to have a talk but I'm too demure to start one and Virgil is well… Virgil.

I roll to my side and curl up close to myself, flopping to my back again and flailing my arms a bit. I can't seem to get comfortable, I was starting to get too used to having cuddle partners.

Dale pushes open the door like clockwork and I sit up in a flash with a wide smile.

"Hey, doll, I'm home." 

I giggle a little at this. "Hi, Dale." I reply him, noting that I had pulled out the bedsheets by squirming around a lot. "How was your day?"

He beelines to the bathroom. "Wish I didn't get up this morning."

I roll around on the bed some more when the door clicks shut, I would get up to remake it anyway so why not go all the way.

I sigh, getting off the bed before Dale came back. I carefully remake the bed, tucking the edges in, my thoughts are elsewhere as I do this, all over the place as a matter of fact.

I easily forget how important Virgil and Dale are but people knowing about us was just disturbing.

Arms slip around my waist and I startle a little. "Next time you're going to get an elbow to your side." I say dryly.

"Sounds like a good way to go." He hums. "Where did V keep my toothbrush?" He asks unhappily.

I facepalm. "I'm sorry, he put it in the cupboard above the sink, I couldn't reach it." I tell him sheepishly.

"It's fine, I figured he'd flush it down the toilet or something." Dale says in an odd tone that has me whipping my head in his direction.

"Did you flush his down the toilet?" I gasp in disbelief.

"Well if you say anything that way, it sounds awful." He pouts.

"Oh my God." I drop the edge of the bedsheet in my hand and take his hand, pulling him in the direction of the bathroom. "I can't believe you flushed his toothbrush down the toilet."

"I never said I did." He grumbles.

"You never said you didn't either." I scold him, wanting to see for myself before I'd believe anything.

I get to the sink and see just my toothbrush sitting in the canister. "I can't believe it, you did flush his toothbrush, what if it gets clogged or something?"

He crosses his arms defensively. "I just yeeted it out the window."

"Of course, that's way better." I mutter sarcastically. "Get your toothbrush, I'll go get a spare one for Virgil." 

"Can I keep his in the cupboard then?" He asks with puppy eyes.

"No." I tell him sternly, going out.

Acquiring the toothbrush is fast and I walk in to see Dale, shirtless finishing up the making of the bed.

"You didn't have to…" I start to say.

"I wanted to." He cuts me off, patting down the perfectly made bed.

"One sec." I hurry into the bathroom to keep the toothbrush in the canister, I study the brushes standing side by side and I know that it wouldn't last long.

I hurry across the cold tiles of the bathroom and the carpet, getting on the bed.

Dale is seating propped up against the headboard and I'm wondering how he isn't cold.

He places his hands around me and pull me in his direction before I can squeeze under the blanket, plopping me down on his legs.

I color up at this position but look up at him questioningly to catch a glimpse of heated bright green eyes.

"You're so easy to fall in love with." He murmurs into the shell of my ear, his hands sliding low on my hips.

I look up at him, an immense sadness clouding me, I couldn't say it back to him because that would mean choosing.

His hands slide up the side of my body to bury themselves in my curls. "I know." He says simply, pressing a kiss on my hair.

"It's scary you know, knowing that I might lose you."

I place my head against his chest, wondering why, why did I have to choose anyway?

He angles my head upwards and joins our lips. "It has to happen." He says with a sigh and I realize that I had said it out loud.

"Our natures wouldn't settle for anything else, what would happen if a Pack decided to move?" He wraps his arms around me and tucks me in closer.

"I don' know." I mumble, closing my eyes. 

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