Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1227: You all quiet me down and let me sing!

Lin Fan on the stage felt once again that in his concert, 100,000 audience sang to him.

How to describe this feeling, very sour.

The fans got carried away singing, Lin Fan was relieved and sour to hear it, and the guests in the relatives and friends area were all overjoyed.

"Hahaha, here again, here again, the famous scene where 100,000 spectators sing to Lin Fan can really be seen every time!" Meng An was overjoyed.

A serious concert, this is the first show, but before the tenth issue of "Yearing Yard", everyone is used to such famous scenes.

If there is no such situation in the tenth issue of "Yearing Yard", then everyone will be surprised.

Zhou Yue was also relieved and emotional: "It's good to get used to it. For other people's concerts, the audience comes to listen to the songs. For Lin Fan's concerts, the audience all come to sing."

When the others heard it, they couldn't help but smile.

And the fans have the same idea in their hearts: we are not here to spend money to listen to the concert, we are here to spend money to sing for Fanfan!


Generally do you want to sing?

Sorry, let's wait until we finish this scene.

The atmosphere that was a little sad at first turned into joy after Lin Fan tried to take over the song several times but failed to succeed.

Lin Fan's proud ability to control the field seemed to disappear at this moment. Every time he wanted to speak, he was immediately discovered by the audience under the stage, and then the chorus became even louder!

Don't give Lin Fan any chance to regain the singing rights!

Lin Fan was helpless, so he just stood on the stage, looked at the 100,000 audience under the stage angrily and funny, and sang hard for himself.

Liang Wen in the backstage monitoring room was also dumbfounded: just now, he was worried that the atmosphere at the scene would be too hot and too high, and there would be an accident on the scene, so he signaled Lin Fan to control the emotions of the audience to avoid excesses.

But the next moment, the atmosphere of the whole scene changed dramatically.

Hypoxia syncope because of too much excitement?

That doesn't exist!

At least for now, when the concert just started, it doesn't exist.

If you don't believe it, we can still sing to you!

Listen to how full of breath we sing, how loud our voices are, and how good our physical strength is!

Make it hard!

Yang Hongxia is also very worried: "Is this a performance accident?"

Liang Wen said: "It's not necessarily, you can only know after looking at the situation."

If the subsequent development cannot be controlled, it is called a performance accident, but if it can be controlled, it is not called an accident.

Liang Wen has great confidence in Lin Fan. Lin Fan can handle such a small scene. He just needs to cooperate with Lin Fan.

As expected, Lin Fan on the stage saw that the audience under the stage showed no sign of stopping at all, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, so he made a gesture to the camera.

In the eyes of Liang Wen, who has been paying close attention to Lin Fan, he automatically translated: "Get ready, tune out the seventeenth song, and play the accompaniment between the audiences singing this one!"

The seventeenth song?

Yang Hongxia looked down at the list of concert songs in her hand, and found the song that Lin Fan and Liang Wen wanted to switch to: "It's this one..."

For a while, Yang Hongxia didn't know what expression and mood to use to express her thoughts on Lin Fan's choice of this song.

All I can say is, is it really Lin Fan?

Can't handle it, can't handle it, just don't care.

So, at the moment when the audience finally finished singing the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", the staff in charge of sound was quick-witted and switched directly to the prelude of the seventeenth song requested by Lin Fan.

I only heard a gentle piano sound with a hint of sentimentality, passed through the impression equipment of the audience, and passed it to the ears of every audience.

The familiar melody made everyone stunned. The whole audience chorus, and there was an incongruous pause at this time, mainly because everyone heard it:

This song?

Meng Anping blinked: "It's not the song I thought, right?"

Zhou Yue didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment: "What do you think?"

I can't say it, I can't say it, it's very **** and very Lin Fan.

Because this song is the classic song in Lin Fan's first album, called "Quiet"!


You don't want to hear me sing, you just want to sing it yourself?

I do not agree!

You all quiet me down and let me sing.

Sing what?

Sing "Quiet"!

A group of senior fans like Wang Lingli were all laughed at by Lin Fan: Fan Fan is really self-willed!

Anyway, the audience at the scene were all shown by Lin Fan's show, and even the guests in the relatives and friends area couldn't help showing a look of laughter.

"Yu——" I don't know where it started, and there was a boo from the scene.

But can this stop Lin Fan?

Obviously not.

In the melodious piano sound, Lin Fan cleared his throat and said solemnly: "A song "Quiet" is for everyone."

"Shh-!" The boos got louder!

But Lin Fan was as thick-skinned as a city wall, and he didn't take these boos at all, but followed the rhythm of the music:

"Only the piano was left to talk to me for a day

sleeping cello

quiet old

I think you've made it very clear

i know i know

you are not reluctant

You said you would be sad too

I do not believe

hold you with me

only ever

I hope he really loves you more than me

I'll force myself to leave-"

Lin Fan's coquettish actions showed the whole audience's face, so that the audience really couldn't get rid of Lin Fan, and continued to sing for Lin Fan according to their own wishes.

But in this way, can the audience give up singing to Lin Fan?

Obviously not!

Therefore, after Lin Fan made a beginning, the audience regrouped and took advantage of the gaps in the rhythm of the music, quickly and accurately, took over the lyrics from the back of the song again:

"How embarrassing do you want me to say

I don't want to be separated at all

Why do you want me to bring it with a smile

I don't have that talent

Tolerate you and accept him

don't worry too much

I'll always be fine-"


Hurt each other!

Who is afraid of who!

When the guests in the relatives and friends area saw this, they all burst into laughter:

"Hahaha! It's so funny! This is called being clever but being mistaken by cleverness!"

"Did Lin Fan have any misunderstanding about his songs? How many of the songs he released were the ones that fans couldn't sing?"

"Is this a performance accident? Surely it's over?"

"Let you sing "Quiet", now it's alright, you can be completely quiet!"

Lin Fan didn't expect that he would have a day when the car overturned so thoroughly at his concert!

But the next moment, the strong desire to win or lose was completely aroused, and Lin Fan's eyes burned with fighting spirit: Very good!

You guys managed to get my attention!

Next, I'm going to make a big move!

Don't you want to sing, then sing enough!

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