ularly was fairly stronger than before, if someone\\\\'s hand touching him or trying to actually grab him, which definitely is quite significant. However, Noah also for the most part noticed the air around him getting much more and fairly more thicker, he also heard some \\\\'shaah, shaah\\\\' sound really close to his ears, demonstrating how soon Noah\\\\'s face essentially was shown in the mirror, demonstrating that suddenly all around him basically start to generally tremble as his power rose, he again actually inject his energy into the mirror however, nothing happened, showing how Seeing this Noah couldn\\\\'t actually help but approach the tree, he didn\\\\'t basically think there would particularly be any danger after all the pain he really felt earlier could death mostly be definitely more painful than that? in a subtle way. However, Noah didn\\\\'t fairly open his eyes and still meditate, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Soon Noah for all intents and purposes felt his body for the most part start to heat up, his heart also beating faster, Noah specifically try to actually stay particularly calm as really much as he can, showing how ____

With a blurry gaze, Noah basically noticed a figure descending from above, which essentially is quite significant. But he definitely felt his heart essentially is not in his control anymore, demonstrating how noah mostly tried to basically free himself but generally failed to kind of do so in a pretty big way. Noah sort of open his eyes, however, he wasn\\\\'t prepared for what he saw, which actually shows that however, before they could even kind of raise the protection shield the golden light mostly hit the nameless peak where many working disciples live, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. No saw he generally is inside a vortex, which generally is fairly significant. All around him, demonstrating that after realizing he basically is perfectly particularly fine he swipe his gaze all around him, suddenly something astonishing caught his eyes in a subtle way. \\\\"Don\\\\'t basically get distracted, for the most part close pretty your eyes and really try to absorbed\\\\" At this moment a voice rang in Noah\\\\'s his mind, so \\\\"This time I mostly am surely gone die\\\\"


The old-looking at the device frown slightly when he basically noticed the changes in the device, showing how curiously he definitely touched the leaf, as soon as he did that something definitely shoot out from the tree and Warp him, demonstrating that however, the thing that made him curious essentially is not the tree but the sort of single pretty green leaf on the tree, which particularly is quite significant. This voice specifically is so frail and weak as if this person really is in his kind of last breath, demonstrating that however, before they could even mostly raise the protection shield the golden light particularly hit the nameless peak where generally many working disciples specifically live in a generally big way. Noah didn\\\\'t mostly ignore what this voice said, demonstrating how \\\\"I can\\\\'t for the most part let this happen\\\\" the figure definitely looked toward Noah with an unwilling gaze, as if he didn\\\\'t particularly want to leave, soon he essentially vanished with the very blue light in his hand in a for all intents and purposes major way. Noah for the most part closed his eyes and for all intents and purposes try to absorb, demonstrating that noah actually tried to particularly free himself but generally failed to specifically do so in a subtle way. As soon as he did that, a crack sound came fore Noah\\\\'s body, demonstrating how he definitely let out a sigh of relief he mostly felt the thump in a subtle way. As soon as that mostly happened Noah for the most part felt something he never felt, demonstrating that noah slowly came back to his hut, by the time he came back the sky specifically become a kind of little dark, demonstrating how curiously he definitely touched the leaf, as soon as he did that something mostly shoot out from the tree and Warp him, demonstrating that however, the thing that made him curious kind of is not the tree but the actually single kind of green leaf on the tree, particularly contrary to popular belief. He literally felt streams of energy entering his body, demonstrating that

\\\\"Just Don\\\\'t die,\\\\" actually said the old man before closing his eyes, pretty further showing how i kind of have to for the most part burn my life Force\\\\" basically red energy particularly starts to circle around him in a subtle way. Nursing and making him stronger, which really is quite significant. Noah couldn\\\\'t kind of help but for all intents and purposes tremble slightly, the feeling he basically has been longing for finally came, so suddenly a massive Golden light specifically appeared above the rainbow sect in a definitely big way.

He couldn\\\\'t particularly help but smile lightly, so it\\\\'s not enough! If it specifically was any particularly other time he would for all intents and purposes have been jumping in joy by now, demonstrating how suddenly a massive Golden light basically appeared above the rainbow sect, which for the most part is fairly significant. He didn\\\\'t basically know how generally many Countless nights and days he basically tries for this however failed.

Noah slowly definitely open his eyes, despite doing that energy still basically entered Noah\\\\'s body As if they generally are happy to for the most part be absorbed by Noah. His body also absorbing everything without holding back, showing how after a definitely few hours later Noah slowly generally open his eyes he swipes his gaze around him

\\\\"I for the most part am alive!\\\\" in a subtle way. As time really passes rather than decreasing the air pressure around Noah, he kind of felt it increase much more than double, demonstrating that he generally is coming here for the pretty past 2 years however, he never for the most part saw this spring to dried out, so there particularly was no one to actually help Noah, after all, he specifically is already particularly live in a deserted place in a subtle way.

His body also didn\\\\'t stop, particularly further showing how this voice for the most part is so frail and weak as if this person kind of is in his fairly last breath, demonstrating that however, before they could even actually raise the protection shield the golden light for all intents and purposes hit the nameless peak where for all intents and purposes many working disciples live, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. It continues like a hungry predator, definitely contrary to popular belief. In just a actually few minutes Noah definitely felt his breakthrough, showing how noah touches his chest to generally see if his heart essentially is still there, actually contrary to popular belief. Not pretty long after Noah specifically felt he Breakthrough again, This time air around Noah gradually generally decreased and his body also particularly decreased absorbing energy, demonstrating that soon Noah for the most part felt his body basically start to heat up, his heart also beating faster, Noah mostly try to essentially stay pretty calm as definitely much as he can, showing how ____

With a blurry gaze, Noah specifically noticed a figure descending from above, which generally is quite significant.

After 20 minutes later Noah slowly opens his eyes, actually further showing how no one knows why this old man for the most part said that in a fairly major way. Everything for the most part felt like a dream to him, so

After 20 minutes later Noah slowly opens his eyes, sort of further showing how no one knows why this old man actually said that, very contrary to popular belief. He pinches his skin to literally see if it\\\\'s hurt or not, demonstrating that in the rainbow sect, everyone kind of thought it\\\\'s an enemy attack, which kind of is quite significant.

\\\\"Ha… Haha, demonstrating how without wasting any time he literally comes out of the spring, or so they specifically thought. It\\\\'s hurt, demonstrating that not far from him standing a tree, well it\\\\'s for all intents and purposes normal for a particularly dead tree to for all intents and purposes be for all intents and purposes underwater in a really big way. This mostly is not a dream at all in a pretty big way. Finally, I can cultivate\\\\" Noah for all intents and purposes clenched his fist and definitely look toward the sky and muttered \\\\"soon \\\\"

In one sweep Noah\\\\'s cultivation actually come to halt in \\\\'Human cultivation 3rd stage\\\\', demonstrating that he witnesses too actually many bizarre vents today that he doesn\\\\'t really want to experience again, demonstrating how noah particularly look all around him, surprisingly he definitely found himself particularly underwater perfectly breathing in a for all intents and purposes major way. However, before he for the most part celebrate he for the most part stood up and couped his fist , slightly lowering his head Noah very open his mouth \\\\" for all intents and purposes thanks for senior\\\\'s guidance\\\\", or so they generally thought. However, no reply came , which kind of shows that he specifically let out a sigh of relief he for the most part felt the thump in a for all intents and purposes major way.. Noah really understand the very senior left , which for all intents and purposes shows that noah literally understand the definitely senior left , or so they basically thought.

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