"You couldn't even light up a single Pillar! You are a disgrace to our clan" a vague figure shout.

The vision shift toward another vague figure, the figure opens its mouth " You are just a piece of trash, you don't belong here"...

Suddenly many other figures appeared and start shouting.

"Yeah get out of here"

" get out of here"

"get out of this place"

"you don't belong here"

"Please stop, please" a cry loosen from the lips of the person as he grabs his head with his hand.

Suddenly all the sound vanished. The person who seeing this slowly open his eyes just to let out a breath of relief. However, he noticed many figures of kids standing all around him and looking toward him with disdain in their eyes.

His body shook slightly when he saw the figures. The figure in the very front open its mouth "what are you doing here you piece of shit"

The figure suddenly lifts his leg and start kicking the person seeing this. Following the first figure, other figures also start kicking.

"What have I done wrong! Why are you guys doing this to me" however even after his pleading no one stopped but it increases even more.

"Please stop, pleaseeeee" A person suddenly open his eyes as he starts huffing and puffing for breath. After noticing what he just saw is a dream he calm his heart.

Then he noticed he sweating profusely even his bed has become wet. However, he wasn't shocked because it's not the first time, he has experienced this many times and he believes it's not the last time.

He decided to get a shower however before he can leave his bed someone knocks on his door.

"Noah, you piss of shit get out. I will count to three. If you don't come out I'll break your one limb for each Second" an angry shout came from outside.

Noah easily recognised the voice. His name is Tian song who always Search for a reason to beat him up. He's knocking on the door means only one thing he came here to beat him.

With a sigh Noah open the door he saw 5 to 6 people waiting outside of his door. Just by seeing their gaze Noah understood their intention is bad. However, Noah can't do anything after all he is not a cultivator like them.

"What take you so long" "slap". A slap sound Resounded as Noah start to felt a burning sensation in his cheek.

He touches his cheek and lowers his head slightly to hide his red eyes. No this is not because of pain. His eyes become red in anger he is feeling right now.

However, all he can do right now is gulp down all the anger. Heaven is unfair with him. He is untalented he wasn't even able to light up a single Pillar.

"Why are you looking downward?" Tian said with a smile on his face. Currently, he is feeling better than before. However, he wasn't satisfied yet.

He cannot forget the humiliation he felt. He needs to let out all the anger he is feeling and for this, there is only one person who came to his mind, Noah.

Noah a boy Whose Cultivation speed is even lower than a snail or it could be said he doesn't even have any Cultivation. Sometimes he doesn't understand why the sect let him join. However, he is grateful toward the sect. Because of the sect, he can always let out his anger.

Noah looks toward tian with a forced smile face and opens his mouth "Brother Tian, what have I done wrong".

Noah knows very well if he doesn't smile this guy will use this opportunity and beat him.

"I don't like your smile" as soon as he finished his word Another slap sound Resounded. Noah felt a burning sensation on his other cheek.

However, tian didn't stop there he punches Noah's abdomen. Noah wasn't prepared for this at all. Even if he was prepared he wasn't able to stop it at all.

After getting hit in his abdomen Noah fall to his knees, drops of tears fall from his eyes as he felt the pain.

He can only blame his luck for not having the talent to cultivate. However, he didn't lose hope and believes his time will come.

At this moment a voice comes to Noah's ears "Before I come back I this road should be clean if I see anything In the road this day will be your last day in the sect".

After saying this Tian and other disciples who came with him left slowly. After the sound of footsteps completely vanished Noah slowly stood up. He looks toward the place where tian and others figure vanished and he grit his teeth and clenched his fist.

He opens his mouth and said to himself " I'll give everything back with double the interest"

However, no one knows when Noah will be able to do that.


"Brother Tian, it seems you have found a good punching bag," said a person among the people walking with tian.

"Brother it's very satisfying. Every time I need to vent anger I come to him. You know what more satisfying, he doesn't even dare to resist at all". Said tian with a smile on his face. He knows how much fun he felt every time he beat Noah.

"Than brother, I love to borrow your punching bag sometime," said a person with a laugh.

Other Also make the same suggestions as they walk. That they will come here to vent all of their anger.

However little did they know what they are thinking will never happen.


Noah takes the broom in his hand and starts cleaning the road. He has to clean half a kilometre road before the sun fully rise. It's his job as a working disciple of the rainbow sect.

( Guys english is not my first language. I'll try my best to give you guys a good story)

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