Shana was beyond worried about Hayden and Dream's disappearance, she only knew because the Warriors that came in had to inform her.

They had decided to keep it a secret from the rest of the Pack at least for how long they could because with Warriors being taken to the clinic, it would soon be obvious that something was incredibly wrong.

It was better than the Pack outright panicking.

She would love to go up to the fourth floor and get information for herself but she was too tied down here, busy stitching up the guys so that their bodies healed faster.

Parents and loved ones of the Warriors were already trooping in so she's not surprised to find Deidre.

"Hi DD." She waves to her on her way to get more bandages from the store, their injuries weren't severe except maybe Luke with his gunshot wound but there were a lot of them with the occasional slash visibly from another Werewolf's claws.

"Hey." She says in a dry voice, rubbing her hands nervously together. "I heard that the Warriors were being taken to the clinic."

Shana glances at her and winces. "You might have to go to the Alpha floor for your brother, Darian is not here." She tries to tell her as happily as she could but it just comes out as a grimace - she wouldn't be surprised if the other Werewolf's phone rang now.

A jingling sound startles them both, cutting short Deidre's response. She glances down at it to see that it's her mom calling. "I'm sorry, I need to take this."

"It's fine…" Shana waves away to her, worry back on the nurse's, she couldn't handle the lack of information, as soon as she was done here she would find her way up the stairs.


Renee watches Dia step away to talk to her daughter, they are currently in Renee's apartment.

…she needed to call Yanis….

It would hurt him if he were to hear the news from some other source, she would have preferred to tell him while she could see him so she could physically restrain him if he tries to blow his cover to go after Hayden, she wouldn't put it past him.

"Hi, Yanis." She says solemnly into the phone.

As usual Yanis' radar picks up all sorts of signals. "Renee? What's wrong? Where's Hayden?"

Renee winces at this, remembering again why she wanted to tell him this face to face. It was just like his thoughts to go straight to his friend.

"He's…" Renee starts to say then she shakes her head, she didn't want to lie. "Let's just say a lot happened since you left for the bookstore this morning, can you come back?" She asks carefully.

Yanis starts off like he wants to say something then he changes his mind and hums. "Sure, I'll be there in a while." He mutters.

Dia wanders back at this point, her eyes bleak.

"How did she take it?"

Dia's response is a big sigh. "I don't know, she went quiet after I told her, only saying that she would take the rest of the day off." Dia said, getting up to go to the kitchen. "She'll be here in a little while."

"Yanis too…" Renee says wearily, her phone ringing.

She looks down and sees that the notification is about the strawberries she ordered and tears well up in her eyes, she really hoped they were both okay.

"They will be." Dia says in a firm voice and Renee realized that she had said her worries out loud.

She responds to her older sister's texts, Candy was currently discussing with Jaxie.

Virgil and Dale hadn't wanted the involvement of the authorities and Candy had agreed with that but she was trying to arrange for the law to do a clean up so there wouldn't be a repeat of what had happened.

Deidre shows up first, Renee offering her arms to the young girl who looks a little lost.

"Where's my mom?" Deidre asks when she sits beside Renee, resting her head on Renee's shoulders.

"Here." Dia is quick to say, coming out from the kitchen with a steaming tray. "I changed my mind about the tea, Ren." She says in a soft voice, carefully placing the tray on the table. "Chocolate would do better to comfort us."

They quietly sip their drinks, a clock ticking in the background, hearts heavy.

It doesn't take long for Yanis to show up, looking horrified. "What the fuck?" He mutters to himself as he's let in into Renee's apartment like he was still trying to make sense of things.

"Meet anyone?" Renee is quick to ask him, walking into his open arms that he had reflexively put out.

"Just Jaxon, Virgil's office was empty, Jaxon told me where they went…" He says quietly, offering comfort to Renee.

Renee, who is just relieved that Yanis hadn't blown his top off and was actually handling things a whole lot calmer than she had been expecting.

It perhaps helped that they already had the promise of their location or it wasn't just that and Yanis would be level headed in chaotic situations like this.

"I need to go help out Jaxie." He says after a while, a vein ticking on his jaw.

Renee nods. "Is Alex still there?"

"No." Yanis mutters, leaning forward to kiss Renee's forehead and bow as politely as he could to Dia and Deidre before making his way out.

Deidre blinks in realization. "Dad?"

"Oh yeah…" Deidre says I'm a quiet voice. "In the hubbub of everything I almost forgot, your dad is Hayden's father…"

Deidre's sharp gasp cut her off. "T-that means… oh my…"

"Yes, you're half siblings."

Yanis nods to Renee after this, stepping out stiffly.

She hoped he would be okay, knowing him, he would probably insist to tag along when they went to get Hayden and Dream back.

"Come on, Ren." Dia invites her back to the seat from her spot by the door. "They'll be fine."

"I hope so…" 

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