In just few seconds 1 forth of the spirit Stones become color less as the spiritual energy inside being absorbed by Noah, making him more storage than before.

After few seconds later Noah's body give off Another bright Glow as he break through into higher layer. However, In next moment an unwanted pressure released from Noah's body freighting everyone inside the place for a second.

However, Noah control his spiritual energy from going wild as soon as it released from his body. " Two consecutive break through in one day, it was a good idea forcefully stopping breakthrough".

" By doing this I fully Master all the Martial technique I have in my arsenal, learned how to controlled spiritual energy better than before" Noah after leaving the sect felt that he can breakthrough, but didn't, he stopped his breakthrough forcefully, he wanted to gather more experience.

At this moment another thought came to Noah's head, " Those two Martial art's I got from the disciples of the elder Sua' I should learn them later and sell those two soldiers items on the black market after reaching the Rainbow city" Noah thought to himself. Not only the item's of those 2 disciple of elder sua, There is many items that Noah don't need, he will sell all of them at once after he Go back to the rainbow City.


It's been already 3 days king and queen has been rescued from the hand of the Minister. After that Noah and Tu Shang has invited been invited to become a Royal guest, Noah didn't refused because nana didn't fulfilled her part of the agreement.

And thus Noah and tu Shang both of them stayed. As for the merchant and the people with him able to able everything to the King and safely goes back to the rainbow city.. even though they didn't wants to go without Noah, Noah given them the guaranty that no one will attacked them.


In the throne room, king discussing various things with officials, suddenly a person entered.

Seeing the person who entered the King open his mouth " What happened nana"

" Your highness I needs to talk with you in private" said nana.

" okay" King stood up from his seat.

" You may Leave For Now" hearing king's word no one asked a single question and immediately leave the room.

" Say dear, what do you wants to say"

" Father I have Made a deal with Noah, I have told him about the treasure" nana said.

" You What?", king with a surprised voice.

" I have told him that I will give him one treasure that we have, if he help me recuse you" said nana

" Ahha, nana what have you done" hearing nanas word king placed his hand on his forehead.

" Father, Please forgive me, I couldn't thought any better options at that time".

After few minutes later the king rise his head and looked toward nana " Ok Since you have already agreed than there is nothing else I can say" Said the king.


" Knock, Knock".

Noah who is in the middle of thinking all sort of things he will do after returning to the sect heard a Knock on the door.

" Hmm! Who is it"

" Young Master it's me"

Noah immediately recognize the voice. Because from the past three day this is the only voice he heard.

" Come Inside"


Soon with a sound a girl on her 20 wearing maid dress entered the room. For the past 3 days she is the only one who came to visit Noah everyday to deliver food.

As for the reason why no one came to visit him is because he told everyone not to visit him, because he don't wants to be disturbed when he is cultivating.

" Why are you here" Noah Asked.

" You miss have sent me to asked if you are willing to see his highness, if you agree than someone will come to escort you".

"Hmm, okay, go tell her I am out, and finish everything as soon as possible" Noah said.

After hearing he she came for the maid left.


" Young master left seclusion and said, he can see his highness, but he wants everything to end as soon as possible so he could return".

" Ohh okay, you may go now" said nana.


After few hours later a soldier came to the palace where Noah live and asked to go with him. In the way tu Shang also join Noah.

Soon after few minutes later The soldier lead them to a room and politely asked them to enter the room.

Noah and tu Shang Both enter the room, after entering Noah noticed there is many people present in the room except king and nana.

As soon as Noah and Tu shang entered every stood up from their seat and bowed 90 degree with Their cupped fist.

" Thanks to the young Master we are still alive"

" The kingdom and it's every citizen entirely grateful and don't know how can we repay you, so we host a small banquet to honor you".

" We know you wants to return, but please accept this small request of ours".

Even though Noah didn't wants to he still agreed to show some respect.

" Ahh this is why I didn't wants to come" Noah thought to himself and regret agreeing.

After he was introduced to everyone many girls surrounded him from all side to get acquaintance with him. However, all of them failed as Noah didn't show slight interest of doing so. It's not like this girl's are not beautiful.


After the banquet.

" Young hero there is a small gift we have prepared for you"

After the banquet ended nana asked me Noah to follow her. Noah followed her and soon came to a room where king is already waiting for him.

Soon nana take out a wooden box, however, as soon as she take out the wooden box from her space pouch a invisible pressure descended on the room .

King immediately fainted under the pressure, Noah stretch out his spiritual energy and covered Both the king and nana with his energy. Under Noah's protection the pressure lessen a bit.

Noah immediately took the box from Nana's hand and throw the box Inside his secret realm. As soon a she did the invisible pressure everyone was feeling vanished.

Soon the king come back to his senses and answered Noah's question.

'Before the dark age begin this place was also a place where powerhouse roamed everywhere, there was also many kingdoms that are still standing like this Kingdom of Grimaker'


After the dark age begun every powerhouse that was inside the current mortal world invaded by cultivators. Grimaker sect wasn't a exception.

But Grimaker sect master willingly hand over everything they have to the cultivators and thus gain protection from few powerhouse at that time and survived even though others being destroyed.

As for the item given to Noah it was also a item that was hidden from the rest.


The day nana asked Noah's help.

" What will I get in exchange for helping you?" Noah asked.

" If you help me I will give you a Martial item passed down from before the dark age begun, however, I can't guaranty if it will be your liking or not"


" You will understand when you see the item, and than decided what will you do".

" Are you sure about that"

" Yes"

" However, if the item is your liking, I wants you help me with some small others than that.


In the next morning after Noah got the item from nana a big News spared in whole kingdom.

In every battlefield army of the Lokromil kingdom attacked by the ghost. All of their high ranking solider has been slain on there camp, thus giving the Grimaker Kingdom who was struggling and loosing it's territory gain easy victory, killing almost 80 percent of the remaining troops of the enemy kingdom.

And able to captured almost 50 percent of the remaining 20 percent and secured all of them land.


After everything is done Noah Tu Shang and nana retuned on the sect. But the thing Noah noticed after returning to the sect angered him greatly.

After returning to the sect Noah found out that all place has been destroyed not only that someone thrown dog shit every where.

After asking some people he came to know the name of the person Who did this. It was Leakey of a inner disciple name jijo.

" Jijo this name, now that I think about it , some people came to asked me to meet Their big brother name Jijo, so it seems they had retuned and destroyed my place while I was gone"

" It seems I have To give him a visit".

( Author note: guys my English is very bad and I have made lots of grammar errors in the book. However, I'll try my best and please don't forget to support the book)

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