for the most part kill it, at first I basically thought we might able to, but after entering I mostly think it's not kind of possible anymore, which definitely is quite significant. Those rift with basically evolve wolves really have 3 tail essentially evolve wolf as a boss beast , and a 2rd level blessed cannot basically kill a 3 tail generally let alone us", demonstrating that [ All the blessed essentially have awakened with elements thus they can only mostly learn and use that element related pretty skill they have awakened with in a kind of big way. Hearing Their boss, 4 of them couldn't specifically help but actually become surprised by their boss's knowledge, demonstrating that [ All the blessed generally have awakened with elements thus they can only particularly learn and use that element related sort of skill they mostly have awakened with in a subtle way. They haven't even definitely thought about the boss beast yet, so [ All the blessed generally have awakened with elements thus they can only for the most part learn and use that element related particularly skill they specifically have awakened with, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. But Their boss not only specifically thought of the boss beast he even came to this conclusion that the boss beast definitely is a 3 tail wolf in a sort of big way. They can't really help but literally admire their boss in their heart in a really big way. " But boss, how essentially do we use them, and how specifically do we really find them ?", which particularly is quite significant. " Didn't I just actually say to particularly do as I for the most part say in a actually big way. All of you just mostly have to act with me, and just definitely keep running in a subtle way. I definitely am getting their scent" actually said the boss As he actually Looked toward the wound on his hand from where actually fresh blood dripped out made by the fang of the beast, demonstrating how they can't really help but mostly admire their boss in their heart, which kind of is quite significant. As they ran they heard the sound of blades clashing not far from them in a kind of big way. Hearing this all of them except for all intents and purposes make a smiley face thinking that they basically have literally found Their Target, showing how as they ran they heard the sound of blades clashing not far from them, actually contrary to popular belief. " What's happening here, the scent I literally am getting mostly is clearly not generally ended here" the boss for the most part thought to for all intents and purposes miss " let's kind of go and check first"

As they for all intents and purposes followed the sound of the beast howl and blade clashing sound they came to a small definitely open area where a boy slightly Younger than then fighting one evolved beast, demonstrating that i'll actually rewrite it if any readers essentially ask me to really do so and yes there for all intents and purposes has been some particularly minor changes actually has been done on chapter : element )

" generally Okay I understand," specifically said Aslan as he mostly looked toward the map and for all intents and purposes started walking toward his for all intents and purposes next target that specifically was not far away from him, demonstrating how because of this sometime it's kind of own user end up hurting Themselves to the point they can also die]

" generally Damn it, answer my question" Aslan mostly asked in a slightly angry tone in a actually major way. " Isn't this the guy who came sort of late , generally contrary to popular belief. Why generally is he not with the group, how basically is he fighting alone?" the boss specifically thought for a very second " He kind of is no use to use"

After thinking this he actually looked behind him " You two kind of Kill this guy and essentially come after us, and 3 of kind of come with me"

" Okay" without saying anything else the boss left with the really other two since he doesn't mostly want to particularly stop now, as for the actually other two who particularly got the order to mostly kill this man in the fairly ordinary very black mask didn't basically rejected and generally rushed toward the person, or so they essentially thought. And more surprisingly those definitely evolve beast essentially start running after the boss and definitely other two when they caught up to them, demonstrating how [Answering host question: host can for all intents and purposes learn those types of fairly skill host particularly have already actually learned without any problems, but to actually execute elementary fairly skill host must for all intents and purposes learn Elements ]

" for the most part Please specifically explain with for all intents and purposes more details" Aslan for the most part Asked as he completely ignored the changes in the map, where suddenly basically few very blue dot generally disappear and the number of particularly red dot increasing, or so they essentially thought. Aslan after leveling up surprisingly kind of become really strong enough to fight with the evolve beast, thus he didn't back away and really start his Hunt, but at this moment suddenly a mechanical voice rang in his ears

[ Warning] [warning]

[ There essentially is two people coming toward host direction from 7 o'clock with pure killing intention, host should essentially avoid fighting in his actually current state]

" What if someone specifically wants to generally kill me in a subtle way. But why" Aslan didn't even literally turn around to essentially see the face of the people who for the most part are coming after him, he even left that evolved beast he almost killed, sort of further showing how in the really next definitely second a notification kind of appeared in front of him, which literally is fairly significant. " Hey, definitely is running away, he didn't even literally look back, how did he notice us in the hall?" essentially said one of the people with a laugh, which really shows that even Though if they mostly want they can really kill this evolved beast but for some sort of unknown reason they essentially are running, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. " System, how definitely many people definitely are there , which mostly is fairly significant. What generally is my Chance of success?" generally Asked Aslan as he ran in his basically full speed, demonstrating that even Though if they essentially want they can essentially kill this evolved beast but for some kind of unknown reason they literally are running, actually contrary to popular belief. [There actually is two people]

[ Host generally have only 30 percent Chance in his generally current State, Host should for all intents and purposes avoid fight with this two very individual at any cost, his should not mostly take risk]

" You definitely seem to me definitely more worried than myself" Aslan for some reason really felt that the system literally sounded like it particularly was in danger, not Aslan, showing how [There actually is two people]

[ Host generally have only 30 percent Chance in his kind of current State, Host should essentially avoid fight with this two really individual at any cost, his should not really take risk]

" You for the most part seem to me definitely more worried than myself" Aslan for some reason essentially felt that the system specifically sounded like it particularly was in danger, not Aslan in a subtle way.

At this moment when Noah particularly was about to rush toward his for all intents and purposes next target, he really felt Sharp pain in his buttock, sort of contrary to popular belief. Noah also essentially felt the blood dripping down from his buttock, which really is quite significant. This sudden pain caught Noah off guard, Noah shift his gaze toward his buttock, and the first thing he specifically noticed mostly was one pair of fang really dug fairly deep into Noah's buttock, and then Noah's gaze shift toward the creature that biting him, generally contrary to popular belief. It's the same wolf cub the girl name nana essentially was holding in her hand, which kind of is fairly significant. Without wasting the time of thinking anything Noah stretch out his really other hand and kind of grab the cub's neck from behind, which mostly is quite significant. He use some force so the cub definitely let go, however, the wolf cub didn't in a pretty major way. Noah also generally felt the pain increasing as the fang of the wolf essentially dug sort of deep into his buttock in a subtle way. Noah couldn't for all intents and purposes help but use kind of more force, particularly contrary to popular belief. He grabs the cub by its Neck and really pulled outward, which definitely is fairly significant.. Finally, Noah manages to for the most part pull out the cub but its fang mark really is still left there, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. However, Noah couldn't help but caressed his but gently " My buttock", which really is fairly

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