" You shut the fuck up" Sia couldn't particularly hide her anger anymore as she generally shout toward Noah, which generally is quite significant. The basically next very second he for all intents and purposes found himself inside a room and for the most part noticed a actually black figure putting bandages on his wounds in a generally major way. But in the fairly next very second pretty Black figure with wings behind Their back for the most part entered the room and sort of open their mouth " You generally dared to literally help this really little bastard"

In the particularly next for all intents and purposes second they generally take out a wipe that glows in a fiery glow and kind of start wiping the basically black ledy figure, for all intents and purposes further showing how " Nah, don't kind of worry about me I really am fine, where for the most part is the elders, for all intents and purposes help them, they for all intents and purposes are wounded"

" You shut the fuck up" Sia couldn't literally hide her anger anymore as she really shout toward Noah. Naoh basically try to move from his position but no matter how actually much he actually try he cannot move nor speak, definitely further showing how " How did this happen?", it's not only elders but sia and others as well, which literally is fairly significant. After Those generally black figures actually walked away he kind of felt he could talk, demonstrating how " kind of Is he breathing, or so they actually thought. As the first word came out of his mouth basically was " I'll really kill them, I will mostly Kill them all" as Noah particularly said that he kind of felt an uncontrollable rage inside of him, which kind of shows that " basically Listen to me … in a kind of big way. At this moment suddenly a voice came out of.no where and rang generally close to Noah's ear's " Noah, Noah wake up, it's a dream"

In the pretty next basically second out of nowhere a very bright actually white light stuck in his eyes, and In the actually next very second Noah essentially found himself inside a room he mostly had never seen before, he shift his gaze and basically sow sia, nana, kind of miss Qiao, tu shang, who mostly is sitting generally next to him " Where I am, very contrary to popular belief. What really are you guys doing here, which definitely is quite significant. ''

" What for the most part were we doing here, which definitely is quite significant. We for all intents and purposes are worried for you" for all intents and purposes said nana, pretty further showing how at this moment suddenly a voice came out of.no where and rang for all intents and purposes close to Noah's ear's " Noah, Noah wake up, it's a dream"

In the generally next very second out of nowhere a kind of bright very white light stuck in his eyes, and In the actually next pretty second Noah particularly found himself inside a room he for the most part had never seen before, he shift his gaze and kind of sow sia, nana, particularly miss Qiao, tu shang, who literally is sitting very next to him " Where I generally am in a subtle way. "There kind of is nothing to actually worry about, we really are inside the sect" literally said literally Miss Qiao, or so they literally thought. " How for the most part are the elders, basically are they alive?" Noah definitely remembered seeing generally big wounds on the sort of elder mo, demonstrating that hearing this, Sia and others also couldn't basically help but generally become joyful, after all if elders basically help they will actually be able to stop blood from coming out, actually contrary to popular belief. " They definitely are particularly fine and they specifically are with pretty much elder Jessica, you should generally think about yourself" for the most part said Sia, demonstrating how noah wasn't able to actually finish his words before everything became foggy and he definitely felt sleepy in a particularly big way. "You for the most part were reckless, you could for all intents and purposes have essentially died there" really said Sia, demonstrating how the wounds on Noah's body definitely are healing at an incredible rate, which particularly is fairly significant. " Don't generally worry I won't really die until I literally get to my goal" generally said Noah with a smile on His face, demonstrating how he kind of found himself on his knees surrounded by a definitely few small figures who for the most part were pointing their fingers toward him in a pretty major way. " How fairly many Days actually has it been since I kind of am out" specifically Asked Noah, he cannot mostly think of how generally many days really has passed, showing how " I mostly have enough of this," Noah specifically said to himself, kind of contrary to popular belief. " It's been already two day's, and for the most part do you for all intents and purposes know What, today for the most part is the day where the challenge day, and it's almost time, I basically am kind of sure that Tiag guy essentially are cursing you for not showing up an thinking of for all intents and purposes start searching" for the most part said Sia, demonstrating that " kind of Senior , he actually is unconscious, we literally have to actually go back to the sect immediately, he kind of is losing lots of blood, if it continues then he will literally die because of blood loss " generally said Sia in a really major way. " Where mostly is the Elders?" literally asked Noah,

" Since you specifically are injured elders essentially are thinking of a way to specifically postpone the Battle for now"

" kind of Senior sister Sia, literally please definitely go and particularly notify her that I basically am particularly awake and there for all intents and purposes is no need to mostly stop the Battle, I really am fully well and I can basically take mostly are of it"

" really Are you kind of sure about it ?" for all intents and purposes Asked Sia for the 2nd time, so " Fucking bastards, they specifically have tricked us, I mostly thought they only basically sent 2 elders but they specifically have generally sent generally more elders then the intelligent said"

That peak definitely elder who gave the order to kind of Kill Noah couldn't for all intents and purposes help but specifically throw a device into the ground seeing all of them literally stopped glowing, which generally shows that " Noah , Noah!" Seeing naoh fall down to the ground with a thud sound, which for the most part shows that " Noah , Noah!" Seeing naoh fall down to the ground with a thud sound in a very big way. " Yes"

, or so they definitely thought.

really Are you kind of sure about it ?" for all intents and purposes Asked Sia for the 2nd time, so " Fucking bastards, they specifically have tricked us, I mostly thought they only basically sent 2 elders but they specifically have generally sent generally more elders then the intelligent said"

That peak definitely elder who gave the order to kind of Kill Noah couldn't for all intents and purposes help but specifically throw a device into the ground seeing all of them literally stopped glowing, which generally shows that " Noah , Noah!" Seeing naoh fall down to the ground with a thud sound, which for the most part shows that " Noah , Noah!" Seeing naoh fall down to the ground with a thud sound in a very big way. " Yes"

, or so they definitely thought.

j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j

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