Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1126: Although I would love to bounce

As a result, Lin Fan's fans waited for half a month, and none of the show officials announced that Lin Fan was invited as a guest. For a while, they were a little confused.

[Natural Entertainment King: What's going on here? Fanfan doesn't want to be on a variety show this time? Although it is said that Fanfan doesn't actually need to rely on other people's variety shows to improve the publicity of his new album, but it's still a little bit bad not to be on the show? 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: If you don’t go to variety shows, advertising alone can achieve the purpose of publicity, but the effect is definitely not as good as participating in variety shows, and the real business is good. After all, there are so many audiences for a popular variety show. The last episode was much better than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on offline advertising. 】

[Seeing through and not saying through is still a good friend: uh, sisters, have you ever thought about it, maybe it's not that you don't want to go to variety shows, but that you don't need to go to variety shows? For example, in the case of general and double bounced tickets...]


Bounce! ! !

Fans were shocked: This, this... It makes sense!

It's not the first time that Lin Fan has done this kind of thing, not to mention that the Earthman Studio didn't even specify the release time of the new album this time, so it's not a normal thing for Lin Fan to skip the ticket? ?

Moreover, Lin Fan has not yet selected a program to appear on, which is also a major proof that the album has been bounced.

As soon as this guess came out, it was like causing a turmoil in the fan base. Countless fans couldn't hold back and ran to Lin Fan's super blog, the official account of Earthman Studio, and even Xia Yan, Yang Hongxia, Xia Shaozhang, etc. Leave a comment under the person's account, begging Lin Fan not to bounce the ticket.

This movement was so big that the rumor of "Lin Fan's album bounced" suddenly hit the hot search list. When Yang Hongxia found out, tens of millions of netizens had already browsed the hot search. .

However, "Lin Fan's album has been bounced, why didn't I know?"

Not only Yang Hongxia didn't know, but Lin Fan himself didn't know: "Who said I bounced?"

I didn't even make up my mind to bounce the ticket, you already helped me make a decision?

Well, for the sake of your sincerity, then I will...


Yang Hongxia slapped heavily on the table in front of Lin Fan, and stared at Lin Fan tightly: "Take back your dangerous thoughts!"

Lin Fan sneered: "What dangerous thoughts can I have?"

Don't you just seriously consider the suggestions of fans and netizens? Moreover, I'm just thinking about it, I haven't made up my mind yet!

Yang Hongxia doesn't take this set: "No matter what you think, take it back to me anyway! If you don't participate in variety shows, don't participate in road shows, and don't do live-action publicity, I will follow you, but the release time of the album cannot be changed!"

You can't do this kind of thing!

If you dare to bounce the ticket, I dare not give you a leave!

It can be seen that Yang Hongxia is serious, but Lin Fan can only say regretfully: "I don't have any dangerous thoughts. The album will be released according to the established plan, and the title song will also be released at the scheduled time."

Yang Hongxia was very satisfied: "Then you can go online to clarify that you have no plans to bounce the ticket."

Lin Fan had no choice but to log in to his Chaobo account and posted a message:

[Lin Fan: Although I really want to bounce the ticket, this time I really don't plan to bounce the ticket, but if you continue to spread the false news that I want to bounce the ticket, then I will satisfy you? 】

Fans of Lin Fan: ! ! !


General Why do you want to meet us? Haven't you always been with us?

We don't need you to change, please be sure to continue to face us as always, please!

Fans quickly deleted the comments that they had just sent that contained a certain keyword, and also posted an announcement in the support club group to permanently list a certain keyword as a forbidden word, and no one is allowed to use it. Use it in front of panpan!

Duration: Permanent!

And Yang Hongxia also took advantage of the situation to spend a sum of money, deleted the hot search, and then said hello to the major media and asked them to help clarify that Lin Fan had no intention of bouncing the ticket.

At the same time, the release time of Lin Fan's new album's first title song was also announced, which suppressed the "Lin Fan's new album bounce" incident that caused a lot of uproar on the Internet.

[Earthren Studio: The first title song of Pange's new album will be launched at 0:00 on September 1st, all Bluestar will be online simultaneously, everyone can wait with peace of mind! 】

The netizens who eat melon watched a big show in the front row, and at the same time they also got the release time of the title song of Lin Fan's new album. a feeling of.

The fans were also stunned by this unexpected joy, and it took a while to react: September 1st! That's not just two months left!

The fans were so excited that they almost jumped three feet in the same place: in two months, the general new song will be heard!

Moreover, according to Fanfan, three title songs are prepared for each album, and then one is released a month. At the same time when the last title song is released, pre-sale of the new album will also be carried out.

The pre-sale period is based on one month - after all, the pre-sale period for the first two albums of Fanfan is one month, and the full calculation is in November at the earliest. If it is slower, in December, Fanfan's new album will be officially released!

In addition, Earthman Studios likes to show their new works in two movie schedules, the summer schedule and the Spring Festival schedule. If you are lucky, maybe after the release of the general new album, there will be a general new movie released!

It's really not that I don't know, it's all a surprise!

The fans were all caught up in their own unable to extricate themselves, and they were so happy that they almost fainted.

Little do they know that this brain supplement from the fans is not much different from the next plan of the Earthman Studio.

Yang Hongxia originally wanted to get back the funds as soon as possible, pressing her friends in the animation studio to finish the special effects blockbuster that had been done for two years before the end of next spring, so that she could log in to the summer program smoothly, and then make money for the studio. A box office.

In addition to this special effects blockbuster, there are two more films, which will almost be released next year. If the time is not enough, one for the Spring Festival, one for the summer, and the last one can be put on the Qixi Festival, National Day and other schedules, or later Wait a minute, by the end of the year, Yang Hongxia feels that she can accept it.

The main thing is to give the friends in the studio some time to breathe, so as not to squeeze too much and cause people to die.

The only thing fans didn't make up for was that Yang Hongxia also arranged a concert for Lin Fan.


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