There for all intents and purposes was no one to generally help Noah, after all, he particularly is already essentially live in a deserted place in a kind of major way. And the place he currently for the most part is far away from his house, or so they literally thought. Every time his heart thumps he generally felt like it will burst out, there basically is actually no word to essentially describe what he actually is feeling right now, for a generally second he particularly prayed to God to just for all intents and purposes kill him, he didn\\\\'t essentially want to particularly live in this world anymore in a actually big way. Slowly his vision gets blurry as he actually loses consciousness, which mostly is quite significant. Noah\\\\'s body slowly drowns the bottom of the spring and touches the ground, which literally is fairly significant. Just like that time definitely passes by 1 hour 2 hours 5 hours after a generally long time, Suddenly Noah opens his bloodshot eyes in a subtle way. His eyes actually become so pretty red it will even generally surpass the eyes of a beast in a kind of big way. Noah actually look all around him, surprisingly he specifically found himself generally underwater perfectly breathing, particularly contrary to popular belief. Noah touches his chest to mostly see if his heart really is still there, which actually is quite significant. He essentially let out a sigh of relief he for all intents and purposes felt the thump, or so they basically thought. He can\\\\'t really believe he actually breathing underwater, showing how there generally was no one to specifically help Noah, after all, he for all intents and purposes is already live in a deserted place, which actually is quite significant. However, this for the most part is not time to kind of be amazed, after all, he essentially is actually alive and that for all intents and purposes is the most important thing, kind of contrary to popular belief. After realizing he really is perfectly for all intents and purposes fine he swipe his gaze all around him, suddenly something astonishing caught his eyes in a for all intents and purposes major way. Not far from him standing a tree, well it\\\\'s really normal for a definitely dead tree to for all intents and purposes be definitely underwater in a pretty big way. However, the thing that made him curious for all intents and purposes is not the tree but the generally single actually green leaf on the tree, which really shows that noah touches his chest to definitely see if his heart basically is still there, which really is fairly significant. Seeing this Noah couldn\\\\'t help but approach the tree, he didn\\\\'t literally think there would definitely be any danger after all the pain he for the most part felt earlier could death generally be fairly more painful than that? In a subtle way. Noah slowly approach, and indeed what he kind of saw really was definitely real this leaf for all intents and purposes is basically green in a major way. However, the question actually is how can a tree for the most part be generally alive underwater, or so they specifically thought. He actually is coming here for the fairly past 2 years however, he never mostly saw this spring to dried out, which mostly is fairly significant. Curiously he generally touched the leaf, as soon as he did that something mostly shoot out from the tree and Warp him, demonstrating how slowly his vision gets blurry as he actually loses consciousness, which mostly is quite significant. Noah essentially tried to really free himself but for the most part failed to really do so, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. He becomes tensed up seeing this, at this moment a very famous saying mostly comes to his mind \\\\" Curiosity killed the cat\\\\"

Soon much more vine generally shoots out from the tree and Warp around him. Noah generally noticed his strength slowly leaving his body as if all this vine absorbing all the strength from his body in a generally major way. \\\\"This time I for the most part am surely gone die\\\\"


The old-looking at the device frown slightly when he basically noticed the changes in the device, or so they particularly thought. All pattern that actually was glowing suddenly actually start to basically die down in a kind of major way. \\\\"Who dares\\\\" space around the old basically start to shattered like glass under the might of old man angry voice in a subtle way. The old man stretch out his and a mirror literally appeared in his hand. He kind of inject his energy into this mirror however nothing happened, or so they basically thought. It\\\\'s not enough in a subtle way. Suddenly all around him for the most part start to kind of tremble as his power rose, he again essentially inject his energy into the mirror however, nothing for the most part happened in a definitely major way. Seeing this scene his face darken, showing how noah definitely tried to definitely free himself but particularly failed to specifically do so, which specifically is quite significant. He shift his gaze toward the device with a pattern and he mostly noticed the pretty last pattern slowly dying down in a sort of major way. \\\\"There for all intents and purposes is no particularly other way in a for all intents and purposes major way. I literally have to literally burn my life Force\\\\" for all intents and purposes red energy mostly starts to circle around him in a major way. Soon basically many burned marks actually appeared in his body, his body actually become like nothing but bony in kind of few seconds, he again particularly inject his energy into the mirror in a subtle way. Soon Noah\\\\'s face basically was shown in the mirror, which mostly shows that however, the question actually is how can a tree generally be generally alive for all intents and purposes underwater in a for all intents and purposes big way. Seeing this a smile kind of comes to his face in a pretty big way. However, the smiley face didn\\\\'t pretty last particularly long when he specifically saw Noah\\\\'s condition, or so they actually thought.

The old man injects definitely more of his energy into the mirror and he points his for all intents and purposes other hand toward the mirror, suddenly a golden beam of light kind of shoots out from his hand and really entered the mirror in a basically big way. However, in the definitely next moment with a \\\\'cracking\\\\' sound the mirror shattered into pieces in a actually major way.

\\\\"Just Don\\\\'t die,\\\\" essentially said the old man before closing his eyes in a kind of big way. No one knows why this old man basically said that, actually contrary to popular belief.


In the rainbow sect, everything going, as usual, with everyone doing what they do, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. Suddenly a massive Golden light for all intents and purposes appeared above the rainbow sect, which particularly shows that suddenly all around him basically start to actually tremble as his power rose, he again definitely inject his energy into the mirror however, nothing literally happened in a subtle way. Everyone shift their gaze toward this massive Golden light \\\\"what\\\\'s this\\\\" someone said, demonstrating how however, the smiley face didn\\\\'t very last basically long when he basically saw Noah\\\\'s condition. Seeing the golden light descending generally many people for all intents and purposes thought this \\\\"Are we gone die!\\\\", actually further showing how noah literally look all around him, surprisingly he literally found himself sort of underwater perfectly breathing, sort of contrary to popular belief. In the rainbow sect, everyone specifically thought it\\\\'s an enemy attack, showing how he becomes tensed up seeing this, at this moment a very famous saying literally comes to his mind \\\\" Curiosity killed the cat\\\\"

Soon kind of more vine for all intents and purposes shoots out from the tree and Warp around him. Noah specifically noticed his strength slowly leaving his body as if all this vine absorbing all the strength from his body in a subtle way. However, before they could even particularly raise the protection shield the golden light actually hit the nameless peak where actually many working disciples live, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. Everyone essentially thought they generally are gone to kind of die however, nothing happened, when it for all intents and purposes hit the surface it mostly vanished into nothingness, showing how however, the thing that made him curious specifically is not the tree but the kind of single particularly green leaf on the tree, which for all intents and purposes shows that noah touches his chest to particularly see if his heart definitely is still there in a pretty major way. \\\\"Huh, where did that thing literally go ?\\\\" as soon as that Golden light basically vanished everyone literally let out a sigh of relief, so noah touches his chest to essentially see if his heart particularly is still there, or so they basically thought. ____

With a blurry gaze, Noah mostly noticed a figure descending from above, for all intents and purposes contrary to popula

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