Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 191: The villain is going to the door

"Generally speaking, do you really have no rooms on your side?"

Yu Mengmeng was lying on the bar, stretching his neck to look at Lin Fan's computer page.

Of course, Lin Fan can't show her the client's check-in information casually: "It's really not. The reservations are all up to the end of the year. Don't you have a place to live? I think you are running here every day. You should not be far away."

"It's not too far, but the price has increased."

"price goes up?"

Yu Mengmeng couldn't help complaining: "Yes, although the price increase can afford to live, but the hotel starts to increase the price for no reason, it is always very uncomfortable. And not only the price increase of a hotel, now this one, The yard you yearn for hasn't risen yet. Generally speaking, don't you want to follow the price increase?"

Lin Fan didn't have the idea of ​​raising prices: "It may be the peak season, so everyone is raising prices."

"Generally speaking, when you hear this, you know that you haven't done market research properly."

"Have you ever done it?"

Yu Mengmeng raised her chin: "Of course, when you said you wanted to open a homestay, I investigated it. The peak tourist season of Huadao Island does not start until October. The real peak of price increase is at the end of the year, but it is only now. In September, the price increase was too early!"

"Really?" Lin Fan had no idea. "If you increase it, you can increase it. I don't increase the price here."

But Yu Mengmeng would not be able to live in unless the price increased.

Yu Mengmeng suddenly rolled his eyes and lowered his voice: "By the way, the painting you sent me was very popular with my grandfather. He asked me to ask you if I have time to help him also draw a picture? "

"Your grandpa?"

"Yes, in general, don't worry, my grandfather is much richer than me, so you won't let you paint for nothing. I checked on the Internet. Someone reported 70 million for your style of painting and wanted to collect a pair. Of course, That painting is the work of a well-known painter, so the price is high. Generally speaking, you are not well-known in the art circle, and no matter how good the painting is, you will have to discount the price."

Lin Fan understands what Yu Mengmeng means. There is no clear reference standard for the pricing of works of art. However, taking Lin Fan as an example, people are 100% more interested in the works of well-known painters than Lin Fan's.

Because the word "famous" contains too much meaning, the status of this painter in the art world, which famous galleries and museums this work has been exhibited, and what kind of brand effect they have formed in the market? and many more.

Therefore, works of the same style and level may be sold by a well-known artist for tens of millions of dollars, but Lin Fan was able to sell for a few thousand yuan, but it was still a friendly price.

The difference between the two is a "10,000" character!

Yu Mengmeng’s grandfather may appreciate the works of this style very much. If he can’t collect the works of well-known painters, he wants to collect Lin Fan’s works for comfort, but if he is willing to spend a lot of money to collect it, that’s not the case, after all. Lin Fan's worth hasn't reached that point yet.

"Look again, I really don't want to paint recently."

Lin Fan doesn't care about the price, it really hurts. It’s fun to draw a few pictures when I’m free, but drawing one for every fan who comes to stay is part of the scope of work. For example, Yu Mengmeng’s grandfather is an extra part of business.

But Lin Fan will still collect the money, otherwise everyone will come and ask for paintings with him, so he shouldn't be exhausted?

"Generally, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter, I just bring a sentence to my grandfather. And I have a painting here, it's a big deal when I go back, let my grandfather appreciate it for a few more days."

Yu Mengmeng also didn't want Lin Fan to be too embarrassed.

"Then thank you, and thank you grandpa for your love."


At the same time, in a small local farmhouse on Huadao Island, several people were sitting around a small square table in the shade of the trees and playing cards there.

"Right three!"

"Sorry, pass!"

"No, Lao Liu, I'm sorry for all three, I want it!" The man was chatting while throwing off a pair of pairs, "Yes, you guys did not find out, this year's tourist season has come so early, and it's only September now. It’s like the sun’s poison. The streets are full of tourists."

Old Liu Ying said: "No, those hotels and homestays, I'm afraid it's not going to make money crazy."

"It's good for them to make money, so that our landlords can make more money, aren't they?" The one-on-three man smiled and squeezed his eyes at the fourth person. "You are still good, you rented out a few months ago That small building by the sea is full every day, and it’s hot searched! What is the yard you yearn for? The name is pretty good, it seems to be run by a star."

The fourth person rented out the house to Lin Fan's landlord: "What kind of yard?"

"Don't you know?" Everyone was strange.

The landlord shook his head: "I just came back from a trip to other places! Huadao Island can kill people in July and August. I go to travel every two months, have you forgotten?"

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot."

Others remembered that their landlords live by collecting rent and have a very free time. It is normal to run around freely. They also know about the regular travel of the landlord every year, but they didn't think of it all at once.

"Go back and look at the Internet. The yard you yearn for is now hot, and it has become the most popular check-in place on our island. In other words, how much rent did you collect at the beginning? If you collect less, wouldn't it be a loss? died."

The landlord was vague: "My house is not easy to get out, you forgot."

"That's right, there are few guest rooms, large gardens and backyards. It's okay to live in a villa. It really hurts to use it as a homestay. It's so close to the sea, and the maintenance costs are enough to drink a pot."

"But now people have made the longing yard prosperous. It won't be long before I am afraid I will return to the original!"

There were various problems, and nobody rented this place until Lin Fan appeared. The landlord is clear about these things, that Lin Fan is a layman, so he let himself take advantage of such a big loophole.

Now that place is so hot, the landlord also feels a little weird, maybe he should go to see the situation.

After all, I am very short of money recently!


The landlord did not rush to the door. Instead, he went online and read all the news about the yard he was yearning for, and confirmed that this homestay was his own yard and that the yard was really on fire.

The fire was quite First, Lin Fan shot a small video of swinging and uploaded it, which attracted the attention of a large number of onlookers. Then Lin Fan's fans came to the door and directly booked the rooms in the yard they yearn for, even after a few months of booking.

Immediately afterwards, the Internet began to fall to the ground in Hei Lin Fan and this homestay, and they almost scolded Lin Fan as a wicked, greedy, bad-spirited stinking man, and almost stepped Lin Fan in the mire so that he could not turn over. As a result, Lin Fan released a new song on Chaobo, which completely reversed the situation!

The landlord heard that song when he was traveling outside, and thought it was a new song by the king of the song, but he didn't expect it to be the work of his little tenant-Lin Fan!

In the end, Lin Fan took advantage of the momentum of this song, coupled with a large number of photos and small videos uploaded by fans, to clear away the stigma of making money in Lin Fan’s homestay. Detonated the flow of the yearning yard, this is the arrival of the flower island tourist season in advance.

This twists and turns, like watching a movie!

After reading the information on the Internet, the landlord found out Lin Fan's contract. After reading it through, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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