"Ow! Fuck! Dream!" Dale curses, snatching his arm back.

Dale just licks his lips with a triumphant smile, fangs peeking out the sides of his lips. "What? You offered?" He shrugs. 

Dale glances down at his arm that is clutched close to the rest of his body, keeping a sizeable distance away from Dream.

"Yes, I didn't think you'd actually do it! As a matter of fact, I didn't fucking think you would try to rip my arm off!" Dale complains, they were already on the second floor.

"Don't be a sissy, Dale." Dream comments dryly, unbothered with the Alpha's theatrics. "It didn't even bleed."

Dale just clutches his arm tighter and gulps. "We're even now right?" He asks shakily, eyes wide.

"Of course!" Dream agrees happily, even smiling a little. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks after a while of Dale staring horrified at him.

"I don't know, maybe because I can literally count your teeth on the imprint on my arm." He sasses.

"I can make it deeper." Dream gives him a jaunty smile.

Dale gives him a dark look, leading them over to the parking lot in his own Pack House. "Stay away from me." He scurries away.

Dream's response is to give him a fangy smile. "But wait, I promise I'll be gentle." He croons getting into the act.

Dale only picks up the pace and soon they're darting around the parking lot, puddles splashing under their feet.

Dream laughs when Dale slips and nearly falls on his face only for him to slip as well, luckily Dale catches him in time, firm arms keeping his away from the wet, hard ground.

He quickly tries to dissolve the tense atmosphere that immediately settles down on them, the cold, wet parking lot fading away when he looks up into eyes the color of spring, a comforting dark green.

"Why are you trying to bite me again?" Dale complains, putting more distance between them. "I just helped you."

"So did I, did that stop you from trying? Hell no." Dream fires back.

Dale goes quiet, waiting beside his car as Dream charges for him. "That's hardly fair, it should be my turn now."

"What?" Dream blinks, a little too late as he's already skidding in Dale's direction.

Dale calmly reaches out to stop him, wrapping his hands around Dream's shorter form, slipping a jean clad leg between his as he angles him backwards.

This catches Dream by surprise, momentarily stunning him until Dale is leaning down to bite him again in the exact same spot, sharp teeth pressing down into soft flesh.

An unusual sound spills out of Dream's lip, breathy gasps flavoring the cool air. 

Mortification hits not long after as red crawls violently up his neck and paints his cheeks.

He quickly puts distance between them, wishing he hadn't changed into a lower necked sweater, eyes glassy as he looks everywhere else to avoid Dale's searing gaze.

"You win." He whispers softly, hiding his marked neck with a small hand. "Please, take me home." He adds in a tiny voice.

Dale winces as he feels his heart literally fold up at the tone of Dream's voice, his wolf rolling around at Dream being so visibly upset.

"Dream..." He tries to reach out.

"Take me home." Dream repeats again, voice tinier as he tries to huddle into himself, looking fragile..

Dale curses himself to hell and back, hating himself for doing this to Dream, he was used to seeing the Omega tough and aloof, was starting to crave that as a matter of fact so seeing him like this... Like he might like to cry was literally killing Dale.

But the best he could do now was to do as Dream says so he guides Dream into the back seat, careful to keep his distance and gets in, glancing worriedly at the review mirror.

He frowns when Dream just stares down into his folded hands on his lap, nose red with unshed tears.



Clearing up the rest of the house wasn't a big deal and in about half an hour he was about done, he would text Dream later to ask if he had gotten home okay.

It was nice of Dale to offer to take Dream home and he hoped they would resolved their issues on the drive, he smiles as he dries his wet hands on a towel, Dream might look all scary but was actually a cinnamon roll.

He remembers to feed Apple and make sure the cat was okay before retiring to his bedroom, he wasn't too bothered about Virgil working late because he planned to make his hardworking husband sleep in on Sunday even if he had to resort to other means.

He takes a bath, enjoying the steaming water on a rainy afternoon, he was tempted to bring a book to the tub but remembered what happened the last time he did, he's not about to lose another precious book.

The smell of vanilla reminds him of home and his mom, and there's also the plus that Virgil likes the scent as well so he's generous with it.

He hadn't forgotten that Virgil likes his thigh high socks, it was cold enough maybe he could dig a pair out of his wardrobe.


Dream silently looks out the window, a scarf wrapped snugly around his neck because he wasn't ready to answer his mom's and DD's a hundred and one questions about it.

Dale was slowly growing paler in the front seat and he's starting to think that maybe he had overreacted.

But it's not his fault, he was mortified and embarrassed at the literal moan that he had produced, it made him angry at himself.

Even during his mini heats, that never happened and it took Dale just a little nibble of his teeth to have him like that.

He resists the urge to crumble to his knees and scream into his hands because he's about to fucking die from embarrassment, he never wanted to see people again and every bit of this journey was literal hell.

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