Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 342: Dad! Mom asked me why I was watching the party on my knees!

This little restlessness did not affect Lin Fan, who was focusing on switching the voice lines on the stage, because Lin Fan needed to switch the voice lines frequently for a long period of time. If one is not well controlled, then it is the real scene of a car accident. .

"So everything looks happy."

The voice changed back to a male voice, and the audience couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because this voice was familiar to everyone, it was Lin Fan's own voice.

It seems that Lin Fan is not all fake singing, maybe the female voice part has fake singing, but the program group didn't deal with it properly, and it turned out like this.

Alas, have a good night party, what kind of fake singing, make everyone feel depressed at all!

But before the audience's breath was completely relaxed, the female voice appeared again:

"Because of love, simple growth."


Is this program group deliberately messing up?

The audience hadn't finished their complaints yet, and then they heard Lin Fan's voice again:

"I can still be crazy for you at any time--"

This switching back and forth between male and female voices gradually made the audience who was confused by the inexplicable female voice gradually react: This may not be a fake singing! This may be Lin Fan singing alone!

Lin Fan sang the male voice and female voice alone!

More and more audiences in the audience began to realize this, and instantly showed shocked expressions. Some even directly exclaimed: "Damn!"

The live barrage was also shocked.

[First sister of kindergarten: My mother! Lin Fan sang this all by himself? 】

[Having suffered a loss in the cornfield: It turned out that it was really not a fake singing? 】

[This name really has ten words. Speaking of which, "Because of Love", there is only one chorus version of the song, which is the chorus version of Lin Fan and Xia Yan. This female voice is very recognizable, but it is obviously not Xia Yan. If there is something else The female singer cooperated with Lin Fan in another version, but I am afraid that the announcement was not issued long ago, so why bother to make it like this? 】

[Loving mother keeps the middle line: Dad! Mom asked me why I was watching the party on my knees! 】


Regarding this, Tang He said: Haha, even if it is really a fake singing, it is impossible to be so blatant, and let the audience grab the bag on the spot.

It is true that in order to achieve the desired effect of a party, it is necessary to use a little bit of means to cover up the fact that they have no singing skills for some small meats, but for a professional singer like Lin Fan, the original sound of fake singing is the most important to him. Is the insult okay?

Mordu Satellite TV has never mentioned fake singing to Lin Fan. Even if Lin Fan wanted to sing "Because of Love" by himself, the program team gave Lin Fan the greatest support, and then this kind of support was used during rehearsal. Get the best return.

When Lin Fan sang two voices at the rehearsal alone, everyone was very happy!

This is definitely the biggest highlight of this year's party!

It will also be the hottest spot in all Shanghai Star TV New Year's Eve party!

none of them!

Even if a person can utter two completely different voices at the same time, this is not a special case, because many drama actors can do it, and some talented singers can also do it, but they are not Lin Fan.

They do not have the popularity and popularity of Lin Fan, the creative talents of Lin Fan, and the vocal qualities and personal charm of Lin Fan. In short, the same ability and the effect that can be achieved on different people are essentially different. .

And Lin Fan's this is undoubtedly a very good effect!

On the stage, Lin Fan's voice was very stable. The female voice to the male voice were seamlessly switched, and there was no trace of false voice. Lin Fan himself was not affected by the exclamation of the audience.

Lin Fan listened carefully to the singing voice coming back in his ears, and corrected the little blemishes in his voice switching. Lin Fan practiced this singing for several hours and thoroughly changed the [voice switching]. It turned into its own instinct, but in actual operation, it was still not smooth.

But it doesn't matter. Lin Fan has learned to "learn" under the various previous compulsions of the system. Lin Fan can learn how to better use this skill while constantly switching voice lines, running in, and then sublimating.

Now Lin Fan is immersed in the melody, and the state of singing is even better than during rehearsal. When the melody reaches the crucial chorus, Lin Fan feels that he is ready:

"People come and go—"


The eager sound from the audience exploded, almost overturning the roof of the stadium!

Because this sentence is not a male voice or a female voice, but a combination of two voices, which is a standard chorus effect!

Lin Fan sang the effect of a duet chorus alone!

"... Damn!"

Fuck can't describe the mood of the audience at this moment, and can only call on my dear mother, to save his almost destroyed cognitive system.

Not only were the tens of thousands of viewers on the scene, but also the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room. At this time, all the goose bumps on their body were trembling, and everyone felt their scalp numb.

I used to think that Lin Fan could make a sound of both a man and a woman at the same time, which is very awesome, but it is still a visible cow breaking. People who can do this can find a lot of them after looking for it, not counting. Especially strange.

But you sang a duo chorus effect by yourself. It's no longer a cow-breaking description. It is difficult for everyone to find a word to accurately describe the feeling at the moment and describe Lin Fan.

Little study, no choice but to call mom.

Lin Fan ignored the reaction of the audience under the stage, but just held the microphone steadily, snapped perfectly in the music node, and then started a new round of vocal switching.

Lin Fan’s female voice is naturally ethereal, with a touch of nostalgia, and a wide range. The female voice of the song "Because of Love" is still relatively high, which may not be a big deal to a female singer, but to a male singer The sound range is a challenge.

But Lin Fan can sing with ease. Even when Lin Fan sings in a male voice, it is clear that his comfort zone is not in such a high pitch, but when he sings in a female voice, it doesn't seem difficult at all.

"Because of love

How can there be vicissitudes--"

However, on the next sentence, Lin Fan effortlessly switched back to the typical baritone, with a deep and powerful feeling of magnetism:

"So we are still young-"

The audience exclaimed again, even if it was the chorus effect, the audience had already seen Lin Fan's control of the two voices, but every time they heard it, they could feel a shock that hits the soul directly.

This is a trait that challenges common sense but appears so reasonable and reasonable on Lin Fan. It makes the audience feel a little bit overwhelmed. After listening, they still want to hear, and they want to hear more, especially...

The male voice sang: "Give you a CD from the past and listen to our love at that time."

And the female voice sang: "Sometimes I suddenly forget--"

The last chorus: "I'm still in love with!"

The whole party rang out the fiercest applause since the opening!

The shock from the top of the skull to the tail vertebrae, all expectations were met with the response, and it swept the hearts of all audiences at once. At this moment, no words can express their feelings, only applauses, vigorous applause, and constantly Applause!

On the stage, Lin Fan took a sigh of relief and bowed to the audience under the stage to thank: "Thank you..."


This voice?

Why is it still a female voice?

PS: I didn't write "Dalabang" because I feel that this song needs more lyrics and subtitles, and it is not suitable for the first singing on the spot such as a party or a concert.

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