Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1143: This album will not be an all-English album, right?

The comment area of ​​"beatit", without exception, exploded.

[Yi Lao Na sees Shi Tai, you lack an object in the five elements: Oh my god, my scalp is numb and my soul trembles! When listening to "billiejean", I can still pay attention to the explosiveness of the lyrics, and have extra brain cells to think about the scandal of Pange. But this "beatit" starts from the first note, I feel like I've lost control of myself, I just want to beatit with Fange! 】

[Pissing in the wind with his hands in his pockets: The guitar solo is simply amazing! I felt that the rock in front of me slammed me on the floor, and then the solo threw me into the sky. This feeling of life and death is simply too rock! Oh, by the way, forgive my bad English, what does beatit mean? Does it mean "beat him" and beat him to death? 】

[Never give up is pure fart: Are you upstairs trying to laugh at me to death so that you can inherit my aunt's towel? This is an anti-violence song. Pange's meaning is to tell young people today not to use violence to control violence, and to protect their lives when encountering bad people, and don't be brave. And beat to death, I think it was Brother Fan who beat you to death! 】

[Doubi farming professional households: The two main songs of Fange have profound social significance! "billiejean" is a relationship between an artist and a crazy fan, and "beatit" is a call for everyone to oppose violence.

How should I put it, if someone else preached to me like this, I would definitely reply, take care of yourself first! But this is what Brother Fan said, I will only say: OK Fanfan, I love you! 】

[Secondly, it is a kind of indifferent attitude: Am I the only one who noticed that the two title songs of Fan Ge are English songs? Does this mean that Pange's album is an all-English album? Can't send Chinese songs? 】


As soon as this comment came out, it was like a bucket of cold water, which directly awakened the fans who were addicted to Lin Fan's new songs: FUCK! You are so right!

Both "billiejean" and "beatit" are English songs, and this time, whether it is a new album or the title song of the new album released in advance, all of them are released simultaneously by Blue Star.

If this can't be explained, Lin Fan's album is an all-English album, then fans really have no face to claim to be Lin Fan's die-hard fans.

Lin Fan has always been straight-forward in everything he does. At the beginning, it may have something to do with his youthful and energetic when he debuted, and he doesn't like that kind of twisty things.

Later, Yang Hongxia took care of Lin Fan and helped him block out the evil spirits in the entertainment industry, retaining the most authentic side of Lin Fan's character.

But now, Lin Fan has achieved enough, standing in a sufficient position, and he doesn't need to care about other things, so he follows his heart and acts at will.

Therefore, even if Lin Fan did not tell the fans in advance, this is an all-English album, and it is mainly aimed at the overseas music market. But from the fact that the two title songs released by Lin Fan are all in English, everything has been proved.

In fact, fans were aware of this fact when Lin Fan released "billiejean", but as Huaxia fans, everyone is more willing to hear Lin Fan release Chinese songs and release Chinese albums.

Of course, Lin Fan's English songs are also very good, but even in modern society, there are still many people who don't know much English, plus everyone's understanding of different styles of music, and the difference in appreciation ability, everyone still prefers Listen to songs in your own language.

Therefore, compared to the mourning and sadness of the Chinese fans, the overseas fans are happy and wish to have a party in place to celebrate.

Because Lin Fan did not forget the overseas fans, although the wait time was a little long, they finally got it: Lin Fan's all-English album!

Lin Fan's overseas fans, the earliest fans of Lin Fan, can be traced back to the period when "wewillrockyou" was released.

This counts, how many years?

How many English songs has Lin Fan released in total?

"wewillrockyou", "sugar", "seeyouagain", "uptownfunk" and later "myheartwillgoon". But this is the theme song of the movie, and it's not actually a single released by Lin Fan.

What can be done?

There are too few English songs by Lin Fan, so everyone has to count "myheartwillgoon" into the English single released by Lin Fan.

Just so poor.

Many overseas fans don't know how they insist on supporting Lin Fan and never give up. After all, if it were another singer, after so many years of debut, they would have released five English singles, no matter how good or how good the songs are. Fire, everyone will be off the powder in minutes.

But who made this singer Lin Fan?

Although Lin Fan doesn't publish English songs, his Chinese songs are also very nice! It's good to hear that overseas fans overcame the language barrier and convinced themselves to stay in Lin Fan's fan group.

After all, if you stay, you may still wait for Lin Fan's English songs in the future, but if he loses his fans directly, he may not even be able to hear Lin Fan's Chinese songs, which is pitiful.

In this way, overseas fans gave themselves a strategy, and then continued to happily support Lin Fan unconditionally.

Then, a big piece of pie fell from the sky, the kind that directly stuck in his mouth: Lin Fan's new album is an all-English album!

How to say this feeling?

I went through all kinds of mental journeys and finally stopped caring about this matter and only regarded it as an unreachable dream. Then, with a sound of duang, the dream came true!

Lin Fan released two English songs in a row, and there is a 99% chance that the new album will be an all-English album!

More importantly, both "billiejean" and "beatit" have profoundly reflected serious social problems overseas.

In the past, Chinese people didn’t understand, they thought the moon overseas was rounder, and they felt that people like returnees and foreigners who came to China to develop are very good, at least they are better than the local people in China, they have never been out. The country has not crossed the ocean, let alone the arrogance of the local people who have studied abroad.

But with the development of the times, the progress of society, and the development of network information, everyone gradually discovered that the overseas moon is not as round as China's, whether it is a local person who has never been abroad, a returnee who has returned from studying abroad, or a Foreigners who come to China for development have two eyes and one nose. There are good and bad, and there are good and bad points.

But just from the two songs "billiejean" and "beatit", the social problems reflected are much more serious overseas than China.

This is also different from the social form and educational philosophy, and has a very big relationship.

But it does not prevent overseas fans from thinking that these two songs are carefully crafted by Lin Fan for them, for their country and society: because no matter in the form of music, language, expression, or reflection The social problems of the people are too in line with their current situation, and they are too poking at their hearts!


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