Dream wastes precious time getting dry and has very little time to do any exploring whatsoever but even that was cut shut when he pokes his nose into the wrong tree.

A sweet scent grabs his attention and without thinking much about it, he bounds in that direction only to howl lowly when he bumps into a beehive.

Without thinking, again, he turns around and darts away, the bees hot on his tail.

Dream doesn't think he has ever run this fast but the terror of the bees getting him is enough of an incentive and soon the mouth of the woods is coming into view.

The bees don't let up and he scrambles out of the woods still in his wolf form, he realizes just when he sights Hayden watering his plants that there's no way he can fit through the door in wolf form.

Hayden just languidly waters his plants, he had foregone the music this time which was lucky because he hears the thudding sounds as soon as Dream comes close enough followed by a nearly deafening buzzing sound.

He turns in time to see a beautiful wolf splashed with several colors running his way, a swarm of… bees? Behind them, oh no! Bees!

The watering can drops from his hands as he panics, he hasn't seen the Werewolf before he figures that has to be Dream's wolf.

The wolf easily scales the picket fence and runs straight for Hayden only to shift when he gets close enough then grabs Hayden's hand and pulls him in the direction of the house where they scramble in and slam the door shut, crumbling to the ground right there behind the door and hugging each other in fright.

"Are the windows shut?" Dream asks, adrenaline still rushing through his body.

"Y-Yes, I m-mean no but there are nets over the windows." Hayden explains with pants.

The buzzing disperses for a bit, no doubt the bees going around the house to look for an opening when they don't find one they return to the door and just remain there.

"Did you try to steal their honey?" Hayden asks after they calm down.


"You smell like honey." He adds absently.

Dream stiffens, while he had upset their give accidentally, he hadn't gotten honey on his body so Hayden wasn't supposed to smell him but then again he had loved his entire life amongst Werewolves so maybe that explained his ability to pick out scents.

"Oh." Was all he said, uninterested in answering the question. "I'm sorry about this." He adds in a quiet voice.

"It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay." Hayden gives him a smile, getting up. "Come on, I can lend you one of my shirts." He offers.

Dream frowns only to look down and remember that he's shirtless. "Eek!" He squeals in mortification, throwing his arms around himself in an attempt at modesty. "Thank you." He says in a subdued voice, hair down his face as he had lost his bandanna while shifting again.

"My pleasure." Hayden says, thinking of how to call his mom and or Mae to not come home for a while so they didn't bump into the swarm of angry bees outside.

It wasn't the first time Dream was over so he just directs him to the right wardrobe and makes his way down again to get his phone.

He makes a quick call to his mom who had gone to visit his Aunt Candy who's currently heavily pregnant and confirms that she'll be there a while, Hayden speaks to his Aunt who still has a couple more months to go, and spends precious time convincing his mom that assassins weren't after him.

He's finally able to call Mae who picks on the second ring.

"Hi, Hay, I was just about to come over…" Mae starts to say in a cheery voice as soon as she picks.

Hayden panics. "No! I-I mean, wait!"

"Hayden?" Mae says with a frown. "What's wrong?"

"Bees, there's a whole swarm of bees just outside the house." He finally explains.

Mae blinks. Bees? "I'm sorry what?"

"Yes, Bees, it's complicated but you can't come over at the moment, wait a while." He tells her earnestly.

"I'm a witch remember, just give me a couple minutes let me grab some things, I'll be by soon." She says lightly, hanging up.

Hayden just stares at the device in his hands uncertainly then shrugs, making his way up the stairs to check up on Dream.

The Werewolf is sitting at the edge of his bed, one of Hayden's thin sweaters on his body.

"I couldn't find anything that wasn't fancy." Dream mutters when Hayden walks in, he couldn't believe that people had that much designer clothing and weren't celebrities.

Hayden scratches his head nervously, easily forgetting how expensive the contents of his wardrobe is. "It's fine, y-you can keep it if you'd like, it's my grandma, she keeps spoiling me."

Dream looks at him after he says this, the uneasiness in his face fading away. "That's nice, I don't see my grandparents often, they live so far away."

"I'd love to introduce you to my Grammy then, I'm sure she would love to meet you."

They make their way downstairs and Hayden explains to Dream that his friend is coming over, noting that Mae had never actually met Dream.

"Will she be okay?" Dream asks worriedly. "The bees are still outside."

"She will, she's half-witch so I'm pretty sure she should be able to handle herself." Hayden reassures him.

Dream actually has bigger worries than that, his scent suppressants were totally gone so if another Werewolf came within ten feet of his they would smell him and figure out his status, even a part Werewolf.

A loud whooshing sound alerts them to Mae's presence even before she knocks.

Hayden carefully opens the door to see Mae standing proudly on the front porch that is gratefully without bees.

Dream doesn't hesitate, as soon as the way is clear, he dashes out, throwing greetings to Mae and goodbyes to Hayden.

Mae goes rigid when he passes by her, her nose twitching, that can't be right, Hayden's new neighbor and friend is a male Omega?

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