Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1104: Damn, that's only my ass!

As the saying goes, raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while, Li Xiaodong and the three of them have enjoyed the preferential treatment from the company for so long. Now that the company is short of money, it is time to send these three young men out to make money.

When Yang Hongxia was short of money, her whole person became particularly ruthless. Not only did she arrange a dense schedule for the three of Li Xiaodong, but she also forced Lin Fan to run the road show with the crew.

Lin Fan just wanted to protest. After all, in his previous movies, except for the first stage and the following movies, Lin Fan didn't have to be present at every roadshow.

On the contrary, if Lin Fan was present at every roadshow, it would bring unnecessary trouble to the live event.

Because Lin Fan's popularity is too high now, no matter what occasion he appears in, he needs to arrange various safety measures, traffic management, etc. in advance, and at the same time, it will also let the audience at the event focus on Lin on a person.

This goes against the propaganda purpose of the film.

Therefore, Lin Fan usually only attends the more important, large-scale roadshows to reduce the pressure on the on-site staff as much as possible.

But this time, Yang Hongxia refused directly: "Director Lin, we are short of money now. And the lack of money is because you are going on vacation, Director Lin. In order for the company to get back the funds as soon as possible, and to get back more money, this book You must bring the box office of the movie with you."

Of course, Yang Hongxia couldn't really let Lin Fan participate in every roadshow, because some roadshows in second- and third-tier cities really couldn't hold a Buddha as big as Lin Fan.

"I've arranged it for you. There are a total of six events in China, six or six Dashun. This number is very auspicious. They are all large-scale events in first-tier cities, and the event sites are all super large venues.

There are a little more overseas, 16 games. Mainly you have to make a trip to several big ticket warehouse cities. The overseas box office is not profitable. For so many years, overseas imported movies have made so many box offices in our movie market. It is time for them to spit it out. "

All in all, in the next month, Lin Fan will be very busy.

But Yang Hongxia is right. After all, she asked for an early holiday, which led Yang Hongxia to make a series of work adjustments, resulting in a situation where the studio's capital turnover is more difficult. Lin Fan felt that he had to be responsible.

And as Yang Hongxia said, overseas movies have earned box office in China for so many years, and now is indeed the time to give back to China movies.

Although I can't represent the entire Chinese movie, the box office victory of my own movie can be roughly equal to the box office victory of the Chinese movie!

This kind of use of foreigners' films to make money from foreigners has always been Lin Fan's favorite.

Plus: "For this overseas trip, you have to make a trip in person. This will help you release an album at the end of the year, and it should be used to warm up the overseas market in advance. Let the overseas audience realize that you are coming back, And then the official attack, the effect is much better than temporary publicity."

Of course, it also saves money.

Now the company is short of money, can save a little bit.

This time, Lin Fan couldn't find an excuse to be lazy, so he could only slump on the sofa, and replied weakly: "Okay, I see, Sister Xia, you can arrange it."

In fact, the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" is more popular overseas than at home. After all, some of the historical background, character design, and "curse" related content that the film involves are more in line with the aesthetics of overseas audiences.

The Chinese people's cognition and emotions about "pirates" are not so clear and strong, but they just think this is a very good fantasy adventure story.

But for certain regions, or groups of people, this movie is very similar to their history, and there are even places where the story of the Aztec curse is really circulating.

So the box office of this movie in these regions, like riding a rocket, skyrocketed. The arrival of Lin Fan with the crew also ignited the audience's greatest passion.

The locals even hosted a beach party for the crew.

A big bonfire party was held to express the welcome to the crew. Even Lin Fan was pulled by the locals and danced the local traditional dance around the bonfire.

Of course, the head is also wearing a hat, garland and other decorations with local characteristics.

Of course, assistant Xiao Wan was not polite at all. He directly picked up the phone, took a photo with a click, and then started recording a small video.

Xiaowan does not have the right to handle these materials, but will send them to the company's publicity department, and the friends of the publicity department will decide whether to publish them or not.

However, with Lin Fan's consent, Xiao Wan can also send these photos and video materials to Xia Yan for appreciation. Of course, if Lin Fan himself likes these photos and videos, Xiao Wan will also send a copy to Lin Fan. Otherwise, after sending them to his friends in the propaganda department, Xiao Wan will delete them directly, and delete them completely to avoid his own. The mobile phone information was stolen, or the mobile phone was lost and found, and the information in the mobile phone was accidentally circulated, which had a negative impact on Lin Fan's personal image.

It's just that Lin Fan didn't care much about this, because Lin Fan felt that he didn't have any photos and videos that he couldn't see.

At most, there are some shooting angles that are not very good, causing the face to be deformed a little. After all, Lin Fan is using the [Lens Expertise] plug-in. As long as someone takes a picture of himself, the plug-in will automatically respond and present the camera with a perfect angle.

Of course, sometimes there are too many people at the event, and it is impossible for Lin Fan to really take care of every shot, so it is inevitable that some so-called "ugly photos" will be taken.

But Lin Fan is not an idol who always wants to maintain a perfect image. The ugly photos are not ugly, and they are really not in Lin Fan's heart.

And Yang Hongxia, who is far away in China, also thinks this way: Lin Fan is a powerful faction, and he should show the audience his more versatile state.

As a result, the video of Lin Fan dancing with a bonfire outside the sea was soon included in the promotional materials of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and uploaded to the Internet, and within three minutes, he achieved a three-point click, repost, and comment. All over 100,000 achievements.

[Natural Entertainment King: Yeah! Fanfan is still having such a good time overseas? Overseas fans can, but they can actually pull such a lazy person like Fanfan to dance! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Although it is a simple circle, clapping and kicking, rounding up is also dancing! The last time Fanfan danced, was it during the draft? How many years have passed? 】

[Aunt Bohemian: In those days, Fan Fan could even dance. Well, I really want to know now, Brother Fan, with your old arms and legs, can you still dance? 】

[Chopping durian with bare hands: By the way, UU reading, you didn't see that foreign woman put her hand on Fan Fan's ass! ? Damn, that's only my ass! 】

------off topic-----

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