" Y- yes master" kylash cupped his fist and after that, he took his leave in hurry. He doesn't want his master to wait.

After the footsteps of kylash completely vanished a crack sound Flow out of the room.


At this moment inside of Noah's room Noah with a disappointed look on his face turn over the last page of the manual...

" Just waste of time, I thought this must be incredible, but this is just a normal walking technique," Noah said to himself.

After reading the full manual Noah realizes this is just a normal walking technique to Conceal one sound of footsteps. At first, when he started reading he thought this could be as good as the first one but when he read half of the manual he came to realize this is just a walking technique nothing much but he didn't stop and kept reading in hopes of seeing something else. But unfortunately, it was disappointing.

After talking a long breath Noah calms down himself and takes out the 3rd martial technique he has. And after that without wasting a single second she starts learning the technique.

The more Noah read the manual the more he engaged in reading it. " it's not that bad" Noah commented In the middle of his reading.

After reading the Manual fully let go of the manual and take a long breath with a smiley face.

"Cultivating the 13 swords to perform 13 Slash, I should go to the Cultivation pavilion and learn this technique thoroughly, but before that, I should go and check something else, " Noah thought to himself

After that Noah sat down and closed his eyes and transferred himself to his secret realm.

After he open his eyes found himself standing in front of a tree. " What theee" Noah couldn't hide his surprise seeing the scene in front of him.

The tree is not like the same as the previous day. It becomes bigger than before its vine stretch out in a larger area than before. Not only that those leaf on the tree Are also become greener Than before.

Noah also noticed something else except this change of tree " why air is more denser than before??" in the past, he hasn't felt anything like this inside. After spending a few minutes inside of his secret realm he comes out of there.

" I have to change the house as soon as possible, the density of spiritual energy is very thin here" the palace he living in right now is one of the worst there is. Not only it is the worst the spirit energy density is also very thin. It is one of the worst places for cultivation.

If he was at human rank then this place would have been ok but he is not a human realm cultivator and a warrior realm cultivator. The spiritual energy he needs is much higher and pure than before.

On the way of going to the cultivation pavilion, Noah noticed Two people flow above his head with a flying sword. " I should also collect a flying sword and a flying technique for myself, " Noah thought himself.


At this moment two people around 30 years old wearing outer disciple outfits riding a flying sword over the outer sect. These two are the same people who flayed above Noah a few seconds ago.

Suddenly one of the disciples open his mouth, he has been waiting to ask this thing for some time by now but didn't get the perfect chance " senior brother what happened, why are we in such a hurry"

" Do you the person we call old man?" Asked the person called big brother.

" Yes, what happened, is this related to him," the other disciple asked in confusion.

" I heard old man is missing for few days and big brother found a broken token that belongs to the old man. And master himself also confirmed it".

" I see, but I don't understand why the situation is so tense up. Isn't he is just a worker ?" He knows this old man very well. In reality, he isn't that important figure to dispatch them. In Truth, he never respected that guy.

" Well, I don't know the full story, but I heard that the old man is the biological uncle of the master, and when our master was young he was the one who helped him the most. But I don't if this is real or not, even elder never confirmed this himself ".

"Ohh I see, but where are we going right now?" the other Disciple asked.

" In the north".

Hearing this the other disciple become a little puzzled and thought to himself what in the north " Brother that's the place where outer disciple live"

"Yes, that's where are we going".

After that, the other disciple didn't Ask anything else. There is no reason to, after all, he will know everything in a few minutes later anyway.

After a minute later both of them stop above a house at the very end of the outer disciple residence area. Both of them slowly descend in front of the house. After that, the senior brother stretch out his hand push at the door " He is not here, it's empty"

" What should we do now ?"

" We wait "

( Author note: guys my English is very bad and I have made lots of grammar errors in the book. However, I'll try my best and please don't forget to support the book)

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