Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 500: 1 super awesome long-term meal ticket!

Not long after Chen Xianwu and Gao Yan stopped, the second group of guests arrived.

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang are already regular visitors of "Yard of Yearning", and there is no difference between coming here and going home. It was the first time Zhuo Yuanquan came, and everything was fresh.

"This is the yard Pan Ge longs for." Li Xiaodong opened the door and walked in, saying hello to the staff on the scene, "Hello, I'm here again, did Director Liu miss me? ?"

The camera turned to director Liu Nan. His face was framed by a frame with the word "director" written in the frame. The audience couldn't see what Liu Nan had on his face, but at the scene, Liu Nan gave Li. Xiaodong responded with a big smile and expressed welcome.

Li Xiaodong ran over, got close to Liu Nan, and whispered to him: "I ordered a drink for everyone. Later, everyone will share it by themselves!"

Without waiting for Liu Nan's reaction, he jogged back to Lu Bingyang and Zhuo Yuanquan, pretending that he hadn't walked, and then desperately hinted Liu Nan with his eyes, and cut this paragraph off when the time came.

Zhuo Yuanquan didn't know if he would cut this paragraph in the end, but he was curious how Li Xiaodong knew the director so well.

Lu Bingyang explained: "Li Xiaodong, this guy can mix wherever he goes. He mixes with the director and photographer in the show, and he mixes with Fuhuadao and the lighting engineer in the crew. Anyway, in order to look better on the camera, This guy also did his best."

It's just that Li Xiaodong has a good personality, and his style of doing things is also very comfortable. In addition, there is Lin Fan covering his back. In short, he can eat everywhere, and everyone can save face.

Li Xiaodong hooked Zhuo Yuanquan’s neck, "Brother Quan, you come here as if you are going home, let go, don’t care about the scenes, the program flow, etc. It’s just what you usually do here. After recording this show, he will personally stare at the editing. Those demons editing will not exist here."

Zhuo Yuanquan is indeed a little unwilling to let go. He has been in this circle for a long time and has encountered a lot. He knows that some programs will be edited deliberately to create contradictions. This is the point of explosion.

Even a popular niche like Zhuo Yuanquan has to be cautious in a variety show with capital as his backer, not dare to make mistakes, for fear of being edited by the devil by the program team accidentally, and inexplicably hacked.

Especially before coming, the agent also told me to ask Zhuo Yuanquan to have a lot of thoughts, so don't be fooled.

Although Zhuo Yuanquan thinks that the agent is a bit of a wasteful man, and that Lin Fan is not such a person, he has suffered a lot, and it is inevitable that there will be some conditioned reflexes. As soon as he enters the lens, he will pick up a bit, for fear that the photographer will not have a good posture. Or a picture with a wrong expression.

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang had clearly noticed, and only then did Zhuo Yuanquan use actual actions to explain them.

After this explanation, Zhuo Yuanquan was obviously relieved: "Where is Brother Fan?"

Li Xiaodong pointed to the door of the front lodging area, "It should be over there? Behind the hall is Pan Ge's kitchen. Pan Ge will cook over there when he is fine. If he is not at home, he will go to the field. Hey, it’s been a while, I don’t know how the seedling I planted last time looked like."

Lu Bingyang also said, "When the sun goes down that afternoon, let's go take a look."

Li Xiaodong readily agreed: "Okay."

Seeing that the two people were chatting energetically, Zhuo Yuanquan took the initiative to push open the glass door in the hall, calling out, "Brother Fan..."


Zhuo Yuanquan was startled when he heard a small salute next to him. Before he could react, he saw shreds of glitter paper spilling from the top of his head, and then there were two more bangs, and Li Xiaodong behind him He Lu Bingyang did not know where he took out two hand-held salutes, twisted them, and two fireworks popped out.

Then, Lin Fancai walked out from behind the bar with a cake cart, smiled and said to Zhuo Yuanquan, "Happy birthday, Brother Quan!"

"Happy birthday to Brother Quan!" Chen Xianwu and Gao Yan also said.

Behind him, Li Xiaodong put his arms on Lu Bingyang's shoulders and smiled at Zhuo Yuanquan: "Happy birthday, Brother Quan, are you surprised or surprised? This is the birthday surprise we prepared for you together!"

Lu Bingyang also offered his blessing: "Happy birthday, Brother Quan!"

Zhuo Yuanquan's eyes were hot, watching the surprise that Lin Fan five specially prepared for him, his throat was a little choked: "You..."

Li Xiaodong came up, pushing Zhuo Yuanquan's back with both hands, and pushing him into the room: "Go in, go in first!"

Zhuo Yuanquan followed Li Xiaodong's strength and walked into the hall.

Lin Fan pushed the cake cart to the middle of the hall: "Come here and blow the candles. Hey, I wanted to celebrate for you in the evening, but if I make this cake myself, I won’t be able to surprise you. I made it delicious. So we have discussed it, and let’s surprise you directly!"

Zhuo Yuanquan’s birthday is today. Generally speaking, it is better to celebrate his birthday at midnight today. But now that the time has been missed, Lin Fan doesn't care about zero or zero. Anyway, boys are not so particular about their birthdays, just as long as they have the meaning.

So the few people hit it off and gave Zhuo Yuanquan such a surprise at the door.

Zhuo Yuanquan was really pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect everyone to celebrate his birthday specially, "Thank you Fan brother!"

Li Xiaodong greeted: "Come on, Brother Quan, make a wish and blow the candles. I haven't tasted the cake made by Brother Pan!"

Zhuo Yuanquan looked at the beautifully made cake in front of him, and was also surprised: "Brother Fan made this by himself?"

"It's necessary, Brother Quan, Brother Fan's cooking skills are good, let Brother Fan cook you this birthday star today, we will just rub your light and have a good time!"

Lin Fan also waved his hand: "Okay, today Brother Quan is the birthday star, and the oldest birthday star. I will do whatever the birthday star wants to eat later. But let's make a wish and blow the candles now!"

Zhuo Yuanquan was so touched that he stood in front of the cake and made a wish in his heart.

Lin Fan greeted everyone: "Come on, let's sing a birthday song to Brother Quan, listen to my command, wish you a happy birthday, and get ready!"

Lin Fan clapped and beat the rhythm, while singing a birthday song familiar to the earth: "Happy birthday to you, birthday to you..."

However, Lin Fan was able to sing vigorously, but he did not hear other people sing along. Not only did he not sing along, but he also looked at Lin Fan with a very strange look, making him unable to sing anymore.

"What are your eyes?"

Li Xiaodong raised his hand.

Lin Fan called his name: "You said."

Li Xiaodong got approval, his mouth was as fast as something, and it was just like a crackling: "Brother Pan, what song are you singing? Why have I never heard it? Could it be that you wrote specifically to celebrate Brother Quan's birthday? a song?"

Lin Fan: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a? What the hell? Does Blue Star actually have no happy birthday song?

It seems, it seems, I found myself another super long-term meal ticket!

I like that the brokerage company went bankrupt before I came to power. Please collect it: () The brokerage company went bankrupt before I came to power. The update speed is the fastest.

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