Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 334: A little bit, what should I do if I poke my heart?


The door of the room was knocked vigorously, and the sleeping Zhengxiang Li Xiaodong irritably picked up the quilt and covered his head to isolate the annoying knock on the door.

"Bang bang bang! Li Xiaodong! Open the door! Don't pretend to be asleep! I know you heard! Come out and open the door for me!" Li Xiaodong's agent slapped Li Xiaodong's door vigorously.

Li Xiaodong didn't care, turned over and continued to sleep.

"If you don't get up and open the door for me, I will give someone else the song that the company bought for you!"

New song!

Li Xiaodong's eyes lit up, and a carp jumped off the bed and ran to open the door to the agent: "What new song? When did the company buy me songs? Why didn't I receive any news? Who bought it? Have you heard of it? How is the quality?"

The agent sneered and squeezed Li Xiaodong into his room. Li Xiaodong had to obediently close the door behind him: "Brother! Can't I call your brother? You tell me!"

The agent did not dare to respond to this brother, he looked up and down Li Xiaodong: "No, I have to call your brother! How did you do it?"

"How did you do it?" Li Xiaodong was confused.

"Then you have to ask yourself, what did you do with Lu Bingyang last night?"

"Didn't I tell you? I invited Brother Fan to dinner together with Brother Lu. You don't know the fact that Brother Fan won three awards in a row..." Li Xiaodong was stunned suddenly.

The agent smiled: "Is it reflected?"


Li Xiaodong is going crazy.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Li Xiaodong couldn't believe what he understood. "Are you talking about Pan Ge? Pan Ge wrote me a song? That's what I mean, right? I didn't understand it wrong, right?"

The agent sighed: "You did not understand it wrong. I also just received a call from the company saying that it was Mr. Yang from Galaxy Entertainment who contacted the boss and revealed that Lin Fan was willing to tailor a song for you and Lu Bingyang. For transformation."

When the agent heard the news, he didn't know what to say, and now he feels amazing in front of Li Xiaodong.

"When you went to see Lin Fan yesterday, what did you tell him? He took the initiative to contact the company to write a song for you? You know, many people in the circle invited him to sing, but he didn't agree."

Especially after the song "No Place to Confront" came out, many people lined up to express their willingness to invite songs to Lin Fan. Even many first-line and superstars were moved by it, but Lin Fan refused.

Later, Lin Fan participated in the variety show "Heavenly Stars" and released one good song after another. The people who invited Lin Fan to sing are almost all the way from the magic capital to the Huadao Island!

Not to mention that Lin Fan has now won three of the Golden Melody Awards!

Lin Fan's popularity has almost exploded, okay? Whoever embraces Lin Fan's thigh at this time is really a big man leading the game.

But apart from Xia Yan, Lin Fan hasn't written a song for anyone yet! Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang didn't know what **** luck they had gone, so they were invited.

"I didn't say anything, I sighed about the difficulty of idol transformation..."

Li Xiaodong couldn't go on. Yesterday he went to see Lin Fan with Lu Bingyang, really just to congratulate Lin Fan on winning the award and recount the past by the way.

Feeling the difficulty of the transformation is just one or two sentences, but Lin Fan listened to his ears, remembered in his heart, and violated his own principles, took the initiative to contact Baitao Entertainment, to write a song for himself and Lu Ge.

To be honest, Li Xiaodong has always been envious of Lin Fan’s ability to create music by himself, but he is only envious. Deep down in his heart, although there is also hope, one day Lin Fan will write a song for himself, but he did not expect it to be This way is achieved.

A little bit, what should I do if I poke my heart?

The agent doesn’t know what to say: "You, luck is good. Okay, I will push the next few unimportant announcements. You have two days to communicate with Lin Fan about the new song. matter.

Don’t ask for the quality of the new song, as long as it is not inferior to Lin Fan’s other songs, you will have no problem in transitioning! "

Li Xiaodong is confident, or confident in Lin Fan: "Don't worry! Pan Ge is not the kind of person who can fool people with inferior products. At the beginning, in a large factory, no matter who asked him to do styling, Pan Ge was very Do your best!"

Thinking of this, the agent was happy: "Yes, you are still Lin Fan's number one VIP, no one can fool you!"

Li Xiaodong smugly touched his messy hair: "That is!"

On the other side, Lu Bingyang also received a notice from the company. After learning about this, all kinds of emotions arose in his heart for a while, such as joy, sourness, touch...Too many emotions filled his heart, that kind of The feeling of fullness pressed against his eye sockets, making it difficult for him to see everything in front of him.

Lu Bingyang sucked his nose and dialed Lin Fan's phone, but he couldn't say a complete sentence, so he could barely yell, "Brother Fan..."

Lin Fan was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Why, you are not Bingyang on Cao Lu Bingyang! Don't cry, sir!"

Lu Bingyang was angry with Lin Fan's ridicule: "Brother Fan, I'm still a child, I'm a few months younger than you!"

I'm younger than you, why am I crying?

Lin Fan was speechless. Li Xiaodong, the guy with a baby-faced face and shouting everywhere, was actually the oldest of these people. Lu Bingyang was really a few months younger than Lin Fan!

"Count you cruel! The song has been written for you, and it will be handed over to you after Sister Xia and your company have signed the contract."

Lin Fan explained.

"I don’t like what I said. You two should have practiced your singing skills. You have been away from Dachang for so long, and you have made no progress at all. I will not write songs that are too difficult to grasp. The main reason is that Singing rate. And you'd better communicate through the company, it's best to link up when the song is released."

Lu Bingyang was stunned: "Have you finished writing?"

No, is the song so easy to write now?

Why can't I write?

Everyone is human, is there such a big gap?

"Well, if you are not satisfied, I can give you another chance to change the song, only once!"

Can I change it if I'm not satisfied?

Brother Fan, do you write songs for others and also provide after-sales services?

Lu Bingyang was a little suspicious of life.

"So you guys don't come here either, you don't see your crying silly look! Moreover, I will only help you this time, don't count on me in the future!"

"Brother Fan..." Lu Bingyang's voice was choked Lin Fan really couldn't stand it: "That's it, I'm busy, I'm hanging up!"

Lin Fan hung up the phone in a hurry, then let out a sigh of relief.

Lin Fan was really not used to facing such sensational scenes, so he told Lu Bingyang that he didn't need to come and find himself. Lin Fan was really afraid of seeing Lu Bingyang cry.

Before seeing Chen Xianwu crying in Dachang, Lin Fan was very uncomfortable. I really didn't want to face this kind of scene again.

The same is true of Li Xiaodong and Lin Fan. Although Li Xiaodong's mental quality is much better than Lu Bingyang's, Lin Fan wanted to beat him up after hearing that sound.

However, it was also Li Xiaodong's personality that was able to successfully become Lin Fan's first friend at the moment when Lin Fan had just crossed over and was full of guard against this Blue Star.

Also VIP customers.

However, whether it was Li Xiaodong or Lu Bingyang, they cherished Lin Fan's thoughts, and there are some things that don't need to be said.

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