The author of the article first summarized all Lin Fan's experience, and then expressed with envy that a talent candidate in Lin Fan District, who did not even make his final debut, was so lucky to perform on stage with the goddess! And it seems that personal relationships are also good! Finally began to take the rhythm.

Below the article, the author posted more than a dozen clear pictures in an orderly manner.

There are photos of Lin Fan and Xia Yan interacting on the show, and there are also photos of the two performing on the same stage. These are all normal. The next photos are the real focus.

I saw a few photos of Lin Fan entering and leaving Xia Yan’s recording studio, Lin Fan driving back to Dachang in Xia Yan’s car, and Lin Fan shopping and eating snacks with a girl. More importantly, Photos of Lin Fan entering and leaving Xia Yan's house!

The author also marked it with a red symbol on the photo. Xia Yan and Lin Fan returned to the villa from the recording studio together. Then Lin Fan drove to the villa and waited at the entrance of the villa. Then Xia Yan, who changed his clothes, got out and got in the car and left together. villa.

The clothes of the car, the two of them, and the clothes of the girl who went shopping with Lin Fan and ate snacks were all compared and compared to prove that this was indeed Xia Yan and Lin Fan.

To be honest, it's a real hammer.

But Xia Yan's fans didn't recognize it, and went back immediately.

[You are the nail-biter in my heart: put your x's xx! What nonsense! My family has said everything in the show, Lin Fan owes her money! That's why I wrote songs for her to pay her debts! 】

[Be your exception: Yanyan's recording studio is not rented out, what happened to Lin Fan for recording songs? Does this matter? According to your logic, do I go to the bank to deposit some money, and the bank is mine? 】

[Don't be rude to me, be careful I'll follow you: Ugly than rough! Don't come to my house and touch porcelain! When my family’s 100 million fans are decorations? I can't tear you up! 】


Of course, there are also some comments from passers-by, don’t they look good with talented women? Then I was overwhelmed by angry fans. Xia Yan's fans are still very powerful.

Some radical fans were overwhelmed by the author of the article, and the more they thought about it, the more they became perplexed, they flocked to Lin Fan's super blog and commented to resist.

The black fans also came off the field one after another, swearing directly under Lin Fan's Chaobo, and even went to Lin Fan's support club to swear, trying to get the fans out of the field.

It's a pity that they think too much, and few people who are going to pay attention to them, because the people who are going to have inside information.

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: My God! So capable in general? Is this embracing Xia Yan's thigh? 】

[Sa_sa: Amazing my generality! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: You guys really think too much! Xia Yan can't have anything to do with Lin Fan! 】

[Aunt Bohemian: Sister Meng, do you have any inside information? Seek spoilers! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Internal information is not considered to be...It is that Xia Yan and the general former agent know each other, and the relationship between the two families is still very good. Shiyou** is what she introduced to Xia Yan in general. 】

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: Ah, I thought it was all over the place! But... Sister Meng, if you say that, do you also know Xia Yan? Ask for an autographed album! 】

[Aunt's bohemian: Sister Meng! Same request! I really like Xia Yan! The new song is so good! 】


At the same time, Yang Hongxia also noticed something wrong.

Although there are not many people who know about the intersection between Xia Yan and Lin Fan, they are not too few. The "Morning Star" program team knows, the tutors and some of the students in it know it, and the senior management of several music platforms also know it. If it was a gossip, it should have been spread long ago, and it won't wait until now.

Now is when Xia Yan's new album is about to be released. It seems that someone wanted to use this to snipe Xia Yan and prevent Xia Yan from entering the first-line singer.

Facing the enemy head-on, Yang Hongxia was not ashamed, but had to guard against whether the opponent had any other players.

But the most important thing now is to clarify first, draw everyone's attention back and put it on the new album, not on this kind of scandal.

At this time, Xia Yan's life assistant Chen Yuan is very important.

Yang Hongxia didn't restrict Xia Yan's words and deeds in private. The main reason was that Xia Yan didn't set up any personal settings, so he didn't need to keep the personal settings anytime and anywhere, so as not to accidentally overturn the car.

Although Realan Design can quickly create personal characteristics and attract a large number of fans, it has serious drawbacks. In addition to avoiding overturning, it also has to worry about fans backlash.

"Yuanyuan, did you take a group photo when you went out that day?" Yang Hongxia didn't want to let the public opinion take the rhythm, the sooner this matter was clarified, the better.

Once Xia Yan entangled with Lin Fan too much, it would be very detrimental to Xia Yan's image and development.

"Yes." Chen Yuan immediately opened the phone album and handed it to Yang Hongxia.

This is also one of Chen Yuan’s work. In order to prevent paparazzi or unscrupulous media and self-media from taking out of context and writing randomly, as long as they are in public, Chen Yuan will try to frame Xia Yan as much as possible, so that sneak shots can’t be ignored. She only photographed Xia Yan alone.

For example, in this article, the uploaded photos actually contain Chen Yuan, but they have been cut in various ways and appear to be just an unrelated passerby.

To deal with such sneak shots, I had to take out everyone's group photos openly and tell fans and the public that although this incident is true, there is still a very big gap with your imagination.

Yang Hongxia picked a few photos of the three girls, and also picked a group photo with Lian Xiaoyu, and sent it to the public relations department to let them edit the graphic and then send it to Xia Yan’s super blog. .

Then prepare a briefing draft, mainly to take a deep look at how Xia Yan and Lin Fan met through the song. With a two-pronged approach, and with the launch of the new album, Yang Hongxia is confident that it can bring the public's focus back.

As for whether even Xiaoyu's identity will be exposed, Yang Hongxia said that there is nothing to be exposed. Should you be making a romantic drama, and you still hide your identity? You, a young girl, randomly opened a brokerage company, and put the only artist under her into the "Morning Star" program of the star maker. Who would believe that if there is no background or backing?

The show team ignores you!

Do you think that if you come for an interview casually, the "Morning Star" program can let you on?

think too much!

The arrangement was Yang Hongxia only remembered to ask Xia Yan: "What is the relationship between you and Lin Fan?"

As an agent, everything that should be clarified in the scandal must be clarified, but you also have to confirm whether your own artist is really related to a stinky man. If you don’t reveal any surprises in the face, it will be difficult to deal with.

Xia Yan immersed himself in brushing his phone: "It's the relationship you know."

Yang Hongxia was shocked: "You two really have a leg?"

Xia Yan looked at Yang Hongxia suspiciously: "Sister Xia, you... have such a rich imagination, it's a shame to be an agent."

Yang Hongxia breathed a sigh of relief, not just fine! Scared to death!

Who told you to be so good to Lin Fan, to help record songs, to recommend to Zhang Xinlan, to help Lin Fan to put pressure on Wangsheng Music, to go to the show for Lin Fan, and to invite Lin Fan to sing and promote Don’t forget to mention Lin Pan in the new album...

There's really nothing in it, Yang Hongxia was the first to not believe it!

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