Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1137: Children, first write a set of papers to relax

Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao were preparing for this semester's final exams when they suddenly received a phone call from Yang Hongxia, saying that the second film they had made last time was officially starting preparations, so let them prepare, it's time to ask for leave, If there is no suitable tutor, then Yang Hongxia doesn't mind equipping the entire crew with a team of professional tutors.

In short, after joining the group, while filming, I couldn't leave homework behind.

"Your brother Lin Fan said that filming can't be stopped, learning can't be less, the grades are bad, and it's not okay to grow up unhappily.

Your brother Lin Fan recognizes those concepts of protection and education, so even if you are shooting in China, no one comes to check the learning of the little actors from time to time, but your brother Lin Fan will personally go into battle and urge you to study hard and improve every day! "

Although Lin Fan was tired of filming overseas, he was influenced by various associations and organizations, which delayed the filming process. However, Lin Fan fully recognizes the concepts of education and protection.

So Lin Fan didn't mind at all, he went into battle himself, instead of the protection association's responsibilities, and urged these little guys to study.

Moreover, once in the group, the foreign young actors Lin Fan do not know, but the two children Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao probably won't have time to go back to take the final exam.

Lin Fan thought that maybe he could give them a set of papers to write about?

Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao, who knew nothing about this, shuddered unconsciously, and then went to the school to pick up their new textbooks for this semester, and then their parents came forward to apply for vacation from the school.

The head teachers and teachers of the two little guys are also very helpless: the school has just started, you are about to ask for leave, and it is very likely that you will be asked for leave for a semester, and even when the school starts next year, you may not be able to come back. It's better to take a year off from school and go back to school after filming!

This is also what parents of child stars like Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao have always worried about: children like acting, and the family is willing to support them. But you can't delay studying for the sake of filming!

In Huaxia, most parents still hope that their children can study hard, whether it is to continue their studies, find a job, or become a freelancer in the future, etc., at least they have a chance to choose.

If you only covet the status of "child star", the money and fame and fortune it brings will delay the child's learning, which means that the child's retreat will be cut off.

If the child can continue to develop in the entertainment industry, it is naturally good. But what if he was eliminated from the entertainment industry?

With good grades, you can at least come back to study and change your future by studying hard. But if you give up learning early and are eliminated by the entertainment industry, you can only learn from scratch, or find another way to make a living.

When parents understand that among all the ways to change the status quo and gain more choices, only learning is the easiest and easiest, because it has the lowest threshold, but there are infinite possibilities for future development.

So, in fact, both Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao's parents have considered whether to temporarily suspend their children from school, otherwise, while filming and self-study, even if it is only an elementary school course, there will always be a little less fun and motivation for reading with peers.

Moreover, the last movie shooting also took up a lot of time for the two children. At least they have been back for so long. With the unremitting efforts of homeschooling, the two children barely kept up with the learning progress.

Now that school has just started, and I'm going to film again, isn't it delaying my study again?

But Lin Fan gave Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao's parents a reassurance: "Don't worry, I have hired a team of teachers to join the crew, and every day after filming, someone will teach the children to make sure that their homework will not fall behind. at school."

Not only classes, but also after-school homework, in-class tests, handicraft, sports, music and other courses Lin Fan will arrange for the children.

Likewise, there will be no shortage of mid-term and final exams. Lin Fan will also meticulously send the test results to the children's parents. If possible, Lin Fan doesn't mind holding a parent meeting in the crew.

Lin Fan has been an actor, a director, a screenwriter, and a singer, but he has never been a principal.

I heard that there is an ancient principal on the other side of the earth who is very famous.

Lin Fan said that he can also try it.

Anyway, everything is ready, just waiting for the little actors to be in place.

With Lin Fan's personal assurance, Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao's parents are of course overjoyed, and the crew is willing to take the initiative to take on the children's learning problems, so what else should I worry about?

Pack up, and quickly send the child to the crew!

Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao: Woohoo, brother Lin Fan's studies abroad are broken!

Then, the two children packed up the new textbooks they had just received this semester, as well as various workbooks that their parents bought for them, filled a large box, and went to the crew to report to Lin Fan in grievance. .

But who would have thought that as soon as he entered the crew, Lin Fan directly took out a set of papers and put it in front of all the young actors: "Children, write a set of papers to relax first, after all, once you start filming, you will not be so relaxed. .

So, cherish the time when you can still concentrate on writing papers. Then I will record all your grades. After the film is finished, we will make a set of final grades to celebrate and see if your academic performance has declined since the filming. "

The young actors were all mourning, especially Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao. They originally thought that they would not have to go abroad for this filming. Along with other young actors, they worked hard while filming and rushing homework.

But who would have thought that Lin Fan turned black!

Gu Xi cried: "Brother Lin Fan, don't you like Xixi anymore? Is it because Xixi didn't act in the last play? I promised that brother Lin Fan would do it well, so brother Lin Fan, please don't let me write papers. Are you alright?"

Compared to Gu Xi's coquettish crying, Yu Xiaobao was suspicious: "Brother Lin Fan, have you been bullied by the devil?"

Otherwise, Brother Lin Fan, who has always loved him so much, how could he have done such a terrible thing!

Lin Fan was unmoved: "No matter what you say, you all have to finish this set of papers today. And don't deliberately lower your grades, because I have contacted your school and teachers in advance, I know your usual grades very well.

If you dare to deliberately get a low score to pass the test, it doesn't matter, I have invited a professional team of teachers to help you with your homework. It's a long time, and I'm not in a hurry. After you have mastered all the knowledge points on the paper, it's not too late for us to start shooting. "

Looking at Lin Fan who was well-prepared, the young actors were really crying.

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