At nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Fan eased a little bit and couldn't fall asleep anymore. Practicing basic skills every morning has become Lin Fan's muscle memory. He wakes up automatically at one o'clock in the biological clock. It is still too tired to sleep until nine o'clock. the result of.

Lin Fan finished washing in the room and walked out.

When I came out, I was shocked!

"Why...what's wrong with you? Gangsters got into the hotel? How about security? Did you call the police?"

It's no wonder that Lin Fan is making a fuss. It is the way Wang Lingli and the others are now. They really want to be after fighting with the gangsters. Their hair is messy like a chicken coop, and their eye sockets are a little swollen, as if they were punched!

More importantly, the makeup of these girls is spent!

It's so scary!

The lipstick is rubbing against my neck, the foundation on my face is white and yellow, and the clothes are a bit messy! All of them look wilted, in short, it's hard to say a word!

How could the big guy admit to such a shameful thing that he fought for a pot of porridge?

Wang Lingli wiped her face and forced a smile: "It's okay! We are just, playing games!"

Li Shasha nodded vigorously, wiped off the lipstick from her neck, hiss! It hurts a bit. Did someone scratch the skin?

"Yes, yes, we are playing games!"

Anyway, I must not admit such a shameful thing!

Lin Fan was speechless: "What game, so exciting!"

"Uh, that, that's the one that's been very popular recently, real-life immersive script kill! That's it!"

Edit! You work hard!

Lin Fan smiled: "Are you finished?"

Everyone nodded together: "It's over."

Lin Fan took a deep breath and comforted himself. These are all my fans, and they are all invited by me. They are all... fart!

"Go back and clean up yourself! Take a good look in the mirror and see what the **** you are now! You can be patient, fight while I'm asleep! Everyone goes back and writes me a three-thousand-word review, and submits it before lunch. !"

Everyone screamed: "Don't be general!"

"I am most afraid of writing a review!"

"Are three thousand words too much, or 800 words in general?"

"I can't finish writing today's lunch by myself!"

Lin Fancai is not used to them, this group of fans are too arrogant, they just get into trouble when they live in, and don't give them a slap in the face, they will be able to climb on top of themselves until tomorrow!

Lin Fan no longer cared about them, and directly opened the door of the backyard and walked towards the kitchen.

Wang Lingli's face changed drastically, she hugged her head and squirmed!

Others followed with a "buzz" sound, like a hornet that had blown up its nest, and fled the hall as if they fled, some ran back to the room, some ran directly to the outside garden, and some went straight into it. In the basement!

In short, in less than a second, there will be no one in the entire hall.

Lin Fan walked into the kitchen, thinking about today's noon menu, while going to the rice cooker to serve porridge, planning to pad his stomach first.

But who knew that once the rice cooker was turned on and it was clean, the porridge would have been drunk long ago. But Wang Lingli and the others still have a bit of conscience. Although they finished Lin Fan’s porridge, they bought breakfast for Lin Fan and kept it warm in the steamer next to them.

There are quite a lot of quantity and variety. Almost all types of breakfast snacks near the homestay are concentrated here. Lin Fan didn’t pick it. He just grabbed a small dumpling and took a bite. The taste was okay, only inferior to what I made. A little bit, a little pad is still no problem.


Lin Fan looked back at the rice cooker. He always felt that this rice cooker was different from the one he often used in his impression.

Maybe it's an illusion, right?

Lin Fan took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and poured it into the milk pan to heat it up, but what about the ladle? Lin Fan looked around and found a brand-new ladle in the cupboard.

Looking at the long-handled spoon that hadn't been used at all, Lin Fan fell into silence.

Then, several fans who made Birds and Beasts heard the sound from the kitchen, amplified through the longing yard ancestral loudspeaker: "Review five thousand words, and rewrite one word for me!"

Everyone trembled: o(╥﹏╥)o woo woo woo, we were generally wrong!

At twelve o’clock at noon, in the longing yard garden, the rectangular dining table was filled with a variety of delicious foods, coupled with the idol halo of "Lin Fan’s hand-made", Wang Lingli and others only felt that these dishes were all there. Exuding a dazzling light, the dreamy bubbles boiled and shattered, and the scent aroused the taste buds all the time, making people want to pounce on it immediately and eat first as a respect.

However, because of the fighting that broke out in the morning because of a pot of porridge, they destroyed one of Lin Fan's beloved rice cooker, one long-handled spoon, and tried to use the newly purchased similar products to get rid of the bad behavior!

Lin Fan made a ruthless decision that no one was allowed to eat at the table until they had finished their review!

However, even if there are three full hours, there are still several people who have not completed the five-thousand-word review, and those who have completed the review book have problems like this.

"What I asked you to write is a review of fighting and damaging property items. This paragraph is obviously a review of cheating on exams. Is it copied from the Internet? When copying, you just copy and paste it without looking at the content?"

"The content of this paragraph is exactly the same as the previous paragraph. Is your job writing web articles, and the number of words is so good that you will be sent by readers?"

"You two are copying the same review! Can you breathe each other while copying! So many sample essays on the Internet have to copy the same article!"


Everyone was intimidated and afraid to talk. There was a feeling of being called into the office by the teacher when they were back in school.

It was because they had the wrong first, so it didn't matter if Lin Fan said a few words.

that is.

"Guru!" Yu Mengmeng suddenly yelled in her stomach, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Fan said coolly: "Why, I didn't grab a bite of porridge in the morning?"

Yu Mengmeng wanted to cry without tears: "They are too cunning. They rushed into the kitchen when I was not paying attention to the card distribution. When I reacted, they couldn't get in anymore..."

Lin Fan glanced over, and the others looked at the sky and the ground. They just didn't make any eye contact with Lin Fan anyway.

It is impossible to be comity. Now the yard you are longing for is not open to the public. Who knows when will generally receive fans next time? Not to mention the porridge made by herself, she won't be polite to her in a bite!

"Gululu!" With Yu Mengmeng's head, the other people's stomachs also screamed as if they had received some kind of signal, one after another, let alone anyone.

But just this, they didn't dare to rush to eat, because Lin Fan hadn't spoken yet.

Lin Fan also had a headache to the point of speechlessness: "Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful, forget it this time, and have another..."

Everyone hurriedly stated: "No There will be absolutely no next time! If something like this happens again, you will drive us away in general, we have absolutely nothing to say!"

"Sorry for the generality. I was so excited today. Maybe the concert was so exciting yesterday, and the whole person didn't adjust...Ah, I'm not looking for excuses. Anyway, I'm sorry, we know it was wrong!"

Lin Fan also had nothing to do with this group of fans: "It's alright, let's eat!"

"Wow!" Everyone cheered in unison, Lin Fan let go, and the courage of these fans became fatter again.

"It's great, I knew Fanfan would definitely forgive us!"

"Generally, don't worry, I promise that there will be no next time!"

Lin Fan waved the review book in his hand: "However, for those who haven't finished the review, please fill in the number of words after the meal!"

"Ah, no~~~~"

Over the longing yard, there was a burst of laughter, but there were a few wailings, and a bit of tranquility was added to the noise, and the early summer sun covered the entire flower island.

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