Although Lin Fan is lazy, he has never been lazy in two things.

One is to make money, and the other is to promise others.

Lin Fan felt that since he had already agreed to Yang Hongxia and accepted all her work arrangements until his vacation, then no matter how Yang Hongxia arranged it, he could only accept it.

Moreover, these jobs seem to be a lot, but in fact, they are evenly spread over a year and a half. After working, Lin Fan still reserves a lot of rest time and personal time.

The work planning is not so intensive that it is either in business every day, or it is so exaggerated on the way to business.

For example, for the promotional roadshow of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", Yang Hongxia arranged for Lin Fan to attend six domestic and sixteen overseas events, but he was busy for a month. After the film was finished, Lin Fan also There is nothing else to do.

Even from the moment the film was drawn, until the New Year's Eve this year, Lin Fan only had to do one thing, and that was to release a new album.

Now Yang Hongxia just added a concert in the middle.

It took almost six months, almost half a year, to release a new album and hold a concert, which is really not much work.

Even after busy with the new album and concert, Lin Fan still has several months to rest. Of course, Yang Hongxia hopes that Lin Fan can use this time to shoot the movie.

After all, at the speed at which Lin Fan made movies, maybe he could finish a movie in a few months?

Yang Hongxia thought so, and said the same to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan: "...Sister Xia, you really are, you can't see me taking a second of time, can you?"

Yang Hongxia began to take out her handkerchief and cried again: "Alas, the studio is short of money recently! Especially in the Honghuang Universe Theme Park, in order to save you from having to go abroad to shoot movies, recently they have been working 24 hours a day, working overtime. to build a sub-park with a magical theme.

This money is just like the flood water in the reservoir, it keeps leaking out! If the film can be filmed in advance and released in advance, wouldn't it be able to alleviate the company's current stretched financial situation?

Besides, if you made one movie this year, you will only have two movies left next year! Then after you finish these work, can't you give yourself a vacation in advance? "

Except for the money, Lin Fan didn't believe a word of Yang Hongxia's words: "I finished filming the movie ahead of time, can you really let me go on vacation early?"

Yang Hongxia vowed: "As long as you complete these work arrangements, I will never arrange other jobs for you before your vacation!"

Lin Fan was not fooled: "I'd better be a little busy next year, and it's good to be busy before the vacation."

Yang Hongxia is very sorry.

But soon Yang Hongxia put this regret aside, because the total box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" directly broke through a new high, reaching 4.5 billion! Beautiful knife!

If this is converted into Huaxia coins, it is 29.3 billion!

Add this number to Lin Fan's previous box office records, so the entire Chinese film industry directly declared autism.

He also said that in the future, if there is any news about the box office of Lin Fan's films, please don't send it to me again. Even if the box office results of my own films are not very good, I still want to live a few more years.

If you watch such exciting news every day, no matter how good your heart is, it can't stand this kind of torture.

#林凡, Mr. Hundred Billion!

#Hello! Lin Fan became the first actor in Huaxia to break the total box office of 100 billion Chinese dollars!

#Hello! Lin Fan became the first director of Huaxia to break the total box office of 110 billion Chinese dollars!

#Hello! Lin Fan became the first screenwriter in Huaxia to break the total box office of 110 billion Huaxia coins!

#Hello! Lin Fan became the first actor of Blue Star to break the total box office of 15 billion US dollars!

#Hello! Lin Fan became the first Blue Star to break $17 billion

The director of the total box office!

#Hello! Lin Fan has become the first screenwriter of Blue Star to break the total box office of 17 billion US dollars!

#"Pirates of the Caribbean" global total box office exceeded 4.5 billion US dollars!

On the day of the painting of "Pirates of the Caribbean", #林fan11000000000000, this topic has already set off a huge wave in the whole blue star, see clearly, it is the whole blue star, not just limited to the whole China.

Everyone fell into a night of carnival at this moment.

Everyone has always known that Lin Fan is very good, but they have never had a deep understanding. It was not until the last time when he won the title of Mr. 70 billion that everyone suddenly realized that Lin Fan was so good.

Now Lin Fan has once again been recognized by fans around the world because of "Pirates of the Caribbean", and even the total box office of all participating films has exceeded 100 billion, a number that is unmatched by all Blue Star actors. s!



Two numbers that are not very different, just adding the word "billion", it is not only a gap as small as 300, but a gap of two orders of magnitude.

100 billion, this is the sum of the total box office of a country in China in two or three years, and the sum of the total box office of all Blue Star in one year.

And this huge number was achieved by a young man after just a few years of hard work.

This is also why the entire Chinese film circle has directly announced that it has closed itself.

[Electric cars are really annoying: Hahaha, it’s so cool, my family Fanfan has actually become Mr. Hundred Billion! It's so cool, it's even more fun than when I was admitted to Wudaokou University! 】

[Twenty years of single-handed slowness in the mother's fetus: It's really cool, who would have thought that a little singer who debuted as an idol trainee would become Mr. Hundred Billion now! But Versailles upstairs is a bit low-level! 】

[Sister Bai Si can't ride: Hehe, in front of Lin Fan's achievements, don't play with your careful thoughts! Let me ask you a hundred years, no, if you give you a thousand years, can you earn 100 billion? Tell you, it doesn't work! 】

Lin Fan's fans are also in a carnival at this moment. Although everyone is a die-hard fan, his idol is so successful. He has grown to be so promising in just a few short years. There is really a kind of pig that I raised. Feels like you can make a lot of money!

The cultivation department is so hilarious!

[Mengmeng rabbit: Wow wow, UU reading Fanfan is really awesome, I hate that I didn't study hard at that time, and now my Fanfan has achieved such good results, I can only say one' That's awesome', no, I'm going to spread this message to every corner of the world! 】

[King of Tianshengyuji: Sister, although I am also very excited, I also want to express my inner excitement with a 'fuck', but what I want to remind you is that you don't need to spread it, Lin Fan has basically completed it now A well-known achievement, so, I am in Versailles! 】

[sa_sa: Oh oh oh oh, I feel like I'm reaching the top! 】

[Chopping durian with bare hands: What kind of words are these tigers and wolves! However, I am so hi, and I also feel that a 'fuck' is not enough to describe my mood at the moment, even, I feel that I have reached the peak and can't come down! In this world, only and only the general can make me so crazy! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: What are you talking about? Are we not talking about general achievements? 】

[King of Tiansheng Yuji: You guys, don't drive around here, it will ruin our cute family! 】

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