Final Chapter 🌸

Lake crouches at one end of the big bright room, quietly playing with a toy truck, he hadn't been able to keep up with his twin and cousin who were currently drifting through the room, seeming to have the time of their lives.

Most of the nannies had gone on a break, the one left had her earphones and was distracted by their phones, sounds like disaster brewing.

When a couple kids walk up to him, the middle kid looks way too big for his age.

"That's mine." He says gruffly, dark eyes in little slits that glittered with trouble.

Lake was confused, Aunt DD had given him the toy truck, it couldn't belong to the kid claiming it was so he ignored them, quietly driving the truck around.

The big kid steps forward, bending down to snatch up Lake's toy.

He gets up in surprise, his confusion intensifying when the middle kid shoves him so hard he bounced off the wall with a cry, falling to the ground and clutching his arm.

Lily hears his voice from across the room, her head swivelling like a beacon had been sent out, she catches sight of her twin on the ground, some people gathered around him, one kid had his leg up like he wanted to kick him and she had seen enough.

With an outraged yell she dashes across the room, Sunshine looking up from where she had been absorbed in showing Lily a doll which she had been assembling.

She didn't even stop to think, taking off after Lily.

Lily was faster though, getting to the spot where Lake in no time, the big kid had already landed the kick and was going for another when Lily launched himself at him tackling him to the ground with a yell, her eyes flashing gold.

The big kid - he was technically their age - was just bigger than his age without advantages, he threw Lily off him, she hit the ground hard but got up with the rebound - she fought harder with her twin anyway.

Lake didn't like to incite trouble but hitting his sister in his opinion was one of the few things that made him do just that, he charged at the big kid and in no time, it was an all out brawl which ended as expected, Lily and Lake smacking around the big kid.

A small crowd had gathered to watch, the single nanny still oblivious.

Sunshine had come up and hung back, they didn't need her help.

They were the Alpha's children so it was no surprise that the other kids had been trying to establish dominance, she had to deal with that when she first got to the daycare at her Pack House.

They hadn't been outrightly physical with her but they had made her pretty miserable, well until she told her Papa, then came the bat and she's going to say that nobody bothered her after that.

The other kids, seeing that their leader was down, froze up but the number difference encouraged them to go after the twins.

This was the perfect situation…

Sunshine had been itching to use her bat on someone, she hurried to the shelves where her backpack was and made her way back.

"Get. Off. My. Best. Friends!" She snarls, swinging her bat with hidden strength.

It was made out of packed foam so it was harmless really but the little girl made it into a lethal weapon so it stung with each hit, making the attackers shie away with whiny cries.

The rest of the nannies return to this chaotic scene, it had easily turned to a fight of Lily, Lake and Sunshine against the rest of the daycare, only few refused to participate, preferring instead to watch from the sidelines.

Deidre nearly drops the bag in her head when she walks in. "Oh my God…" she mutters in horror, quickly bringing her phone out to call up their parents.

The rest of the nannies to to come and stop the fight going on by holding back the twins and Sunshine but they weren't having it, Sunshine sinks her teeth into the arm of the lady holding her, dropping on the ground with a roll and going after the kids again who scatter at her presence, running away.

Lily and Lake easily wiggle free and do the same.

She had gotten the text from Dream to call the Alpha's if anything went wrong so she called Dale up first.

Dale picks immediately, patting Mints big head which was resting on his leg. "Hey, DD…"

"Hi, yeah… I'm going to need you to come down to my Pack House's daycare…" She tells him shortly.

Dale quickly catches on, already hopping to his feet, cursing under his breath. "Yeah, I'll be right there."

She does the same with Virgil who winces but also makes his way down.

They bump into each other in the hallway.

"I'm almost terrified to get there." Dale mutters.

"Double that for me." Virgil adds.

They get in to see the entire daycare in chaos, the majority of the pups there were running around screaming bloody murder while their children were chasing after them…

Dale squints, was… was his daughter holding a bat?


The nannies were also going after them so it was one big circle.

"Thank goodness you're here." Deidre hurries to them, waving her hand in the general direction of the room.

Both Alphas step inside, the nannies screeching to a halt as well as the children, only their kids didn't slow down.

Dale immediately scoops up Sunshine before she could smack someone with her bat, her eyes going wide when she recognizes her daddy.

"Hi!" She beams at him, chubby fists still tightly holding her bat even as she heaved, breathing heavily.

Virgil snatches up his kids as well and they're quick to apologize, carting them away.

"What have your Papa and I told you about fighting?" Virgil was already scolding them as they made their way up the stairs, he easily carried them.

Lily crosses her arms in anger, Lake looking worried about her as usual.

"But dad, it's not our fault." Lake blurts out. "I didn't do anything and that kid grabbed the truck Aunt DD gave me and pushed me…"

"He also kicked him." Lily adds, still a concentrated bottle of unchanneled rage.

Virgil listens, he's surprised to hear Lake piece so many words together at once, he rarely did that.

"Well that only means one thing." Virgil starts, his stern tone not changing.

"Ice cream." He announces when they get inside the apartment, Apple sashaying out.

"What?" They both say in surprise. 

"Why?" Lily adds, narrowing her eyes up at her dad.

"Why not? Just the three of you beat up the kids in the daycare, that deserves ice cream." He says, placing them down.

"You're not mad at us?" Lake frowns, sharing a skeptical look with his sister as they follow their dad to the kitchen where he gets bowls out of them.

"Well, fighting is still very wrong but it was in self defense so it's legal." Virgil shrugs, piling their bowls high with the sweet condiment. "I'm not arguing with the law."


"I don't know why I feel like shit has already gone down." Dream mutters when they get back in the car.

They hadn't spent very long sight seeing before they both talked themselves into heading back, it wasn't because they were worried about their children but the realization that their happiness was where their kids and mates were.

Hayden had been surprised when Dream had told him that he and Dale were planning on having another baby, Hayden couldn't relate but he was excited for Dream.

"Because it most likely has." Hayden replies, getting in the car as well.

They say their goodbyes at the parking lot, Hayden going into his Pack House and Dream doing the same, the Werewolves milling around quickly to exchange pleasantries with their Luna's…

Dream walks in to find Dale sitting in the living room, Sunshine fast asleep in his arms.

"Welcome home, Honey." He whispers with bright eyes.

Dream comes over to kiss his forehead and his daughter's wincing when he sees her clutching the bat that his mate doesn't know about.

"You bought our daughter a bat?" Dale exclaims as soon as pleasantries are out of the way.

"I can explain…" Dream starts to say, slightly nervous.

"That's so cool!" Dale tags on, his fangs flashing as he grins. "You needed to see her smacking kids twice her size around…"

Dream relaxes visibly at this, smiling softly as Dale starts to ramble…Some things would never change…

"Come on, let's put her to bed…"

The sun was just setting so most likely she would be up at midnight again, dashing through the house with Mints.


Hayden gingerly let's himself into his home, wondering what he would come to meet, he's surprised to see them seated on the couch and having an intense and colorful conversation with their dad, Lake saying the most.

He's also the first to catch his Papa's scent, his head swivelling around in that direction.

He hops off the couch immediately, dashing for Hayden with yells of 'Papa!' his twin sister follows suit.

Virgil gives his mate a gummy smile, watching as their children nearly topple him to the ground in their enthusiasm.

The sun was setting, the sky going dark but there was enough love to keep the room lighted, there was enough love everywhere, you just had to open up your heart to it, open up your heart and then you would find love in the little things.


I feel so sad and yet my eyes are dry, maybe it hasn't sunk in yet, I wish I could keep this book forever ongoing, it's going to be weird going through a day without writing a chapter about my lovely characters.

Now, enough about me, if you've got to this point... Thank you.

I almost quit writing but you guys made me believe in myself again. (wipes eyes... Aish, here comes the waterworks)

I love you all, I really do and I'm proud that I was able to get to this point, with the story and with all of you.

Thank you so so much (✿^‿^)

I'll also miss you guys (ugly crying) the comments and the overall support, it's absolutely priceless.

• Additional Information.

Yes, about the side stories, there has been a little bit of change in plans, I initially wanted to make a new volume and just keep going but due to a couple things that I have no power over, sadly that has to change.

The first side story to be written will be completed first before I'll put it out, it wouldn't be as long as the main story so completing it shouldn't take very long.

It will most likely be put on a different app though, I hope that wouldn't put you at a disadvantage.

When the book is complete and uploaded on the new platform, I'll post a chapter with a sneak peak of the new book so keep an eye out.

This is definitely not the last goodbye although I will be taking a break from Webnovel for a while... Dear goodness me, this has turned to a monster of an Author's note, whoever will read this?

Bai Bai everyone (≧▽≦)

Lots of love.

Aryna ❤️

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