There all also few other items aside from the sprit stone and Martial technique. However, Noah throw everything inside his space ring aside few swords. After that noah placed Those sword before him and start refining them.


" So, you are saying ..?" jango asked Laira with a astonished tone.

" Yah I sow it myself, but I don't think we should talk with him about this, He didn't publicly appeared"

" Yah that's, true, I never thought he would be the one" said Jango


The journey toward the mortal kingdom resume again in the next day and Jango and laira Asked for forgiveness to Noah for being disrespectful.

After total 25 days journey Noah and other reach the border of the mortal kingdom called Kingdom of Grimaker where the merchant will sell his items.

But stopped in the border of the kingdom and Asked for a pass. The Merchant showed the pass directly given to him by the king himself. However, when they sow the kings seal they behave weirdly, this thing has not gone unnoticed by Noah and others.

In the end the solider let the Merchant entered.


With their full speed it took them only 1 day to reach the capital, but things not that as they have thoughts.

There is a heavy atmosphere everywhere they look as if something big happened. All the citizen have somewhat fearful expression on Their faces and everything is somewhat quite.


However, before the carriage could entered through the main gate the carriage Being stopped. After that one of the solider shout toward the carriage and asked loudly for everyone to come outside.

Everyone slowly came outside hearing this with a surprised look on Their face. In Their long career no one from a mortal kingdom ever dared to talk to like them.

" sir, what's are you doing they are cultivator" one of the solider slowly reach out to the solider who told the merchant and other to come out.

Hearing this the high ranker solider slowly turn around and looked toward the other solider " Do you know better than me?" He Asked.

" N-no sir".

" What is you purpose of visiting the kingdom" than the solider asked.

" I am here to transfer goods". The Merchant said as he showed the a pass with a king seal on it.

" ok, you have already transferred goods, now leave them and go back to the place where you from came from".

" This goods are ordered by the king himself, this good can only be transferred to the king not anyone else" said the merchant. Even if a minister come and told him to leave the goods he will not do That. After all he is not doing here Charity if this people can't pay him he is go to other kingdom to sell the goods.

" Didn't I just told you have already transferred the good's". The solider said again with a displeased voice.

" Sir they are cultivator, they the power to destroy the whole kingdom" this time again the solider said this to the high ranking solider.

" Aren't they the same cultivator we have fucked up few Days ago, what is there to be scared of?" Said the high ranking solider.

" I am telling you for one last time, if you guys don't do want I am saying you will be captured for disrespecting kingdom low and will be punished according to the law" said the solider.

" AND WHO IS GOING TO PUNISH US" At this moments a voice come to everyone's ears. When they turn around they noticed a boy wearing a long Black dress with so red pattern one it.

" Who the fuck are dare to talk when two senior is having conversation, man size this boy". The solider shout.

The solider behind hesitated but still moved to capture Noah by the orders of Their high ranking officer.

But suddenly they felt instance pressure on their mind before they could understand what's happening all of them black out and collapse on the ground with a thud sound.

" Y-you what have you done to my people" the solider shout toward Noah as he unsheathe the sword on his waist.

"Kneel down immediately or I'll have your head rool on the ground, I am giving 5 second" the solider shout toward Noah without understating the gravity of the matters.

However, to his surprise Noah only smiled lightly. And in the next moment a huge pressure fall down to his body instantly crushing him on the ground.

In the next moment the ball in the city wall rang 6 time in a row.

Dong, dong, dong, dong, dong

Indicating that the capital is under attacked. After hearing this few citizens who were outside immediately entered their house and looked outside Where they sow the carriages pulled by horse making their way toward the royal place.


" I need a favor from you"

" WHAT" Noah Asked.

" Please help me rescue my parents who are imprisoned Inside the royal prison located Inside the palace".

" What will I get in exchange"

( Author note: guys my English is very bad and I have made lots of grammar errors in the book. However, I'll try my best and please don't forget to support the book)

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