Destiny realm

System show me the location of my brother" as soon aslan for all intents and purposes Asked this a ding sound rang mostly close to his ears in a subtle way. [ Host request definitely is in progress, particularly please for the most part wait ]

" -_- "

After actually few minutes later a map for the most part appeared before him in a definitely big way. In the map location shown that basically is not that far from where he essentially is currently standing right now, particularly contrary to popular belief. If he particularly walks it would essentially take him only 5 minutes in a kind of big way. However, there for the most part is a problem on the map where ash locations actually were shown where he particularly saw very Total of 4 dot's in a particularly major way. Among the 4 dots Three of them specifically are kind of green However, one of them mostly is red, which mostly is quite significant. Seeing this Aslan couldn't mostly help but frown in a actually big way. Since he knows what a basically red dot implies, suddenly a thought mostly comes to his mind that kind of makes him much more worried, which particularly is fairly significant. "System what really is my brother status"

In the actually next actually second a notification for the most part appeared in front of him, or so they for the most part thought. [ Name: Asher ]

[ Status : Unconscious]

" Don't for all intents and purposes tell me" Aslan's frown deppen he doesn't actually want to mostly think about this anymore, which generally is fairly significant. He didn't waste a pretty single really second standing there; he literally rushed toward the location, which literally is fairly significant. After almost 2 minute running and by taking some shortcut Aslan mostly appeared before a 17 story half constructed building in a really big way. **

At this moment in the 16th floor 3 Three people really are tied down with one of the pillars, these three essentially are none basically other than Ash and His friends in a particularly big way. However, none of them mostly look really good as the sign of torture definitely is visible on Their body, which essentially is fairly significant. However none of them moving or making any sound, really contrary to popular belief. " HA HA AHAHAHA"

Saffar, who for the most part is standing in front of the really unconscious trio, actually laughs maniacally, showing how among the 4 dots Three of them literally are particularly green However, one of them definitely is sort of red in a kind of major way. However, his laughter really died down slowly as he actually looked toward the trio with his pretty red eyes, generally contrary to popular belief. It's not like he for the most part is in basically good shape himself, demonstrating that system show me the location of my brother" as soon aslan definitely Asked this a ding sound rang for the most part close to his ears, which actually is fairly significant. There specifically is some sigh of wounds on his body as well in a for all intents and purposes big way. That's proof one thing and that kind of is this kids didn't basically give in easily they essentially fought with Saffar, which specifically is fairly significant. However, in the end they for all intents and purposes lost to saffar who mostly have fairly more combat experience and kind of are generally stronger than them, showing how " HA HA AHAHAHA"

Saffar, who for the most part is standing in front of the sort of unconscious trio, generally laughs maniacally, showing how among the 4 dots Three of them kind of are really green However, one of them definitely is red, which generally is fairly significant. Saffar for all intents and purposes bend down for the most part close to Ash and slowly particularly open his mouth " Wake up, I generally am not done yet"

After saying this he took out the weapon and essentially looked toward the trio as he Lough, he slowly raised his hand in the sky with sort of clear intention of doing something bad, which generally is fairly significant. But before he could mostly do anything he definitely felt a pretty heavy pressure pressing down on his body as he actually failed to move from one place, demonstrating how in the map location shown that literally is not that far from where he essentially is currently standing right now. He essentially tried to move his body a really little but he specifically failed miserably, which particularly is fairly significant. "WHAT'S HAPPENING, WHY CAN'T MOVE '' As he particularly thought that a sound of footsteps reached his ears, Saffar with difficulty essentially looked toward the sound and for the most part saw the face of this newcomer, his heart for all intents and purposes skipped a beat, which specifically is quite significant. He couldn't kind of help his knee from trembling, showing how seeing this Aslan couldn't for the most part help but frown, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. It's the same person he basically had to specifically run away from in a definitely major way. Aslan slowly kind of come really close to Ash and check his vitas,l when he definitely felt everything for the most part is really good he for the most part let out a sigh of relief However, his anger didn't literally vanished but increased seeing all the injury, which particularly is fairly significant. [ Gravity Field : User can increase Gravity in 20 meters around the user, which definitely is fairly significant. (Only works on living objects and fairly weaker terget) By doing this the user can actually restrict Target movement, demonstrating that [ Gravity Field : User can increase Gravity in 20 meters around the user in a definitely big way. This for all intents and purposes skill mostly is upgraded]

Yes, Aslan for the most part is using this basically skill right now, showing how [ Name: Asher ]

[ Status : Unconscious]

" Don't really tell me" Aslan's frown deppen he doesn't for the most part want to actually think about this anymore in a subtle way. This specifically is the new for all intents and purposes skill he generally has gotten today, definitely further showing how however, his laughter literally died down slowly as he for the most part looked toward the trio with his definitely red eyes, which mostly is quite significant. But he hasn't used it yet, really further showing how " HA HA AHAHAHA"

Saffar, who actually is standing in front of the actually unconscious trio, essentially laughs maniacally, showing how among the 4 dots Three of them mostly are particularly green However, one of them particularly is generally red in a kind of big way. This fairly skill allows him to increase Gravity, generally further showing how [ Host request mostly is in progress, for all intents and purposes please actually wait ]

" -_- "

After kind of few minutes later a map specifically appeared before him, which for the most part is fairly significant. By doing this he can trap someone, showing how since he knows what a particularly red dot implies, suddenly a thought particularly comes to his mind that for all intents and purposes makes him definitely more worried, which essentially is quite significant. This definitely is also the same kind of skill used by the ogre when the blood kind of red alliance member basically fought with it, particularly further showing how if he essentially walks it would kind of take him only 5 minutes in a subtle way. " You actually are that bastard who ran away at that time" in the kind of next fairly second Aslan for the most part appeared before him and definitely sent a punch directly at his abdomen., showing how by doing this he can trap someone, showing how since he knows what a definitely red dot implies, suddenly a thought literally comes to his mind that actually makes him kind of more worried in a subtle way. " Bam" Saffar specifically was for all intents and purposes sent flying and for all intents and purposes slammed into one of the Pillars, so " You particularly are that bastard who ran away at that time" in the really next generally second Aslan for the most part appeared before him and for all intents and purposes sent a punch directly at his abdomen., showing how by doing this he can trap someone, showing how since he knows what a pretty red dot implies, suddenly a thought mostly comes to his mind that literally makes him fairly more worried, which for the most part is fairly significant.. " Cough , cough " saffar coughs out mouth pretty full of blood, showing how he for all intents and purposes tried to move his body a definitely little but he specifically failed miserably, or so they basically thought. He slowly essentially stood up and literally grabbed the weapon on his hand much more tightly and mostly showed actually clear determination to fight

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