Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 212: Lin Fan is the cash cow of the future!

  Chapter 213 Lin Fan, is the cash cow of the future! (Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket)

  Yang Hongxia talked with Lin Fan for two full hours before she hung up the phone and poured herself a large glass of warm water to replenish the excessive saliva she had consumed.

   Then called the assistant Xiaoye: "Just let the wind go out, just say that Lin Fan is considering opening here. Well, if there is a music variety show looking for Lin Fan, don't be too busy to refuse, and talk about it first."

   Xiaoye was also a little surprised: "Lin Fan is going to be open?"

  Yang Hongxia smiled and said: "Why, you also pick Lin Fan?"

   Xiaoye shook his head: "That's not true. The company stipulates that you can't chase stars. It's just that Lin Fan has always been very popular, so I know. But let's help Lin Fan negotiate business here, and the company..."

  Yang Hongxia is the agent of Galaxy Entertainment after all. If she abducts her elbow to help Lin Fan negotiate business, instead of helping the newcomers of the company, there will be many people in the company who are dissatisfied with her.

  "Who said I would help Lin Fan negotiate business?"

The old **** Yang Hongxia is here, "Lin Fan can be said to be hot now, and I still need to use my resources? Is it the business that takes the initiative to find Lin Fan, OK? We don’t have to take the initiative to help Lin Fan find resources, after all, we are from Galaxy Entertainment. Rather than Lin Fan's people.

  However, the business came to the door and designated Lin Fan. Let’s take a commission to help discuss the specific terms and make some extra money. "

  If Galaxy Entertainment doesn't even have this amount of belly fat, it will not be in its current position.

  Of course, Yang Hongxia initially hoped to sign Lin Fan as her artist, so that she could earn more.

  Unfortunately, after these several contacts with Lin Fan, Yang Hongxia realized that Lin Fan is the kind of salty fish who is rich and has no pursuit. If he really wants to sign him, Yang Hongxia suspects that she can be mad at him.

  Forget it, this kind of cooperation is just right, and it is the most comfortable state for both parties. Of course, if Lin Fan changes in the future, Yang Hongxia will naturally adjust her strategy accordingly.

Xiaoye got the assurance from Yang Hongxia, and the anxiety in her heart dissipated. She quickly sorted out all the resources she had contacted Lin Fan during this time, and sorted them out by category. By the way, she also included several variety shows that were in preparation. Listed out.

  Maybe there is someone who wants to invite Lin Fan.

  After all, Lin Fan himself or his songs are really popular!

  The resources are sorted out, and then the news about Lin Fan’s intention to open business is released. This Xiaoye is very good at it. Just post a message in the assistant group.

  【Sister Xia’s little leaf: gossip, gossip, Lin Fan has been relatively idle recently, I heard that he is going to pick up! 】

  The big guy has a big guy’s circle, and the big guy’s assistant also has a circle. Xiaoye, as Yang Hongxia’s assistant, is also a figure in the assistant circle. After sending out the message, he quickly got a lot of replies.

  However, most of them were curious about asking. The ones who really came to negotiate did not show up. Xiaoye was not in a hurry. The news was just sent out, and not many people knew about it. At least until tomorrow will anyone who is really interested come over to negotiate.


  Teana music.

  Zheng Hui also received this news, and it hasn’t been long since he arranged for Wang Ke to find out if there is any new song in Lin Fan’s hands.

  But Lin Fan was so popular because of his new song that his phone was changed to a new number. Wang Ke finally asked about Lin Fan’s new number from Yang Hongxia, but because the landlord came to make trouble, Lin Fan was blacked out when he saw that the number was unfamiliar!

  Wang Ke had to turn to Yang Hongxia for help again and asked Yang Hongxia to talk to Lin Fan. Lin Fan released Wang Ke’s number from the small black room. Yes, it was just after Lin Fan had called Yang Hongxia for two hours.

  Well, it was just released a few hours ago.

Wang Ke tried to call Lin Fan every day, but he always called Lonely. Today, he also habitually called Lin Fan, and was about to wait for the unreachable sound from the other side. When I hung up, I heard a strange and familiar voice: "Hello?"

   actually got through!

  Wang Ke couldn’t believe it. After being hacked by Lin Fan for so many days, he was finally released from the small black room. It was really too difficult.

  Somewhat inexplicably want to cry!

   "Hello? Why don't you speak?"

  "Hey, hello, teacher Lin, I am Wang Ke, from Tian Lai Music, do you remember me."

   "Of course I remember!" Lin Fan was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I thought it was a harassment phone call before, but it was blocked, and then I was a bit busy recently..."

   "It's okay, it doesn't matter, you can understand."

Wang Ke exchanged a few words with Lin Fan before turning to the topic, "Teacher Lin, this is the case. The data of your new song "No Place to Confront" is very good, and it has not reached its limit. We are very optimistic about this song. Song. At the same time, I want to ask Teacher Lin about the recent song release plan."

  "The main reason is that Mr. Lin has always released songs by himself. We have not been able to cooperate well. Of course, now that Sister Xia can coordinate from it, I believe that Mr. Lin's new song will definitely achieve better results."

"But if Tianlai can take the initiative to cooperate with Teacher Lin, such as Teacher Lin giving us an annual song distribution plan, I think we can better serve Teacher Lin. For example, we can build momentum for Teacher Lin in advance and help Teacher Lin. Make digital themes and so on."


  Wang Ke ended this conversation and went directly to see Zheng Hui with his mobile phone.

  Just in time, Zheng Hui received the news that Lin Fan wanted to go out for business, and was also about to ask Wang Ke to find out the specific situation.

   "You just came here, what did Lin Fan say?"

Wang Ke replied: "Ms. Zheng, I just talked to Lin Fan on the phone. Although he didn't say it clearly, from his tone and words, I can hear that Lin Fan still has songs in his hands, and there are many of them. . The quality is not good compared with "Wu Zi Ren", after all, this song is too good. But it should not be bad, and his previous songs should be on the same level."

Zheng Hui also did not expect Lin Fanneng to produce another song that is as good as "No Place to Confront" ~ It is enough to be on the level line, and the level line of Lin Fan can be much higher than that of others. .

   "Okay, I see."

  Wang Ke asked: “Then, Mr. Zheng, do you want me to contact Sister Xia here to see what Lin Fan’s specific conditions are?”

  Zheng Hui shook his head: "No matter what the specific conditions are, we can talk about it. But for Lin Fan’s debut variety show, we must take it down!"

  Wang Ke suddenly, yes, although Lin Fan participated in the "Morning Star" audition, he did not make his debut on the "Morning Star" stage!

  If Tian Lai can invite Lin Fan to participate in the variety show, then it will be Lin Fan's debut variety show! It can even be said that Lin Fan's debut show!

  With Lin Fan’s current popularity, this debut stunt is still very good. So Zheng Hui decided to call Yang Hongxia personally to confirm Lin Fan's intentions. As for the specific terms, he would just leave it to the people below to negotiate.

  For Lin Fan, Zheng Huitie is determined to win!

  No one is as popular as Lin Fan now!

  Lin Fan, is the cash cow of the future!

  (End of this chapter)

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