But before Noah could say something a voice came to his ears. " Today is the day of happiness, I wish all of you stay with us to celebrate, after all if you guys were not here we wouldn't have been able to stop the horde"

" Please Don't say no" City Lord isn't the only one who came to stop Noah and others from leaving, since they want Noah and others to attend the victory party.

" What do you think?" Miss Qiao asked Noah. However, Noah didn't open his mouth. He doesn't know if it's a good idea to stay a night here after all he has a bad feeling.

" Thanks for your invitation, City Lord, but we cannot stay here anymore, since other objectives here are fulfilled . We have to return to the sect and report this matter. And more importantly it's not safe, please clean this up" said Sia as she pointed her finger toward the dead body's of the beast Lying on the ground.

" I understand, but why don't you guys take a short rest before leaving, after all the Battle was so exhausting, this must have drained all of your strength. Until you regain your strength , no one knows what is waiting for someone, it's safe not to be sorry". Said the city Lord.

Hearing the city lord's word everyone Looked toward Noah.

" Okay let's take a rest, we will depart after a short rest " Noah swiped his gaze all around him to get others approval, and everyone approved. After all they are indeed exhausted, as for Noah It's not a problem for him.

Even though Sia doesn't want to stay here anymore and head toward the sect, what City Lord said is something is very true thus she also agreed.

As everyone turned around to leave Noah felt 4 massive energy approaching their way. It wasn't long before sia and City Lord also felt the same.

" Is there someone else coming from the sect?" the city lord asked Sia, thinking that few powerhouses had been dispatched from the sect.

Sia pounder for few seconds,she tried to guess but in the end she felt this people are most probably from the sect,as for they are good or bad they will be able to tell that after they came here,after thinking all of this she give her answer " I don't know, maybe they are from the sect dispatched after we left"

Both of them weren't able to guess who these people are and why they came here, but one thing they know is there are a total of 4 of them and these people are far stronger than them.

"Miss Qiao, you return to the city with others, we will wait here to see who is coming" said Sia, since she doesn't know if these people are friends or foe. But it was too late. Before they could move all of them felt suppression on their body. As soon as this happened a frown appeared on their face.

At this moment Four figures appeared in the sky and looked down towards the place where Noah, Sia, and City Lord and others are currently standing. 1 of them has Short hair as for the other one has long hair and Short Beard, One is totally bald and has a clean face as for the last one he has a big mustache and a sword on his waist.

In the next second Noah felt an invisible energy trying to see through everything he had, but in the next second another invisible energy blocked the figure's energy and stopped him from doing it. Seeing this the figure made a surprised face as he noticed Noah looking toward them as well.

" This kid is not suppressed" thought the elder to himself.

" Is this the brat?" the figures with bald head pointed his finger toward Noah as he asked.

" Yes," answered the man in the front with Short hair, this is the man who get order from the peak elder to Come and take care of Noah.


" Miss, Sia, do you know them ?" Asked the city lord Since he cannot see through the power of these 4 individuals and this four figure after coming didn't say a single word to them. And needs to confirm one thing and that is if these people are here with good or bad intentions.

" T-they are from the Chu family," said Sia with a trembling voice. She understands why these people are here, but there is nothing she can do right now because she is not their opponent after all.

"Chu family, one of the three great families, that is better, since they are from the sect, I should go and arrange a place for them" City Lord who has no knowledge about the rising conflict between 3 great families said this.

" Shut up" said one of the individuals in the sky. Hearing this City Lord shaken a bit, It's not the voice out the killing intent releasing from their body that give him chill.

" Girl you there, aren't you a disciple of Jessica, you came here without any guards!" one of the figures opened his mouth and with a light smile on his face, it's not like this elder is asking but he is mocking sia, even though she could have but she didn't, he is mocking him because of how stupid she is and her decision.

However, Sia didn't answer and asked a different question, " Elders, may I know why four of you are here?"

Sia Asked with a serious expression as she gave a glance toward Noah and the city lord. City Lord isn't a baby, he understood there is something wrong here, it's a hint.

" Senior, please don't just stand here, it's not a good place, why don't you all come inside the city and have a talk over a cup of tea" said the city Lord as a bid of sweat appeared on his forehead.

However, the figure in the sky totally ignored the City Lord. As one of the elders opened his mouth. " Brother, isn't this kid challenge our young genius Tiag, if something happened to him it will damage our clan reputation"

" It's an order from the Patriarch, we cannot disobey" said the man in front.

" Then what are we waiting for? We should get started already, we should kill everyone from the city as well," said the bald person with a smile on his face as In the next second 4 fireballs manifest In the sky, " destroyer flame fireball" he said to himself.

Sia and City Lord take a step back hearing this. " These bastards are trying to kill everyone," Noah thought to himself.

", City Lord, don't blame me, if there is someone you need to blame then blame this brat, because of him you guys are going to die" said one of the four figures.

" Mommy look there" hearing her son cry the mother Looked toward the sky and noticed 4 balls of fire in the sky. These 4 fire balls are so big all the people from the city noticed them, none of them have any idea about what's happening.

In the next second all the 4 fireball glow even brighter.

" Elders, please listen to me, there is no need to do that, I am sure there Is another way", said sia to stop the elders but there was no reaction from the Elders.

And in the next second two of the four fireball move from their place and rushed toward the city as everyone get panicked.

" This bastards is trying to kill us" Sia thought to herself as she looked toward Noah and shout, "Noah run"

She herself knows what she Said don't have any logic since it's impossible to get away now. But that's only for her, but Noah who is stronger then herself is a different story since he can take down monsters that are in the 3rd layer Master rank.

" Fuck, they are going after the city, if I go to save the city I won't be able to save Sia and the city lord, if I stay here than all the people in the city will be burned to ashes"

" Think Noah think"

" No I can't risk the people I know for the people I don't know, I am not a saint " as Noah hesitating to make a decision he felt two energy entering his area and 1 is moving toward the city, seeing this a smile come to his face.

" KID, IT'S TIME YOU DIE " as the figure in the sky said that the remaining fire ball moved and descended toward that place Noah correctly is.

Noah released his spiritual energy as he covered the city lord and Sia and himself and others three with it so they don't get hurt. It's just a necessary thing step he took since he don't know if Those two will be able to stop this Elders.

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