Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 586: Brother Pan is so heavy, what should I do if I crush my words?

The brokerage company went bankrupt before I took the stage https://

"4 billion! The annual box office dark horse! A Chinese Ghost Story became the biggest winner of the summer file! 》

"Lin Fan ranks among the emerging Chinese directors with a Chinese Ghost Story"

"Famous Director's Evaluation of Lin Fan: The future can be expected! 》

"Xia Yan first touches the shadows with the role of "Xiao Qian" to create a classic Chinese movie! 》


With the painting of "A Chinese Ghost Story", the popularity of the crew has not diminished, on the contrary, it has attracted more attention. Major media websites, self-media, personal accounts, and even offline paper media and magazines didn’t need Yang Hongxia to greet and spend money. They rushed to publish the draft for fear of missing this hot spot and losing a lot of traffic.

Suddenly, the phrases Lin Fan, Xia Yan, and "A Chinese Ghost Story" resounded throughout the country!

Even Cheng Guohua, who played Yan Chixia's old drama, has gained tens of millions of fans in one month!

The rest of the actors, as well as the deputy director Liang Wen and other important members of the crew, also more or less won a lot of fans and got the attention of fans.

More importantly, because of the regret of the ending of "A Chinese Ghost Story", fans have petitioned on the Internet, hoping that Lin Fan can shoot the second part, and it must be the perfect ending of the scholar Ning Caichen and the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian to accept it.

Lin Fan directly ignored such a rude request.

I know the mentality of you fans of the second film and the perfect ending. I know the mentality of you fans: it is you who are crying and yelling for me to film the second film. When I shoot the second film, you will scold me. It's you who are bloody!

With that spare time, wouldn't it be fragrant to shoot "Best of Love"?

Didn’t you see that Liang Wen could not wait to start preparations?

Therefore, Lin Fan unified expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the large number of managers holding banknotes to invest in the second film of Lin Fan, and then decisively refused.

I don't know how many people behind them will call themselves stupid and don't make money, but Lin Fan doesn't care.

"It doesn't matter if you don't shoot the second part, but you can't refuse these advertisements, magazines, and so on."

Yang Hongxia handed Lin Fan a lot of invitations, including but not limited to advertisements, endorsements, magazine covers, media interviews, etc. These invitations were all when the "A Chinese Ghost Story" movie hit, and Lin Fan's popularity rose. In front of Yang Hongxia.

Some can be rejected, but some invitations contain human relationships. As long as Lin Fan is still in the entertainment circle, these human relationships cannot be evaded.

Of course, the kind that made excessive demands, no matter what his background, Lin Fan strongly refused. Those who came with a friendly and cooperative attitude, even though they had lost their favor, Lin Fan was still willing to cooperate with them.

After all, I still have a studio to raise, and to marry a wife later, the scene shouldn’t be too shabby, isn’t it?

Not only Lin Fan, but Xia Yan also received a lot of endorsements and advertisements from high-end luxury brands during the roadshow, and had to spare as much time as possible to shoot the advertisements during the roadshow.

Of course, although Xia Yan was a first-line singer in the past, in front of the luxury brand father, it was not enough to watch. After receiving the invitation, he could rush to the brand to cooperate with the shooting.

But now it’s different. Xia Yan doesn’t need to run around the world to shoot commercials. Instead, the brand directly packs up a group of staff, personally comes to the door to arrange everything, and shoots in accordance with Xia Yan’s time, and the salary is improved. More than one.

But even so, Xia Yan was so tired that his whole body was thin. He still had a fleshy face and a sharp chin, but Lin Fan was distressed.

"Sister Xia, let's have a celebration banquet! Let us rest for two days after the celebration banquet."

Yang Hongxia saw that the cabbage she grew thinner, she felt distressed, and she agreed very readily, "Okay, let's celebrate the feast!"


The celebration banquet was held in a five-star hotel in the magic city. Lin Fan's original intention was to hold a celebration banquet. Everyone should relax and have a good meal, but the actual situation does not allow it.

"Let’s keep a low profile, the red carpet will not be gone, the outfield host will not be gone, the signature wall will not do anything, and we will be happy in the infield. Well, Lin Fan, Teacher Tang said it’s free for us. As the host of the celebration banquet, remember to thank others when the time comes.

But if you say that, you can’t really make people come here in vain. I will prepare a big red envelope for you, and then you will hand it over to Teacher Tang to show your feelings..."

"Slow down!" Lin Fan raised his hand to stop Yang Hongxia from continuing to talk, "Sister Xia, how come I listen to this celebration party, it's no different from the premiere?"

Yang Hongxia gave Lin Fan a white look: "Otherwise? What do you think the celebration banquet looks like?"

"Don't you just gather together and have a good meal?"

Then the point is that after eating, everyone can go back to each house and sleep in a dark place!

How long has it been since I had a good night's sleep holding my daughter-in-law?

"You think too much. The celebration banquets are all for the media and the public! We eat a meal by ourselves, that's the second half of the game! You just rush it as an announcement, go and change clothes Do the styling!"

Lin Fan: Nothing to love.JPG!

Outside the Magic City Hotel, on both sides of the street, and on the square outside the hotel, fans are crowded with fans. Just like the premiere, they are holding lights, glow sticks and other aids. As the speed of the car slows down, Lin Fan can barely see a few familiar faces from the crowd through the car window

Not to mention, the deafening screams erupted from the fans after seeing the vehicle approaching.

Indeed, there is only one red carpet difference from the premiere.

However, at the premiere, most of the fans called Lin Fan and Xia Yan's names, but now, almost everyone calls the same name, that is:

"Xiao Qian!"

"Xiao Qian is here!"

"Wow! Xiaoqian, I love you!"


In the car, assistant Xiao Wan couldn't help but laugh: "Brother Pan, your popularity has been suppressed by Sister Yanyan!"

Before Lin Fan had time to answer, Chen Yuan, who was sitting next to Xiao Wan, said in a serious manner: "It's okay. Words and words pressure Pan Gedo to be normal. Otherwise, Fan Ge is so heavy, what should I do if I crush the words?"

Everyone in this wave of cars was caught off guard!

Xia Yan, who understood in seconds, only felt a rush of heat. She reached out into anger and pinched Lin Fan's waist, but said to Chen Yuan, "Smelly Yuanyuan! What are you talking about!"

Chen Yuan shrank towards Xiaowan, and the two of them laughed together.

Xia Yan was embarrassed and angry, but sitting in the back seat was not good for Chen Yuan, so she could only spread her anger on Lin Fan. His little hand grabbed the flesh of Lin Fan's waist and turned it around, making Lin Fan hurt. Take a breath.

Lin Fan, who was innocently implicated, quickly pulled Xia Yan's hand away, and then held it tightly in the palm of her hand to prevent her from making any mess: "Yanyan, Yanyan, it's coming! I'm getting off the car, what's the matter? Let's talk about it!"

Mainly, there is also a huge surprise gift that I brought back from the Secret of Angels at home, waiting for the daughter-in-law to take it apart by herself!

I like that the brokerage company went bankrupt before I came to the stage. Please collect: () The brokerage company went bankrupt before I came to the stage. The update speed is the fastest.

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