It is the first time that Xia Yan’s mother has participated in the recording of popular songs.

In the past, some of the singers signed by Galaxy Overseas had tried Xia Yan's mother's idea, but Xia Shaozhang blocked them.

After all, with Xia Shaozhang's short-term temperament, how could he casually agree to let his daughter-in-law go to accompany other singers?

How much is a daughter-in-law!

Later, Xia Yan entered the entertainment industry and became a singer. Although Xia Yan's mother was interested, she wanted to help her daughter. But once Xia Yan wanted to rely on herself, Xia Yan was already wearing a halo, and letting her mother to accompany her songs was a bit too hateful.

Secondly, Xia Yan's own piano performance is also very good, and she doesn't need Xia Yan's mother.

So in the end, Lin Fan was cheaper.

When Xia Shaozhang recalled, this matter had already become a foregone conclusion. He didn't know for a moment whether he won or lost the duel.

Anyway, Comrade Xia's mood is very complicated.

However, it is not completely unprofitable. For example, Xia Shaozhang can watch the scene with an upright look, and Lin Fan's new song can be heard first at the scene where Lin Fan is recording a new song.

Of course, the more important thing is that the old father can personally stare at a certain guy firmly, so as not to let him take advantage of his daughter under his nose!

Galaxy’s recording studio.

Xia Yan’s mother deserves to be the honorary dean of the Beautiful National Conservatory of Music. After reading the sheet music given by Lin Fan, she can play the entire accompaniment smoothly without even practicing. It has fully met all Lin Fan's requirements.

Lin Fan just wanted to offer his knees.

In the face of her mother's powerful strength, Xia Little Fairy Yan was also willing to bow down to the wind, not daring to be presumptuous, so she could only choose another instrument and help Lin Fan record the accompaniment.

Coupled with Lin Fan's increasingly powerful singing skills, a new song was recorded in one afternoon!

This is not the kind of recording that Lin Fan produced during the "Morning Star" period in a hurry to upload and release as soon as possible, just past the passing line.

The sound source produced today is absolutely fine.

As picky as Xia Shaozhang, I have to admit that from the singing to the accompaniment to the final effect, there is nothing wrong with it. Of course, if you can polish it a few more times, Xia Shaozhang believes that the effect can definitely be improved.

However, no one paid any attention to Xia Shaozhang at this moment, and everyone's attention was attracted by Lin Fanzi.

"Generally speaking, your singing skills are more powerful than I thought!" Xia Yan's mother's eyes were also bright, "A song can be recorded so quickly, it's even more powerful than words!"

Xia Yan and You Rongyan: "Yes, mom, when I first met Lin Fan, I helped him record a song. I had to repeat a song many times before I could record the finished product that just passed the pass.

But soon, I found that his singing skills were getting better and better, and his speed was getting faster and faster when recording songs. Now he can surpass me in singing skills, recording new songs, if he is in good condition, he can even pass it once or twice.

Sometimes I have to record several times! Now in the area of ​​singing, Lin Fan can be my teacher! "

Xia Yan’s mother was surprised: "Really? I remember that you have only known each other for a year, right?"

Xia Yan nodded proudly: "It's just been a year! We met when "Morning Star" started airing last year. Now "Morning Star" is on the air, so it's exactly a year."

Xia Yan's mother didn't know what to say.

There are some things that I only listened to Xia Yan unilaterally. Although Xia Yan's mother has always liked Lin Fan, she still feels a little bit that her daughter is a love house and a Wu, which is a bit overwhelming.

However, when Xia Yan's mother heard Lin Fan's singing skills without modification, and combined with reality, she discovered that although her daughter mostly praised and showed off the tone, the content was indeed true!

Exaggeration is certainly a little bit, but it is only a little bit, and most of it is fact.

In one year, Lin Fan went from an unknown draft student to today's much-anticipated position. From the perspective of the audience or passers-by, he only feels that Lin Fan is going smoothly.

But Xia Yan's mother felt very distressed. She stretched out her hand and gently touched Lin Fan's head: "It must be very hard."

Obviously it was just a very ordinary care, but Lin Fan felt a sourness coming up: This seemed to be the first time that he felt such tender care and considerate pity from a female elder.

All the skills given by the system seemed to be useless at this moment. Lin Fan was silent for a full second before retrieving his voice: "Actually, it's okay."

It's really okay. Compared to those artists who are struggling in the entertainment industry, Lin Fan feels that he is lucky enough.

Xia Yan’s mother saw Lin Fan’s stubbornness and didn’t say anything more on this topic. Instead, she talked about another thing: "Ah, yes, my little sister asked me to ask if you can spare One time, she has a show over there and wants to invite you to be a guest performer!"

Lin Fan hadn't answered yet, Xia Shaozhang came over.

"Ahem! This kind of thing involving publicity and announcements is better through the company's negotiation." Xia Shaozhang put on a business attitude, but his sour tone has completely leaked his true thoughts. .

But Xia Shaozhang didn't care, and just looked at his wife: "Well, you can talk to me, what kind of business event is this?"

Xia Yan's mother gave Xia Shaozhang a white look, but she still gave Xia Shaozhang a face, and said to Xia Shaozhang: "That's it, Sela has a show next week, and I want to invite general to do the opening performance. Do you remember Sela?"

Xia Shaozhang pondered for a while: "Is it your little sister who is a designer?"

Xia Yan's mother smiled: "Yes, the Angel's Secret underwear show, but it's not the annual show of the whole brand, but the Ice Angel series that Serra is in charge of, a separate show."

Lin Fan captured two key words from their conversation, angel, underwear, um, inexplicably thought of a certain secret show on the earth, is this a certain secret show of Blue Star?


Want to see!

The light that bloomed in Lin Fan's eyes was so shining that it attracted everyone's eyes.

Xia Yan smiled: "Lin Fan, you seem to be very happy?"

Xia Yan's mother: "General you know the mystery of angels?"

Xia Shaozhang: "Lin Fan, have you seen the Angels Annual Show?"

Lin Fan looked righteous: "Angel? The annual show? What is this? Is it a variety show on the beautiful country?"

Turning to Xia Yan: "Yanyan, of course I am happy, because just now my inspiration broke out and a new song has already been brewed in my mind!"

Xia Yan was instantly biased: "Really? Hurry up, write it down, I can't wait to see it!"

Lin Fan took advantage of turning around to find the space between paper and pen, winking desperately at Yang Hongxia: Hurry! Keep this announcement next!

Yang Hongxia accepted Lin Fan's wink, but looked at Xia Yan's mother who was smiling softly, and then at Xia Shaozhang who was smiling kindly, Yang Hongxia was immediately stunned.

Xia Shaozhang Heshan smiled: "Hongxia, do you think this announcement is going to be accepted?"

Yang Hongxia: ……Should I answer, or should I not answer?

Waiting online, very anxious!

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