Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 307: Please trample on my dignity wantonly!

The live broadcast of the final of "Heavenly Stars" has completely come to an end, but the carnival on the Internet has just begun.

#林泛勇 won the first season champion of "Teana"#

There is no doubt that it has become the number one in the super-blog hot search list.

Followed by:


#刘正言 missed the championship throne#

#林泛《Because of Love》#


After waiting for a few key words, even Hui Qiaodan's entry at the bottom of the finals ranked sixth, which seemed to be out of place.

But seeing that the hot searches ranked before Hui Qiaodan were all related to Lin Fan, everyone accepted it calmly.

After all, this is no longer known how many times, the hot search list has been slaughtered by Lin Fan, and even Liu Zhengyan has become a foil for Lin Fan, let alone Hui Qiaodan.

Just slaughter, just get used to it.

Netizens are calm, but music critics can't calm down.

Huang Jie, ID [Fairness is too expensive, you can't afford it], a senior music critic who claims to never have bad money and never cleans up bad songs, and blows up Lin Fan.

[Festivals are too expensive and you can't afford it: The "Teana" that has been with us for more than a month is over. To be honest, this show is the most sincere one among so many music variety shows I have seen. The entire program showed all the audience the true strength of the top domestic singer-songwriters.

But I have to tell the truth, whether it is the well-known singer-songwriter group represented by Liu Zhengyan and Hui Qiaodan, or the new generation singer-songwriter represented by Lin Fan, this group of guests is definitely the top configuration! It is precisely because of the existence of these top creators that there is such an excellent program as "Teana".

Okay, so much is worth the advertising fee I got, laugh. Next is what I really want to say in my heart.

What I want to say is that from today, I am a **** "Lin Blow"! That’s right, Lin Fan completely conquered me with his unreasonable musical talent. I always think of myself as a very tasteful and critical music critic. It’s a pity that these excellent qualities turned out to be when I met Lin Fan. All fell under his leather shoes.

It's not that I have no morals. In fact, my morals are as expensive as my ID. Most people really can't afford it. But for Lin Fan, I can only say, please trample on me wantonly! As long as Lin Fan can maintain his current creative level, I will always be his iron rod!

No, even if Lin Fan has no new works in the future, or even if his new works are not as good as they are today, I am also a big fan of him!

The soulfulness and devotion of "Belief", the back-to-nature and simple atmosphere of "Because of Love", the forward-looking and groundbreaking of "Lovely Woman", the open-minded self of "No Place for Self", the transcendence of "Blooming Life", etc., Lin Fan time and time again Shocked the audience with his talent and shocked the entire music scene.

I believe that as long as Lin Fan upholds his heart and treats music sincerely, he will become the next era in the Chinese music scene.

let us wait and see! 】

As soon as this kind of unscrupulous and bottom-line music review article came out, everyone thought that Huang Jie could not withstand the invasion of capital, and it began to smash bad money and launder bad songs, and even the singer himself blasted this. Virtue is as if there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground. It's too fake.

But when the singer of Huang Jie played Lin Fan, everyone was calm again. Without him, Huang Jie had just admitted that he was a "Lin Fan", but as early as in Lin Fan, he would play every song on Huang Jie. From the beginning of the wave, everyone has regarded Huang Jie as Lin Fan's stubborn fan.

It's just that Huang Jie refused to admit it.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it. Everyone knows that, and the fans of the Yellow Festival are still under the Yellow Festival’s Amway, and they have completely become Lin Fan’s **** fans. Well, I even turned myself into tap water to send new songs by my relatives and friends An Li Lin Fan and Lin Fan.

Now, Huang Jie just finally stopped being arrogant, and calmly faced the fact that he was a "Lin Blow".

Besides, does Lin Fan still use blowing?

People who have written so many good songs still need to play?

Does the data on the music chart of Tian Lai show everything okay?

Now Lin Fan is like a huge hotspot, let alone music critics. We media public accounts, video accounts, and anchors that can’t be reached are all coming to get the heat. Don’t you see, just add "Lin Fan" in the title. Two words, the click rate breaks 100,000+ every minute, okay?

[Music Boundless: The most moving part of the song "Because of Love" is to witness the everlasting true feelings in the ordinary. Almost everyone can find their place in this song. What is even more rare is that this Lin Fan, the author of the song, has just turned 20, but he has been able to write such a touching song. 】

[Voice of the Soul: Compared with "Faith", where I put my heart and soul into it and believe in love, I love "Because of Love", which has a touch of sadness and hides the wind, the flowers, the snow, and the moon in the calm and ordinary. Love, it may not be vigorous enough, but it is tough enough, even if the people who love each other in the end cannot be together, but the beauty of the past will not disappear. Love is enough. 】


Unlike professional music critics who appreciate "Because of Love", the public praises "Faith" more.

[Kindergarten small class Banhua: I like "Faith" because I once liked a person, and at that time I really felt that he was the kind of faith that would shine. So when the phrase "I love you, how clear and strong the faith" came out, tears couldn't help but flowed down. I didn't understand it at that time, but now I understand. If you like someone, he really is your faith. 】

[Have a mouthful: To love someone wholeheartedly, you don't need preparation, unprepared, caught off guard, love someone, get rid of all the bad things for him, love too much, and almost lost yourself. The curtain rises, the lights are on, and faith is like a world away. 】

[Bump into your heart: If you have to say that there is something else, it can make people reverse the right and wrong, make people clear their IQ, obsessed with understanding, will not change until death, and will not repent, only faith, and it Another name of love, love. 】

[Taking a pacifier to enter the world: Maybe I’m too young to fully understand the deep and restrained emotions in "Because of Love". I only felt it from "Faith". After experiencing it, I discovered that the only thing that will not change, no What will be separated by time and space is love. 】


Of course, such comments are not overwhelming. There are many people who like "Faith", and there are also many people who like "Because of Love". At the same time, there are even more people who like these two songs. After this point, the Tianlai music platform was launched. The download data of the two new songs can be seen.


Downloads within one minute of going online: 100,000.

Downloads within one hour of online: 3.1 million:

"Because of love".

Downloads in one minute of online: 100, Downloads in one hour of online: 3 million.

The battle situation is very stalemate, it is difficult to distinguish between top and bottom, and this data is still constantly refreshing the upper limit!

Two hours later.

Downloads of "Faith": 5 million.

Downloads of "Because of Love": 4.9 million.

Three hours later!

Eight hours later!


Looking at the data constantly being refreshed in the background, Zheng Hui smiled like a 180-jin child.

This wave is stable!

Teana has become the biggest winner!

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