Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 571: We can't lose to the group of dry fans next door!

[Lin Fan: "A Chinese Ghost Story" is finalized! It will be screened in theaters nationwide on July 1. I hope you can support it! @夏言@程国华@梁闻@黎小冬冬冬@路冰阳……】

[Xia Yan: "A Chinese Ghost Story" is set for July 1st! The first movie in my life is finally going to meet you. I’m so happy I don’t know how to express it. Let’s draw a prize to express it!

Everyone posted the movie ticket stubs, randomly selected a thousand fans, and gave me a new album autographed! 】

Later, Aite also included other actors in the crew and the main person in charge of the director group.

The people who were visited by Aite also published relevant news, urging everyone to go to the movies when that time comes.

Li Xiaodong followed Xia Yan even more, and also started a ticket stub lottery. However, Li Xiaodong's lottery is not a signed album or a signed photo, but a shopping card from his own supermarket!

One hundred people are drawn, and each person will get a 1,000 yuan shopping card!

Lu Bingyang and Zhuo Yuanquan scolded Li Xiaodong's prodigal, and together with Lin Fan's other friends, they expressed their support for Lin Fan's first movie after the film was released.

The fans are even more hilarious.

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: I finally! finally! Finally waited until the general first movie was finalized! Don't say anything, just pack a movie to support my family's general film career! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: cry.JPG! My pocket money has been deducted in half! I will no longer be able to spend money to support the generality like before! I originally wanted to invite all the sisters from the support club to watch a movie, but now I can only invite 10,000! 】

People who eat melon:...Bah! Don't come here to show off your wealth, you rich lady!

Not only are Lin Fan’s fans rejoicing, but Xia Yan’s fans are also thrilled:

【Lily Lily: Our first movie is finally going online! Brothers and sisters! To cheer up, we can't lose to the group of people who work next door, let alone humiliate our words! After the movie went live, the ticket stubs were all exposed! 】

[You are the nail in my heart: Yes! That's right! Can't be compared by the group of dry food! We say that fans are not eating dry food, this time at the box office, we must make them look good! 】


Fans of Xia Yan, this time has been suffocated.

Xia Yan and Lin Fan are actually very similar, and they are even less keen on business than Lin Fan. Except when they release songs, they will show songs for publicity. On weekdays, they will hold concerts and participate in activities such as singing clubs. , The most is to participate in some more professional music programs.

Compared with the original Lin Fan, that is, two more albums have been released.

But Lin Fan stopped salting fish later. New songs were released once a week. He also did variety shows, made movies, and drew comics. Recently, he went abroad to play songs. In short, Lin Fan is no longer the salted fish.

But Xia Yan was even more reclusive!

Since the Golden Melody Award last year, I went to Lin Fan’s beach concert. Besides, fans have never seen Xia Yan in public again!

As Lin Fan became more and more popular, and Xia Yan closed for business, fans of Xia Yan tasted that they disliked the bitter fruit of Lin Fan’s enthusiasm for Xia Yan. Back to Xia Yan's fans: now it is Xia Yan's fever!

But Xia Yan's fans were so angry: We can't take the knife anymore, or are you floating?


If we say that our fans don't show off their power, should we treat them as bullies?

It's time for you to see the fighting power of our Yanfan!

[Don’t say it’s unpredictable: On July 1st, I will pack it up at the Midsummer Cinema on XX Road in Magic City. All fans of Magic City are invited to watch movies for free, and I will enter the venue directly by reporting my online name! Don't worry about it! 】

Yanfans are very happy: look, this is Yanfan's noodles!

A certain arrogant old father: Humph! My own daughter I am covering!

[Mengmeng rabbit: Ha ha, can you compare pocket money to me? Want to force me to take out my new year's money? Speaking of 10,000 people, just a start! I'm not like some people. I invite people who do food, and I also invite fans of words! It's so capricious! 】

Fanfan: Meng Sister V587!

A proud old father:  ̄□ ̄||


The fans of Lin Fan and Xia Yan are lively, but the people on the "Blue Star Fleet" crew are watching jokes.

"It's really interesting. It's so blatant to cut fans and leeks, not ashamed but proud. It's really insightful!"

"Blue Star Fleet" is a sci-fi blockbuster with an investment of 1.5 billion. From the beginning of the preparations for the project, it has attracted attention due to its huge investment, starring lineup, and cooperation with overseas special effects teams. It can be said that since the preparation of this film, a large number of audiences are looking forward to its release.

Even every key point in "Blue Star Fleet", such as the completion of the live scene, the completion of special effects, etc., can arouse the audience's joy. Therefore, the theaters are also very optimistic, the lowest row of films is not less than 20%-except for the Midsummer Cinema.

Therefore, the people in this crew watch Lin Fan's side just like they watch a joke.

"Oh, you can't say that. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. They are willing to do so, and we can't care if it is."

"Although it's not our business, but because of the existence of such people and the pursuit of such brain-disabled fans, the movie market in recent years has been made smoggy by these idols! Let's not talk about it. In the commercial blockbuster last year, the investor did not want an idol from the fortress to join the crew. As a result, the acting eyes were so spicy..."

This person didn't say it directly, but everyone knows that because he changed the protagonist to a popular traffic niche, he originally thought that with his number of fans, he could support the box office.

Unexpectedly, the high-ranking film of the whole movie only lasted for one day, and the next day it suffered a slashing decline! Moreover, the score of the film directly fell below 5 points, and now it has dropped to 3 points, and more than half of the audience directly gave a 1-star rating.

The box office is even more bleak. The total domestic box office as of the picture below has stopped at 100 million yuan. You must know that the investment in this movie is not small. If you want to achieve a return, the cumulative box office must be at least 1 billion. However, regardless of investment Fang is still the flow himself.

This incident has also become the biggest joke in the Chinese film industry in recent years.

Now there is another Lin Don't watch the fans and the media lively. It seems that I am looking forward to the release of this film. But in the movie circle, everyone is waiting to see Lin Fan repeat the mistakes of that flow, and then contribute a new joke for everyone.


"Tao Zheng from the Midsummer Cinema gave Lin Fan 10% of the lineup, and only 15% of the normal blockbuster treatment for us. Look, he is so optimistic about Lin Fan. I will wait for the premiere, what will he cry like!"

The people in "Blue Star Fleet" are a bit dissatisfied with Tao Zheng's choice. This is blatantly not putting their crew in the eyes, especially if the competitor is still an idol!

The director allowed the crew members to vent their dissatisfaction, and then patted clothes and stood up: "Let’s go, it’s time to set out to record the show. Everyone here is your own person, and you will not spread anything you say, but go to it. You know what you should say and what should not be said at the show."

"Got it, director!"

"Don't worry, the director, that is, in the company, everyone will say what is in their hearts. When we go outside, we will never cause you trouble!"

The director was noncommittal: "Let's go!"

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