Chapter 225 You group of guests are too skinny! (Please ask for monthly ticket, ask for recommended ticket!)

  The next morning after returning to Huadao Island, Lin Fan had just finished today’s [Tie Tie Da Ren] compulsory fitness for one hour, and he received a call from the director group of "Heavenly Stars".

   "Start recording the creative process today?"

"Yes, we hope to be able to track and shoot the entire process, and record the entire process of Mr. Lin’s creation of a song, and then cut it into the feature film, so that the audience in front of the screen can have a more comprehensive and specific understanding of the creation process. I have a sense of substitution and participation," Xu Li explained.

Other guests have studios dedicated to creation, so it is more convenient to shoot. Only Lin Fan does not have a studio, and the place where Lin Fan lives is still a guest house open to the outside world, although the people who live here are all Lin Fan’s. Fans, but there are still many inconveniences, so the director team here specifically called Lin Fan to communicate.

According to Yang Hongxia, Lin Fan would just take the show team directly in Xia Yan’s recording studio, but the show team wanted to take some live fragments of the guests in and bring the distance between the guests and the audience closer. Shooting in the longing yard.

  There is no way for Yang Hongxia to help Lin Fan call the shots. The program team can only communicate with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't have any worries. The yard that I yearn for is open for business seriously, and there is no shame, except: "I have no problem. I can shoot on the first floor of the yard that I yearn for, but when it comes to the client's side, I hope the program team can protect their privacy."

   "There is no problem," Xu Li readily agreed, "The program crew will not violate the privacy of other people. If we accidentally enter the camera, we will cut it out or put a mosaic on it."

   "Then there is no problem, and I will make it clear to the customer."

   "Okay, then see you this afternoon?"

   "See you this afternoon!"

  Lin Fan hung up the phone and greeted the fans in the lobby: "Come here, everyone, I have something to say!"

   Fans gathered around: "Generally, what's the matter?"

   "Is there anything we can help?"

Lin Fan glanced at the past. There were about a dozen fans who came around. The others didn’t know if they went out to play or didn’t get up. Anyway, the fans who live in the yard of yearning are already mature fans, and they have already lost that kind. When I first saw Lin Fan, I was speechless with excitement, and stared at Lin Fan's passion that was not going anywhere all day.

They and Lin Fan have been able to get along in a state where they both feel very comfortable with each other. Of course, when this group of fans check out and the next group of fans arrive, they will have to go through the emotional journey from excitement to usual. This is all for later.

  Well, besides that, there are those bright and long legs, white and tender, slender and slender. These have always existed. It is estimated that new fans will only get worse.

"That's it. Starting this afternoon, people from the program team will come over and follow me in the yard that I'm longing for. Yes, it is the program I participated in. The shooting scope is limited to the first floor. It is not allowed to break into the guest room area without authorization. But everyone may also be affected, such as accidentally entering the lens or something, I will communicate with the program team, as far as possible not to affect everyone, the accidental lens will also be cut or mosaic... …"

  Lin Fan paused: "Probably that's it, there are other people, everyone will inform each other."

  A program team came to the longing yard to shoot!

  The girls were all excited: "Then are we the same as recording the show with Fanfan?"

   "Your idea is very strange, I like it! I feel so excited when I think about it, and it feels no different from going to the show!"

   "Notifying others is easy, just say it in the group."

  Lin Fan heard a certain key word from the chirping discussion of the girls: "In the group? What group?"

"Don't you know in general? The customer group of the yard that you yearn for. Anyone who has stayed in the yard you have been yearning for, or who has been booked, can join the group and send a screenshot of the successful reservation to verify that they are in the group." Fans took out their mobile phones and grouped them. Show it to Lin Fan.

Sure enough, in this group named [Longing Girl], the news that Lin Fan just released is being discussed in full swing. Among them, the fans who are staying in are very excited that they have caught up with this wave of benefits, and the fans who have already checked out lament. Yu herself was out of luck and missed the recording of the show.

  The fans who are still queuing to check in are all kinds of wailing, envious and jealous, and want to rush to participate in the event right away. Unfortunately, I can only sigh with joy, relying on the various photos and small videos shared in the group, and waiting for the time I scheduled to arrive.

  Okay, you guys really know how to play.

  Lin Fanzheng wanted to return the phone, when he saw a message popping up in the group.

  【Mengmeng rabbit: The program group comes to film the general, can we also film the program recording process? After making the extravaganza, it must be very fragrant to watch it together with the show's feature film when you look back! 】

  I have to say that this proposal is really an idea, and it quickly got a response from other people in the group.

  Quaiyin also has such a hot video, you are shooting a video, others are shooting you, and then you are not hot, others are hot!

  But Yu Mengmeng didn’t live in the yard she yearned for. Why could she join the group, but she didn’t even know that there was such a group? Is this difference in treatment too obvious?

  You fans like to put aside my idol and play by yourself?

  You guests, too skinny!

  Lin Fan typed silently, and then sent it out.

  【Cherry Puppy: This show has a non-disclosure agreement...】

  The group was quiet for a moment, and then.

  【Isn't Cherry's phone in Panfan's hands? I just saw Cherries give the phone a lot...]

  [So, the person who is talking now is...]

  【Moe rabbit: general? 】

  【Speak in the group! Take a photo! screenshot! 】

Lin Fan watched the entire group suddenly start to swipe the All of them asked for a group photo to take a screenshot. They could only pretend that nothing happened, and calmly returned the phone to the girl nicknamed Cherry Puppy: "Well, The name is cute."

  The girl took the phone in a daze, only to find that the group was swiping the screen like crazy, while she was refreshing the screen while @自己. She didn't understand what was going on.

It wasn't until a fan who watched the whole process watched Lin Fan leave that she slapped the girl's arm vigorously: "Ahhhh! I just used your phone to send a message in the group! Why are you so lucky! Why didn't Fanfan just now? Pick up my phone! Oh my god, I watched the whole process, but I didn't even get a screenshot!"

  No way, the messages in the group are swiping too fast, and the phone screen is so small. When she sends the message out, the entire page has been turned over, and she will have to climb the stairs one by one in a while, so angry!

  The girl digested for a second before reacting: "Ahhhhh!"

  Hearing the girl’s belated scream, other fans were envious and sad. Why didn’t such a good thing fall on them?

   So angry!

  (End of this chapter)

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