Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 314: Don't think about it, it's hard to forget

The investment in the movie "Tale of the Sky" is said to be as high as 300 million. It claims to have undergone various polishes, various exquisites, and various...

In short, it is a big investment and a big production, and the reputation is also very big, so that when the actor's makeup photos came out, it caused a heated discussion among netizens.

Unfortunately, within a few days of the heated discussion, the popularity of the Internet was snatched away by the finals of "Heavenly Star", and it has not been able to **** it back so far.

This caused the producer to be very annoyed, especially after the scheduled invitation to Liu Zhengyan to produce the ending song was rejected by the other party because he was too busy to work, and the producer's face went black for several days.

Fortunately, although Liu Zhengyan declined, he introduced another person to the producer to make the ending song. This person is Lin Fan.

Originally, the producer looked at Liu Zhengyan’s face, and of course Lin Fan’s creative ability. He accepted this proposal and signed a formal cooperation agreement with Lin Fan’s agent Yang Hongxia, but there was always something in my heart. I'm worried, after all, although Lin Fan writes very good songs, he has zero experience in making film and television songs.

Even so, the producer is still willing to sign a contract with Lin Fan, because I believe in the strength of Liu Zhengyan and Lin Fan, which is also an early-stage investment. Third, since the TV series has just started filming and there is still a lot of time, the producer believes that Lin Fan will be able to produce a similar ending song even if he is grinding.

It's just that the producer's trepidation, when Lin Fan won the final title of "Teana", the popularity and popularity suddenly reached its peak, and it disappeared completely, and even laughed from ear to ear for three consecutive days!

Is the ending song important to a film and television drama?

It’s very important, because good film and television works need good film and television music to deepen its connotation, especially when it comes to the emotional rendering part, a song that fits the plot at the right moment will give the audience a kind of sublimation. A deep sense of identity.

And this sense of identity will make you deeply remember the show and at the same time deeply like the song. And when you hear this song elsewhere, the relevant plot will pop up in your mind. This is the true integration of the song and the content of the "opera" and complement each other.

But now, although the ending song has not yet been produced, the producer has already got another thing from Lin Fan: heat and attention.

Lin Fan wants to compose the ending song for "Tale of the Sky"!

As long as this news is released, it can attract countless attention!

It is important to know that from the preparation to the start of the filming to the final publicity of a play, the relevant news is uninterrupted, and it needs continuous attention from the public, unless it is produced at a very low cost and does not know what it will be in the future. The kind of film and television drama of fate.

The enthusiasm and attention brought by Lin Fan's creation of the ending song for "Tale of the Sky" alone was enough to make the producer laugh from ear to ear.

What's more, Lin Fan's creative ability is not bad at all.

After listening to the two songs written by Lin Fan in the finals, the producer felt that he could actually look forward to Lin Fan's upcoming works.


"Mr. Xu, the demo of Lin Fan's new song is here!" the assistant reported.

Producer Xu Yunsheng was stunned for a second. It was only one day after the final of "Tea Lai", Lin Fan finished the ending song? When did he do it? It was written in your dream when you slept yesterday?

What good song can you write in such a hurry?

But Xu Yunsheng is not a person who makes a rash claim without even hearing the song. Even if Lin Fan really fooled around and sent a failed song, Xu Yunsheng still decided to listen to it first, and then confidently put the song. Hit back and let Lin Fan do it again!

Party A's father is so tough!

However, scolding people should also have something to say. You can't just spit your mouth. The other party who wants to scold deeply realizes his own mistakes, which is Xu Yunsheng's favorite way.

But let's listen to the song first.

Xu Yunsheng asked his assistant to download the song sample to his computer, and then clicked play.

The quality of the song samples is generally poor, which is a kind of protection for the creators, Xu Yunsheng can understand, but the prelude of the electronic sound processing tactfully and slightly sad sounded, Xu Yunsheng could not help but feel a bit sad.

Immediately afterwards, a sad female voice sounded:

"It gets cooler at night

Flowers fall into frost

You look far away

Exhaust all twilight

If you don’t think about it, it’s hard to forget--"

"Hiss!" Xu Yunsheng got goose bumps all over his body!

There is not a single word in the lyrics expressing sadness, but every word and melody in the lyrics reveals a sadness that seems to be engraved in the bones, uh, although this expression of "fading cool" is a bit It's weird, as if something inexplicable got in.

But this melody is really good! Deduces a sentimental feeling of bitter thoughts, showing that the love between lovers spans past and present lives, but becomes more stable over time, and more affectionate and firm.

At least in Xu Yunsheng's opinion, this tune is still very close to the plot of the whole drama. The love-hate entanglement between the hero and the heroine, the kind of love that cannot be used, the kind of crying like a complaint, are all displayed vividly!

Just after listening to the first verse, Xu Yunsheng had a voice in his heart: this is it!

But this lyrics...

Xu Yunsheng didn’t know how to say it. The lyrics of this song were really strange. At first I didn’t know how to pronounce it, but when I looked at it carefully, it was a bit awkward. .

Look at that "unthinking of oneself is hard to forget".

Look at the "Yaoyao Peach Blossom Cool".

Gee! It's so nice and weird!

Love and hate are intertwined, and love is a disaster.

In addition, the girl’s voice is as thick as a peach blossom, while the boys partly fills up the feminine and hollow feeling of the female voice, and it blends perfectly when chorusing, adding a lingering feeling, which is simply too suitable to be used as a " The ending song of "Sky Patrol"!

But this is not something that the producer alone can decide. Xu Yunsheng decided to go to the director team, give them a demo of the song, and see if they have any opinions.

The director listened to the demo again, and got stuck: "This song is very good, but the you think it's a bit strange?"

The assistant director also nodded: "It's very I have never seen such a word order."

But some people hold different opinions: "It's okay. Although it's strange, it feels pretty powerful at first glance. The key is that it fits our plot very closely. This is the most rare."

Others have been persuaded that the lyrics can be modified, but the melody is difficult to change. The "Cool" that Lin Fan sent over is excellent in the melody, not the lyrics.

The director team and the producers will not reject such an excellent song because of the lyrics.

On Lin Fan's side, naturally, he knew that the lyrics of this song were very controversial, but this did not affect the song becoming the hottest film and television song at the time, and it was sung by all kinds of songs.

Even the title of the song "Cool and Cool" has become a very classic stalk.

The key is that this song really fits well with "Sky Patrolling". It clearly has a name that is so hot and magnificent, but it turns out to be an ancient puppet romance drama in the coat of a fairy. , "Cool"!

PS: "Cool and Cool", Yang Zongwei/Zhang Bichen

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