Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 251: Who will give you the train ticket when you arrive?

On the screen of the mobile phone, following the beginning of the feature film, Zhang Yan called Xu Li to claim that Lin Fan's material was not enough and that the program had to open the skylight.

Xu Li decided to change the shooting plan and asked the staff to give Lin Fan a mission card and asked Lin Fan to visit other guests in the class.

As a result, as soon as Lin Fan accepted the mission card, he asked the camera a soul torture: "Director, are the travel expenses and meals reimbursed?"

Is it reimbursed?

Sell ​​it?


In the still or paused picture, an invisible cold wind blew by, and a barrage popped out.

[Princess Morgue: Hahahaha! Hit the torture of the soul! Director, I also want to know, is this reimbursement? 】

[Undefeated bridal chamber: Director: Reimbursement! The type of toll reimbursement is limited to shared bicycles, and the meal standard is 10 yuan a day! 】

[Deep and lasting: in front, are you the devil? 】


In the lively barrage, Lin Fan embarked on a journey to explore other guests of the class. But the funny thing is that as soon as Lin Fan set off, Hui Qiaodan rushed over.

But an excited Hui Qiaodan rushed into the recording scene of the program group, only to see the empty room, not a single person.

Hui Qiaodan showed a bewildered look at the camera: "Didn't it mean that Lin Fan has already come over? What about people?"

Voiceover: "Mr. Lin just left..."

Hui Qiaodan was not reconciled: "Why did he go?"

Voiceover: "Go to visit other guests in the class..."

Hui Qiaodan was crazy: "Then why did I rush over here?"

Voiceover: "Lonely...lonely?"


In the barrage, the audience was laughing crazy!

[My mother and her daughter are so cute: Hahaha, I feel sorry for Huihui for three seconds. I heard that Lin Fan had finished the work ahead of schedule and came here to communicate. It turned out that Lin Fan had been arranged to visit the class and felt lonely! 】

[Going back to kindergarten for further studies: It turns out that Hui Qiaodan participated in this program for the purpose of PK with Lin Fan...]

[An ancestral taste: Hey, what about Lin Fan, fell asleep? 】

In the picture, Lin Fan, as an off-site guest, should have seized the opportunity to explain his next itinerary to the audience, interact with the audience, for example, ask the audience which guest they want to see the most, and let the whole visit The program will not be dry, and it will increase the viewership.

But Lin Fan didn't. This guy blindfolded himself as soon as he got in the car, lowered the seat back, and went to sleep! No communication, no interaction, nothing!

There was a cold wind blowing in the picture, and Lin Fan's assistant who was sitting next to him couldn't help but gently pushed Lin Fan, and motioned to him: "Brother Fan, shooting!"

Lin Fan ripped off the blindfold in a daze: "Your face is going to be exposed, right?"


Seeing that Lin Fan did not take the initiative to interact with the audience, the program group had no choice but to use the double-speed lens to speed up the process. Just like the audience fast-forward, Lin Fan was directly sent to the destination, and then the program group’s car was fast. The earth disappeared in the picture.

In the barrage.

[Auntie, borrow your son to pay back your grandson: Assistant: Brother Fan, give the show crew a little bit of face, after all, you need to get a good meal! 】

[It's hard to avoid getting too much strife: Lin Fan: What is the face? Is it reimbursed? 】

[God give me a girl: Assistant: Brother Fan, you have to open business! 】

[Long hair and waist are not easy to wash: Lin Fan: Show your face is business! Didn’t you know that Brother’s famous scene is sleeping on the live broadcast? 】

[The kid next door: Hahaha! The guests who forced the show group to fast-forward, no one agreed and only convinced me Pan brother! 】


The first guest of Lin Fan's inspection class was Liu Zhengyan. At this time, Liu Zhengyan was still drinking tea and chatting with his friends. Lin Fan appeared in Liu Zhengyan's line of sight. Liu Zhengyan was a little surprised: "Why are you here? "

This shot matched the shot in the show's feature film again. In the feature film, Liu Zhengyan did not get a response from the mysterious person, but in "Exploring the Class", Lin Fan responded: "Teacher Liu, the show team forced me to come!"


Liu Zhengyi's friend was drinking tea, and when he heard this answer, he sprayed it!

The unexpected answer made Liu Zhengyan stunned for a second, and then he was sprayed with a sip of tea by his friend! The scene was suddenly in turmoil, and even the program crew did not expect such a godly development, so they had to use a black screen to cover up the chaos, and couldn't help but type a line in the black screen.

[Is it a wrong decision to let Lin Fan explore the class? 】

The helpless tone seemed to have been broken by Lin Fan!

But the audience loves to watch this. The audience is used to watching the variety show, the guests interacting with the camera, they are used to watching the guests participate in the variety show, all kinds of expectations, all kinds of enthusiasm, all kinds of exclamation, obviously only see the class The strangers who have passed a few times have to show that they are already very familiar, and even have reached the point of year-end acquaintance.

The appearance of being in love with each other is really fake.

But Lin Fan is different. Lin Fan is just like a variety show black hole. He doesn't interact with the audience or express too much emotion. He also has a temperament full of ordinary people. He cares about reimbursement and faces unfamiliar seniors. Subconsciously, he transferred the responsibility to the program team.

There was no way to get the program group, so a gust of cold wind blew, so I had to fast forward and pull the progress, even the black screen was used.

To be able to push the program group to this point, I have to say that Lin Fan is also quite capable.

The other variety shows are guests from the show group, and here are the guests playing the show group. This kind of contrast makes the audience enthusiastic. They even want to help Lin Fan come up with ideas, or substitute Lin Fan’s perspective, as if the person making fun of the show group is Own.

In short, the frequency of barrage interaction is very high. At the highest moment, the densely packed barrage blurs the entire screen, and you can't see the content if you don't close the barrage.

The most important thing is that "Thanksgiving" is not as free as the feature film! It is paid content! Many variety shows are like this now, and derivative programs are for iron fans, so you can cut leeks without hesitation!

But what Zheng Hui can't think of is that the interactive frequency of the charged "Tale of the Class" is so high, a few points higher than that in the feature film. What does this show? It shows that the number of broadcasts of "Explore" is not less than that of the feature film, and it may even be more!

Is the taste of the audience so strange now?

Zheng Hui remembers that a few years ago, there was a show on Star TV, which was based on embarrassing guests and enacting various difficult and challenging tasks for guests. Once it was broadcast, the ratings have soared! Become the most popular show of the year!

Many of the subsequent programs consciously imitated and received quite good reviews. Unexpectedly, now, this routine is reversed, and it is also so popular and loved by the Hui vaguely grasped a little key information.

"The Adventurer" continued to play. Zheng Hui soon discovered that Lin Fan didn’t know whether it was intentional, or maybe it was because of some defects in his personality. When communicating with people, he was completely different from ordinary people. Others chatted and talked about the sky to death, but the experienced Liu Zhengyan and Jiang Yuhe could not be rescued, let alone other people.

The entire "Exploration" is full of all kinds of magical cold scenes, embarrassments, and social death scenes. The cold wind, snowflakes, and freezing special effects appear again and again. It can be seen that not only the program group is desperate, the guests are about to cry, the special effects group If he was too technically poor, Lin Fan himself was about to collapse.

This kind of program seems to be very boring and meaningless to Zheng Hui, but I don't know why, whenever there is an embarrassing scene, the barrage is like crazy, and the entire screen is blurred!

Zheng Hui can't understand it. Does the audience like to watch this kind of thing now?

Am I out of touch with society?

I'm only 38 years old!

Not very old... right?

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