Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 517: Isn't this the tenth issue of "The Yearning Yard"?

"Next, we have Sister Hui!"

After singing five songs in a row, Lin Fan stopped and took a break, mainly to change his clothes and style, because the style of the next few songs was different from the previous ones.

Therefore, the long-awaited Hui Qiaodan came on the stage perfectly. The song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", powerful strength, and unique personal charm, firmly attracted the attention of the audience.

To make up for the vacancy of Lin Fan's rest.

This job is not easy to do, because this is Lin Fan's home stadium, and everyone may not give face to other guests. Among the guests invited by Lin Fan, there are only a few who can do it. Zhang Xinlan has already been on stage once, and Liu Zhengyan has arranged for a venue in Zhonghou Town, so Hui Qiaodan naturally did his part and took over this important task.

Fortunately, Hui Qiaodan, by virtue of his own strength and the variety show fans he harvested in "The Yearning Yard", helped Lin Fan support the scene and continued the warm atmosphere. Without Lin Fan leaving, the scene was The situation was completely cold.

Lin Fan got off the stage and walked towards the dressing room surrounded by a group of stylists and assistants.

"Brother Fan, you behaved really well!"

"The on-site effect is simply perfect!"

"Brother Pan, would you like to drink water? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"This is the first time you have a concert. If you feel uncomfortable, you must say it, but don't be afraid to trouble yourself."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was at a loss: "Isn't this the tenth issue of "The Yearning Yard"?"

The people around were quiet when they heard the words: yes!

This is only the tenth episode of the show. Everyone knows it clearly, and Brother Pan emphasized it once. Why do you think this is Brother Pan’s concert after listening to it?

Yang Hongxia was angry and funny: "Okay, don't worry, hurry up and change!"

Hui Qiaodan supported the scene alone, but the pressure was great!

Really, it's just the final live broadcast of a variety show, and so many assistants have been invited. Why do you feel the pressure is all on your own?

Lin Fan didn't get entangled anymore, and before he could even ask anything more, he was rushed into the dressing room to make changes and change clothes. Although many guests were invited, the time was still in a hurry, because in addition to a few songs, the guests sang solo, and the others were either Lin Fan sang with the guests or Lin Fan solo. The task was very heavy!

"the brightest star in the night sky

Can you hear me clearly

The person who looks up

The loneliness and sighs in my heart--"


Although Lin Fan was not on the stage, the fans could not help but sing in unison to the melody when they heard Lin Fan's song.

The photographer turned the lens down the stage and pushed it slowly. The three large screens on the stage clearly presented the images in the lens to everyone's eyes.

They swayed their bodies and arms in accordance with the melody, shaking the glow sticks and lights in their hands, with smiles or tears on their faces, singing Lin Fan's songs together, and listening to their own stories in the singing:

"I pray for a transparent heart

And tearful eyes

Give me the courage to believe again

Oh go beyond the lie to hug you—"

In a simple rental house in a city far away from Huadao Island, Feng Yi sat at a small desk and watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone, letting tears wet his face.

In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a stack of professional books. In the upper right corner, there is a desk lamp shining on the notes spread out in the middle of the desk. On the white pages of the notes, Feng Yi wrote with a red pen. Bold font: 180 days countdown.

Yes, Feng Yi finally chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and her boyfriend broke up with her, and within a week, he found a new girlfriend.

Feng Yi didn’t want to see his ex-boyfriend and his current girlfriend walk past him every day, so he moved away decisively and rented another one-bedroom room, immersed himself in various professional books, notes and real questions, and spent the pain and joy. The breakup period.

Regret it? If you don't take the postgraduate entrance examination, you will not be broken up.

Worried? If you can't pass the exam, won't you get a breakup in vain?

Admit it, in fact, you have to take the postgraduate entrance exam just to get angry with your ex-boyfriend. In fact, it would be fine if you promised him not to take the exam...

This kind of self-doubt will pop out of Feng Yi's mind from time to time, and after torturing Feng Yi, it will quietly dissipate, as if it had never existed before, repeatedly.

Feng Yi knows that this is the hurt that this relationship brings to him, and this kind of damage is greater than he estimated. Maybe only when he is truly brave and strong, or as time goes by, he can slowly get better. .

But Feng Yi did not regret it, and when he was too sad to bear it, he drew strength from the song and strengthened his conviction, just as this song sings:

"Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence

Whenever I get lost in the night

oh~the brightest star in the night sky

oh please light me up—"

Feng Yi wiped away the tears on his face and knocked down his insistence in the live broadcast room:

[Feng Duo Yi: Feng Yi, come on! I believe you will be able to succeed! 】


On Huadao Island, Hui Qiaodan sang the song without much nonsense, so he stepped down directly, leaving the audience confused about the situation.

Because Lin Fan hasn't returned to the stage yet, is Hui Qiaodan going down here?

Don't sing one more song?

Or it's good to talk about procrastination.

You are gone, then who can hold this place next?

Anyway, he came to support the general situation, so he was so irresponsible?

Too unprofessional, right?

Soon, the audience knew: "It's Liang Ben!"

Liang Ben did not come alone, but brought his entire band with him. At the same time, he also brought a full set of instruments from their band!

Seeing the open posture on the stage, the audience was blessed to their hearts: "Rock! The next song is rock! Liang Ben has brought all the band members. The next song is not rock and roll. I will live on my handstand and eat my mobile phone!"

"Ahhhhh! Fanfan and Liangben band dream I want to see them collaborate in my dreams, this time my dream has come true!"

This fan said what everyone was saying.

From the time when Lin Fan and Liang Ben participated in "Tian Lai" at the same time, I hope to see their voice of cooperation has not disappeared. It's just that for various reasons, this wish of the fans has never been fulfilled.

Looking at the current posture, will this wish finally be realized?

It's another lifetime series!

look forward to!

This is not the key. The key is, which song are Lin Fan and Liang Ben's band going to sing?

"Yyds "No Place to Confront"! Do not accept any rebuttal!"

""Broad Sea and Sky" is the masterpiece of the gods!"

"Children only make choices. Of course adults want them all! I will give me all the rock and roll songs in general. If you don't blow up the audience, you won't be stepped down!"


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