Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1102: 1 Be sure to add chicken legs to the later stage!

Will rescued Elizabeth back to the Interceptor, and after learning that Jack was single, Gibbs had to choose to return according to pirate regulations.

Will also learned from Elizabeth that the pirates of Barbossa didn't want Elizabeth's blood, but their own blood.

The Black Pearl soon caught up with the Interceptor and launched an attack on the Interceptor. However, there was no ammunition on the Interceptor, so the pots and pans could only be used as ammunition and stuffed into the barrel as ammunition.

Elizabeth thought of a way to let the starboard side anchor, and at the moment of being overtaken, she turned the rudder sharply, and came face-to-face with the Black Pearl.

But where is the Interceptor a match for the Black Pearl? What's more, the Black Pearl was full of living dead, and they were not afraid of being injured at all.

The Interceptor was also blown to pieces.

Jack also escaped from the confinement room in the chaos and wanted to get the gold coin back, but Barbossa got the gold coin ahead of him.

Will also escaped from the Interceptor at the last minute and threatened Barbossa with his own life to let Elizabeth survive, and Barbossa agreed.

But Barbossa repeated the same trick again, taking both Elizabeth and Jack to the desert island where Jack had been exiled, forcing them to jump into the sea, and driving away the Black Pearl again in front of Jack.

Elizabeth always thought that the last time Jack escaped from the desert island, there was a different way, but in fact, Jack was able to escape from the desert island on the boat of a bootlegger. There was no legend or experience at all.

Knowing the truth, Elizabeth decided to save herself. She got Jack drunk, and then burned all the things that could burn on the island, so that the smoke from the burning of these things was discovered by the navy who searched for her, and then waited for the navy to come to rescue.

Jack woke up to find that Elizabeth had burned all the wine in the wine cellar, and was almost furious.

But the next second, Jack was slapped in the face, because the Navy really came.

Elizabeth asked Norrington to rescue Will on the condition of agreeing to Norrington's proposal, and Norrington agreed.

Will is also on the Black Pearl and learns the truth about his father's murder.

Jack took Norrington to the secret cave, and asked himself to negotiate with the pirates first, and lead them out, so that Norrington could wait and kill those pirates. Norrington agreed to Jack, but at the same time made an ambush at the entrance of the cave.

Jack rowed into the cave by himself and found Barbossa.

But at this time, Barbossa was preparing to execute Will to lift the curse on himself. Jack's arrival surprises Barbossa, as this is the second time Jack has escaped from a desert island.

Jack threatened Barbossa with Norrington, and then told Barbossa that he would cooperate with him and take the Dreadnought, so that Barbossa could make himself a brigadier general and become a big man.

But before taking the Dreadnought, Barbossa could not sacrifice Will in blood, because the pirates could only defeat the navy on the Dreadnought by relying on the characteristics of the living dead.

But in secret, Jack quietly hid an Aztec gold coin.

Barbossa was persuaded, and the pirates, relying on the immortality of the living dead, walked from the bottom of the sea to the bottom of the Dreadnought, and then climbed the Dreadnought along the side of the ship, killing the Dreadnought by surprise - because of the large number of troops, They were all arranged by Norrington to be ambushed near the entrance of the cave.

Norrington discovered that the pirates were stealing their homes, and hurriedly withdrew from the hole to rescue the Dreadnought, but in the face of this pirate who could not be injured or killed, the navy was no match at all!

Jack, who stayed in the cave, fought with Barbossa. Elizabeth also took advantage of the chaos to run to the Black Pearl and released Gibbs and others.

In the cave, Jack and Barbossa fought hard. Originally, according to Barbossa's settings, Jack could not be Barbossa's opponent, but Jack stole a gold coin before, and now he has become a cursed one. Living dead, Barbossa also has nothing to do with Jack.

The scene was so stalemate, but this fight was really exciting!

Under the moonlight, Jack and Barbossa were flesh-and-blood for a while, and cursed skeletons for a while. The smooth transition of special effects surprised the audience!

"Wow! This special effect is so realistic! The place where the moonlight shines is the skeleton, and the place that is not illuminated is the flesh and blood. With the characters fighting, with such a fast switching, there is such a smooth effect, this must be I want to add chicken legs to the later stage!"

"Fan Ge's movie special effects seem to be made by his own company, right? When I was in that animated film, I felt that Huaxia special effects stood up. Now when I look at this live-action special effect, I can only say that Fan Ge is really awesome! "

"I think this special effect alone is worth the return of the ticket price! For commercial films, it means watching the big scene, watching the special effects, and watching how the protagonist abuses the villain. Although in this movie, the abuse of the villain is not too obvious, but the three The protagonists are very powerful!"


Yes, this movie can also be called a group portrait, because there are three protagonists alone, and the villains have a high sense of existence. The key is that the special effects are all used on the villains. Captain Jack played by Lin Fan. , It was not until the end of the movie that I dipped a little light and rubbed a special effect.

But the three protagonists all have their own charms, especially the Captain Jack played by Lin Fan, who looks crazy and is almost the funny guy of the whole film, but at the critical moment, he played a huge role and let him His personal charm is on full display!

Just like at this moment, Jack and Will didn't even communicate with each other at all, they knew each other's thoughts, and they cooperated closely and put Barbossa together.

Will used his own blood to lift the curse of gold coins, and Jack ended Barbossa's life with the one-shot

On the Dreadnought, the curses on all the living dead pirates were also lifted at the same time. The pirates who lost their undead bodies were captured in an instant, and the navy won the final victory.

Of course, Jack was also taken back by Norrington, ready to be hanged in public.

At a critical moment, Will appeared and saved Jack's life. Elizabeth also took the opportunity to assist, allowing Jack to escape. Norrington eventually put Jack a yard too, putting him back on the Black Pearl.

Captain Jack Sparrow, will again drive his Black Pearl, in pursuit of his freedom at sea.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the ending egg, Barbossa's monkey "Jack", went to the stone box and stole a gold coin and turned into an undead monkey, which seemed to indicate that the story of Captain Jack did not end there. curtain.

There are even more magnificent adventures, waiting for him to open!


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