Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 266: I'm facing the big sun, just want to hold an umbrella for you

"Lin Fan's Sweetest "Garden Party", topped the monthly music charts in one hour!"

   "Lin Fan's new song "Garden Party" is a big hit, couples grab the pre-sale tickets for Magic City Playground!"

   "The download of "The Garden Party" exceeded 10 million, and the love song prince Chenjie said: I am not as good as him!"


Just after the fifth issue of "The Star of Nature", Lin Fan's "Garden Party" was completely popular. Countless viewers went under the official blog of the program group and under Lin Fan's super blog, leaving comments and expressions. My love for this song, and after zero o’clock, I used practical actions to show my support for Lin Fan!


   2 million!





   "The Garden Party" has just been released, and the download data is soaring! In the message board of Tian Lai Music, the number of messages is also increasing sharply!

   [Chopping durian with bare hands: Blow up this song! Infinite loop playback ing~~】

  【You hurt l and passed by: Just the phrase ‘I’m holding the big sun, I just want to hold an umbrella for you’, I’m so intoxicated, it’s so nice! Listening to "I want to taste the chicken cake and the jam on the corner of your mouth", I turned my head and saw my unkempt girlfriend, so scared I kicked her to the bottom of the bed! 】

[Invincible Burning Stick: The innocence and carefree at that time, and you seem to have countless endless words, the amber color at dusk seems to be so beautiful, the admission ticket you gave me, I treasure it very well~~ ~】

  【Thunder Monkey! : When I heard this song, I remembered the first time I held hands with her. I secretly held her hand that day and our faces blushed...]


   Many people download it without even listening to the song, and check in the message board before listening to the song. After listening to the song, they will add the specific content.

   There are hundreds of thousands of floors just clocked in!

   And it keeps increasing!

The last time    Tian Lai music had such a grand occasion was when Lin Fan released "No Place to Confront" more than a month ago. Now, the same grand occasion has come for Lin Fan again.

  On the Internet, major music media, well-known music critics, and self-media accounts have all come to gain popularity.

[Voice of the Soul: I have heard so many love songs by Lin Fan, the youthful blooming of "Little Love Songs", the romantic and moving "Love Must Have", the sincere and sincere "First Time", and the sweetness and deliciousness of "The Garden Party" , Each capital brings different enjoyment to the audience.

But among these songs, I only love "Garden Party", this song is very sweet, it is sweet that the lover is not satisfied, and the prelude will pull people back to their teenage years, the pure ambiguity, pure purity Like it, it's clean and tastes like summer mints. This song may not be the sweetest, but it must be the sweetest. 】

   [Music is boundless: The song "Garden Party" inherits Lin Fan's simple and moving style as always, and it has inadvertently become popular. But today I want to talk about Lin Fan's lyrics.

   ‘Amber dusk is like sugar in a beautiful distance’. What is like sugar is not the amber dusk, but the throbbing and sneaky joy of youth.

   ‘I’m facing the big sun, I just want to hold an umbrella for you’, because I can hold an umbrella for the girl I like. Even the air is happy. No matter how hot it is, ‘I’ won’t feel unbearable.

  'You lean on my shoulder, take a deep breath for fear of forgetting', the person you like leans on your shoulder, sniffing the faint smell of the other person's body, making'I' blush and heartbeat, even breathing is almost forgotten.

   ‘The balloon is in my hand, I’ll be walking around with you’, with the person you like, you don’t need to do anything, even if you wander aimlessly, you are very happy.


Simple words, but poetic sense of picture, simple realism of the story between'I' and'you', intertwining dream and reality, like the sweet and sour feeling of first love, pure and pure Beauty, love and sex. 】


   Other guests of "The Star of Nature" also commented and supported Lin Fan.

  【Liu Zhengyan: @林泛 is a person who makes music very hard. He uses the simplest way to create and treats the works with the most pious attitude. This is the fine quality that we musicians must always adhere to. 】

   [Hui Qiaodan: #"Yuanyouhui" is like the feeling of first love in middle school and high school, the kind of hazy and sweet love that makes people nostalgic and yearning. "I'm facing the big sun, I just want to hold an umbrella for you." The more I listened, the sweeter I heard. When I heard the live version of the program, the corners of my mouth kept rising uncontrollably, and my aunt laughed all the time! @林泛】

   [Wei Kai: #"The Garden Party" This song is simply a love catalyst! @林泛】

   [Cen Miaoxue: I want to fall in love after listening! ! ! @林泛#《园游会》】


These programs were recorded with Lin Fan, and many artists who did not have any interaction with Lin Fan also expressed their love for the song, especially a singer named Chen Jie, who was known as the Prince of Love Songs. Even more directly Aitlinpan, openly expressing the willingness to cooperate.

As for why this request for cooperation, Chen Jie publicly stated that it was not as good as Lin Fan in the media’s mouth. Chen Jie himself is also very confused. It can only be said that unscrupulous media dare to use any title in order to gain eyeball attention. .

At the same time, as Lin Fan released four love songs in a row, the article about Lin Fan’s suspected relationship was topped up again. This time, more people are willing to believe the content of this article. After all, Lin Fan’s Four love songs, one is really sweeter than one! One by one seems to be telling the story of one's love process!

   Netizens even arranged their own creative scenes for these four songs.

   "Little Love Song" is that Lin Fan has someone in his heart, but he hasn't really revealed it and is known by the other party. Everything is Lin Fan's personal monologue.

   "Love Is Not Already" is Lin Fan's deep roots of love I want to get close but dare not confess, I can only wander constantly, and my heart is extremely tortuous.

   "The First Time" should be Lin Fan's official confession.

   Then "Garden Party", um, about the first date of these two people?

  Hey, is Lin Fan so grounded? Artists also go to the playground on dates? It feels no different from ordinary people like us!

  Buy tickets! Buy tickets!

   I want to go to the amusement park for a date like Lin Fan and his lover! I also want to be held by my beloved and walk in the amber-like sugar-like dusk, and let our shadows be stretched together in the evening!

   So, the little lovers, cough cough, mainly girls, booked the pre-sale tickets for the amusement park directly online when the song "Garden Fair" was played in an endless loop.

  Of course, there are also many boys who think, oh, it turns out that your girls like this. This song is simply a guide for dating in amusement parks, hurry up and go to school!

   just right, tomorrow is the weekend, just use this guide to verify if it works!

   The whim of the little lovers, as a direct result, is that the amusement parks everywhere, especially the magical dream amusement park, the online ticket sales the next day were sold out! Even the pre-sale tickets for next week were all robbed!

   The huge pie that fell from the sky made the management of the amusement park dizzy for a while. Are the fans so crazy now? It is not enough to support the idols themselves, but also to support the amusement parks used in the idol songs?

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