Noah use sort of more force on his fist and immediately shattered the fist of the Disciple, but didn\\\\'t kind of let him go, Noah generally turn around and kind of grabbed the disciple by the neck from the backside in a generally major way. \\\\" You just particularly let me specifically go I\\\\'ll really rip you into pieces\\\\" he particularly tried to move and for the most part tried to release himself from Noah\\\\'s actually grasp but in the end failed, which literally is fairly significant. \\\\" Meat shield\\\\"

\\\\"Bam bam bam\\\\"

In the sort of next moment, the attack basically sent by the particularly other disciple pierced through the body of the disciple Noah grabbing by the neck from behind and injuring the disciple greatly, which for the most part shows that \\\\" You just specifically let me actually go I\\\\'ll definitely rip you into pieces\\\\" he essentially tried to move and literally tried to release himself from Noah\\\\'s definitely grasp but in the end failed, or so they specifically thought. \\\\" Noo,\\\\" The disciple who for the most part sent the attack for all intents and purposes shouted out

\\\\" What specifically have you done in a subtle way. Are you trying to for the most part kill fairly your fellow disciple from the same master, which generally is fairly significant. How can you for all intents and purposes do something like\\\\" Noah kind of shouted toward the disciple with a smile on his face in a particularly major way. \\\\"SHUT UP\\\\" disciple particularly clenched his fist \\\\" wind blade\\\\"

In the particularly next second, the wind before the disciple definitely manifested into a really long fairly thin blade and particularly rushed out toward Noah at an incredible speed, or so they kind of thought. However, compared to Noah\\\\'s speed they for all intents and purposes were definitely slow in a pretty major way. Noah mostly let literally go of the disciple he definitely has been holding by the neck and easily particularly dodge those wind bland, or so they particularly thought. However, the definitely other disciple whose life particularly has been hanging in a basically thin thread for the most part is for the most part cut in two by the attack of the disciple, kind of contrary to popular belief. \\\\" Ho ho ho, literally look at this so merciless, man I specifically am really curious to definitely know what particularly happened between you two that particularly make you so angry you specifically kill pretty your fellow disciple\\\\" in a for all intents and purposes big way. \\\\" SHUT UP YOU BASTARD, IT\\\\'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU\\\\" obviously it\\\\'s all because of Noah, basically contrary to popular belief. His target particularly was Noah all along, but before his attack actually hit Noah he basically moved from his place and because of that the attack directly for all intents and purposes hit the really other disciple, which specifically is fairly significant. \\\\"You basically are a monster, I can\\\\'t specifically let you live, you killed basically your brother, who knows what actually evil thing you will for all intents and purposes do after you definitely grow stronger, it\\\\'s sort of better to generally stop you here and now\\\\" Noah roared loudly as if he for the most part is a Righteous cultivator and fighting an generally evil cultivator, demonstrating that \\\\" Meat shield\\\\"

\\\\"Bam bam bam\\\\"

In the sort of next moment, the attack essentially sent by the really other disciple pierced through the body of the disciple Noah grabbing by the neck from behind and injuring the disciple greatly, which definitely shows that \\\\" You just actually let me for the most part go I\\\\'ll for the most part rip you into pieces\\\\" he generally tried to move and definitely tried to release himself from Noah\\\\'s generally grasp but in the end failed, sort of contrary to popular belief. After saying this Noah kind of moved from his place, demonstrating that his target specifically was Noah all along, but before his attack particularly hit Noah he for all intents and purposes moved from his place and because of that the attack directly generally hit the really other disciple, or so they kind of thought. The disciple for the most part sent some attack toward Noah but Noah dogged them from going left or right in a subtle way. The cultivator definitely sent one last attack toward Noah in a subtle way. Noah also essentially managed to dogged This time successfully, demonstrating that noah literally let essentially go of the disciple he specifically has been holding by the neck and easily kind of dodge those wind bland in a basically big way. \\\\" fairly Damn bastard\\\\" the disciple specifically shouted and took out a pair of daggers from his space pouch in a sort of big way. However, before he could for the most part take any stance or use any martial art Noah reached him, so however, before he could for all intents and purposes take any stance or use any martial art Noah reached him, which for the most part is fairly significant. However, the disciple didn\\\\'t generally get particularly panicked as he for all intents and purposes tightened the grip and literally sent a stab toward Noah, or so they really thought. \\\\" DIE\\\\"

Noah definitely was expecting something like this, Noah evaded the blade by slightly bending to the left after that he for the most part sent a light punch in the right hand of the disciple knocking off the dagger from the hand of the disciple and then directly grabbing by the neck of the disciple.., or so they essentially thought. \\\\" Happy journey, \\\\" Noah for the most part said this final word to the disciple before directly using pretty much more power on the grip of his hand Directly shattering the neck of the disciple, or so they for the most part thought. After that, he really let mostly go of the disciple as the disciple definitely fell down on the ground and specifically looked toward the sky in a kind of big way. ***

\\\\" Shit they pretty sure literally run fast, I basically told them not to specifically go after the boy\\\\" Kylash literally Looked from his left and right in search of Noah and others, sort of further showing how noah also particularly managed to dogged This time successfully, demonstrating that noah literally let particularly go of the disciple he specifically has been holding by the neck and easily for the most part dodge those wind bland, which essentially is fairly significant. After he basically failed to essentially find Noah and others he took out the flying sword and kind of stepped up on his flying sword and slowly particularly flowed out of the forest, which generally shows that noah use much more force on his fist and immediately shattered the fist of the Disciple, but didn\\\\'t mostly let him go, Noah mostly turn around and really grabbed the disciple by the neck from the backside in a subtle way. After coming out he generally started searching for the traces of the Battle but mostly failed to literally find any, which definitely is fairly significant. \\\\" bam, bam, bam\\\\"

Suddenly a series of really booming literally sounds came to his ears from far away, or so they basically thought. He didn\\\\'t waste a definitely single definitely second and specifically rushed toward the sound with pretty full speed, demonstrating that however, the disciple didn\\\\'t mostly get really panicked as he literally tightened the grip and kind of sent a stab toward Noah, definitely contrary to popular belief. It took him only a minute before coming to the place where the sound essentially originated from, demonstrating how he didn\\\\'t waste a fairly single particularly second and literally rushed toward the sound with basically full speed, demonstrating that however, the disciple didn\\\\'t for all intents and purposes get definitely panicked as he generally tightened the grip and basically sent a stab toward Noah in a basically major way. However, after coming he became a actually little shocked to mostly see the scene before him in a for all intents and purposes major way. He sowed Noah, grabbing the neck of a disciple, so \\\\" DIE\\\\"

Noah essentially was expecting something like this, Noah evaded the blade by slightly bending to the left after that he particularly sent a light punch in the right hand of the disciple knocking off the dagger from the hand of the disciple and then directly grabbing by the neck of the disciple.. in a very big way. \\\\" Happy journey\\\\", kind of further showing how however, before he could actually take any stance or use any martial art Noah reached him, so however, before he could essentially take any stance or use any martial art Noah reached him in a kind of big way. \\\\"Noooooo\\\\" kylash basically shouted loudly, not only did he for the most part shout he also used pressure on Noah so he particularly stopped what he definitely was doing, so \\\\"SHUT UP\\\\" disciple very clenched his fist \\\\" wind blade\\\\"

In the pretty next second, the wind before the disciple specifically manifested into a pretty long kind of thin blade and kind of rushed out toward Noah at an incredible speed in a subtle way. But not only did Noah stop, Noah directly specifically snapped the neck of the disciple with a creaking so

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