Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1119: "Youth Bao Qingtian" is online

With much anticipation, this drama finally went live on the afternoon of Magic Capital TV.

But this online time really made a lot of viewers scolded unclear: You are broadcasting in the afternoon, should I run to the toilet, or should I run to the corridor to peek for ten minutes?

Being discovered by company leaders, am I explaining that I am constipated, or that I am just looking for inspiration?

But there are also a large number of viewers rejoicing, because during this time period, they can occupy the TV alone, without having to rush to watch TV with others, how cool!

Wang Lingli belongs to that part of the group who can occupy the TV all afternoon, because during this time, her own mother is either sleeping in the afternoon, or going out to buy vegetables, and when she comes back, she has to prepare dinner for the whole family. , won't rob yourself at all.

But it's not enough at night. Mother Wang is busy with her day's work. Before she goes to bed at night, the TV series belong to her. Unless she goes out to find her little sisters to dance in the square, it is up to Mother Wang to decide which stage to watch.

Wang Lingli also fought, but under her own father's favor, she never succeeded. Over time, Wang Lingli simply gave up struggling and turned her attention to the phone.

Anyway, now Magic Capital TV also has its own online channel m-tv. It's the same if you want to watch any drama directly on the Internet.

Even if it is a popular episode of other TV stations, you can basically find resources on the Internet, so Wang Lingli will no longer fight for TV with her own mother.

Of course, no matter how cool the mobile phone is, it also has its own limitations. At least Wang Lingli feels that watching TV is more comfortable.

Now, Magic Capital TV has finally done a good thing. Putting this show on the afternoon show, I don't have to fight for TV with my mother, and I don't have to hold the mobile phone to follow the show, it's so beautiful.

Therefore, after lunch, Wang Lingli has been squatting beside the TV, waiting for the show to be launched, and then watching it as soon as possible.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the familiar opening song sounded. This ancient puppet suspense drama "Youth Bao Qingtian", which has been promoted for several months, finally officially aired!

Unlike on earth, Bao Zheng Bao Qingtian, a historical figure, is not so famous. The number of films and television dramas, folklore, operas and other works related to this historical figure is also relatively small, far less famous than another historical figure, Song Ci.

Song Ci is considered to be the ancestor of the top ten famous doctors in ancient China. The forensic field generally believes that Song Ci created the "forensic identification science" in 1235, so Song Ci is respected as the originator of the world's forensic medicine.

At the same time, many precious historical materials and folklore were left behind, which were later adapted into dramas, film and television dramas, etc. The film and television dramas with Song Ci as the protagonist were almost smashed.

But Bao Zheng, a historical figure, historical data, and folklore is very rare, so in modern times, almost no one takes him as the protagonist and shoots special film and television dramas.

Lin Fan checked the historical data of Blue Star Huaxia, and seriously suspected that it was Bao Zheng's political enemy, or the emperor at that time. He deliberately deleted Bao Zheng's relevant files and classics, which resulted in no reliable historical data being preserved.

But it doesn't matter, this is not a real drama, nor is it to do historical research. This drama is an ancient puppet suspense drama. On the material, make reasonable adaptations and creations.

The protagonist of "Bao Zheng" is only a carrier to drive the plot. The most important thing is the plot itself. For suspense dramas, the process of solving the case and deciphering is the most critical.

As for this case, it doesn't make much difference whether it is called Bao Qingtian or Wang Qingtian.

So when the title of the film was announced, many fans didn't know who this "Bao Qingtian" was.

But it doesn't matter, the ancient puppet drama, can you expect every character in the drama to have a historical prototype?

Of course, there are also more serious fans, who also went to check the information, and then in the comment area where the trailer was released by Modu TV, to explain to the audience who this "Bao Qingtian" is, what is his origin, and what did he do? matter.

Not to mention, the supernatural netizens really found a lot of Bao Zheng's information from the little historical materials, and combined with local chronicles and wild history, legends, and folk stories, they also put together Bao Zheng's life events. Out of an approximate.

Only then did the audience know: Oh, it turns out that this is a master case judge who is not afraid of **** and is upright and jealous of evil, and he is also an ancient famous minister!

But there are also netizens who are confused:

[Don't touch my baby fat: Since he is such a powerful character, why is there no story passed down? Look at Song Ci, there are not only various historical records, but also biographies, legends, and folk stories.

In modern times, a large number of directors and investors have filmed various film and television dramas based on Song Ci. Bao Zheng is a case-solving expert and a famous official. Why not? 】

[Looking back and smiling: History is a little girl who lets others dress up. Whoever wins can write history. Look at what those losers are written in the history books? This Bao Zheng, if it's not good, was deliberately deleted, because he did something that the emperor at the time didn't want to let others know. 】

[Most Wanted in Love: The one upstairs is a bit too conspiracy theory, maybe because this character is not so brilliant, so there is not much historical record? You must know that in that dynasty, there were frequent wars, maybe because of the wars, the data was lost, so it was not passed down. 】


Netizens' imagination and brain-filling ability are still very powerful. Just the historical prototype of Bao Zheng, without much historical data, is enough for them to make up an article of no less than 100,000 words.

Although this is all made up by the brain, no one knows what the real history is. They can only find some clues from the sparse historical records to piece together such a character image.

But for the drama "Youth Bao Qingtian", these brain supplements, these imaginations, and these wild speculations are all attention!

With a little guidance, you can convert this kind of attention from netizens into ratings. What a good thing!

As a result, the moment "Youth Bao Qingtian" was Magic Capital TV's ratings were stable and clearly rising.

And the audience sitting in front of the TV was also engrossed in the show.

At the beginning of the game, Gongsun Ce played by Lu Bingyang, with his beautiful posture, used three moves to break the legendary Zhenlong chess game.

As soon as the camera turned, an old man stopped a passerby who was holding a pig in the bustling street, saying that when the other party passed by his side, he lost his money.

But passersby didn't admit that he stole the old man's money, and asked back, "My pig also walked by your side. Could it be that my pig stole it?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind the crowd: "I also suspect that this pig stole it!"

Onlookers: ? ? ?

The audience in front of the TV: ? ? ?


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