Dale had been miserable for the past several minutes, Niall doing nothing but laughing at him even the dogs couldn't improve his mood.

He still didn't know the name of the person he had bumped into and that should be a good thing because he's been trying to forget the man? boy? But it wasn't working out for him.

"Peel yourself off my counter man, you're distracting my customers." Niall complains when a couple of girls that had come to buy pet things had drifted out again, dazed and giggling.

"I'm miserable, Niall, don't make me move." Dale drawls, keeping his eyes closed.

Niall just glares at him, eyebrow piercing glinting beside his black eyes. "Because of some dude you bumped into for a couple seconds? What did you tell him anyway that had him running for his life."

"Called him, miss." Dale says half-heartedly.

Nial bursts out laughing at this. "I keep telling you to get yourself glasses you blind fuck."

"Shut up and actually help me, you say he passes by every morning but you don't know his name, how the fuck is that even possible?"

"Unlike you, I don't stalk strangers, besides your nose is going wonky on you, he's not an Omega at least that I'm sure of." Niall tuts wiping down the counter.

"So he's going to pass by tomorrow at roughly this same time?" Dale prompts, wheels turning around at top speed in his head.

"Don't you have exams to study for?" Niall cuts him a look. "Besides, why do you care about some boy you just bumped into, you're not gay."

"No." Dale replies absently. "I'm not gay…" - just attracted to one person who I can't have - "I'll be by tomorrow." He tags on getting down from the counter.

"W-Wait…" Niall starts to call out but Dale has already slipped out the door. "...or nevermind, the idiot will be fine, he changes girls faster than shirts anyway."

Dale wasn't fine though, he was used to being attracted to just Hayden, he could live with that torture but adding someone else who he would probably never meet again was just pushing it.

Of course, it would have to be in his final year of college when he would be leaving the entire fucking state in a couple weeks that he would find someone that could actually hold his attention… and the best part, it's a guy - that was sarcasm by the way.

He didn't recall getting back to his shared apartment with Virgil or even getting in, until…

"Oh, fuck!" He curses, slapping a hand over his face. "What the fuck, V, why the hell are you lying around in your underwear?" He demands, stumbling around a bit.

Virgil doesn't even look bothered, casually reading a book. "Because you're not supposed to be back for a couple hours." He points out. "So, where's Shana?"

Dale blinks, momentarily confused. "Where's who… oh shit." He curses, rubbing a hand over his face. 

"Wait," Virgil narrows his eyes at him, blue eyes sharp and icy. "You forgot? What the hell? Where did you go then?"

"Okay, hear me out… and please for fuck's sake put some clothes on." He groans.

Virgil gives him a blank look but gets up anyway to get dressed, pulling simple sweatpants on and settling on the couch again. "Now talk, you were supposed to pick Shana up from the airport which is a one-hour drive away but you come back in twenty minutes and I find out that you didn't even take the car." Virgil says quietly, eyes dark.

"I wanted to get a cup of coffee first…"

Virgil glances down his shirt and notes the coffee stains. "And you decided to pour it all over yourself and…" He sniffs. "...visit a women's perfume shop?" 

"Stop fucking interrupting me and maybe I can explain." Dale says in exasperation.

"Alright, I'll shut up now."

"Thank you, so I needed to visit the pet shop first before having to sit in a car for a full hour with Shana and decided to get coffee before that but I bumped into this guy and I just forget like I legit forget Shana even existed." He explains with gusto.

Virgil drops his book and gives him a look of disbelief. "You bumped into a guy? Was he holding a metal bat?"

"No, no, you don't get it…"

"And how does that explain the sweet scent you're covered in?"

"Exactly what I'm saying, it's the same guy." Dale makes wild hand gestures.

Virgil just keeps a poker face on, getting up in a haste. "I knew this was a bad idea, grab the fucking car keys let me get a shirt, we're going to pick Shana because if we keep her waiting we're dead."

Shana had chosen a different college to get her degree in nursing and was already done with her final exams and for some crazy reason didn't want to go back to Pine Creek all alone so she would be rooming with them for a couple weeks then they would all go together.

"I still think this is a bad idea." Dale mutters when they get in the car.

"I didn't hear you telling her no when she was saying it." Virgil scoffs, backing out of the driveway, his flashy ring catching the morning sun. "And you still owe me an explanation about the strange guy."

"You think I'm lying?" Dale demands in shock.

Virgil shrugs unrepentantly. "You have to admit, your story does sound sketchy with lots of holes and I don't put anything past you, there's a lot you would have done to get out of picking up Shana."

"Even make someone up?"

"Who's Tiana? And Maude? And Cree? And… need I go on?" 

"Okay, okay, you've made your point but I made them up for a perfectly good reason." He insists.

"Of course." Virgil says sarcastically. "It might have been bearable if it actually worked."

Dale just groans, leaning back against the seat. "I do know how to pick 'em, don't I? Come to think about it?" He turns to Virgil. "I noticed Sally stopped coming over, what happened?"

Virgil just cuts him a look. "I'm not even surprised it took you this long, a girl stalks you for weeks and when she stops coming around you don't notice for nearly a whole week?"

"Just tell me what you did, don't tell me you murdered her?" Dale glares around in disbelief.

"You think I'd dig a hole wide enough to fit her hips in?"

Dale just shrugs. "Knowing you, you would probably bury her sideways."

"I told her we were engaged." Virgil says with a straight face. 

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