Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 684: Hold your thighs in principle!

Zhou Xiang didn't want to leave at all!

After running for such a long time, the crew will come from one crew to another, let alone newcomers like Zhou Xiang, even if they are officially debuted actors, they may not be able to stand it.

Had it not been for Yang Hongxia holding a big stick of radish to intimidate and lure there, Zhou Xiang himself would have really benefited from the "White Snake", otherwise Zhou Xiang would not know if he could persist.

But it turns out that I did it myself!

Zhou Xiang has met all Yang Hongxia's requirements!

Now is the time for Yang Hongxia to fulfill her promise, Zhou Xiang feels that even if her brain is eaten by a dog, she can't make the move to quit at this moment.

But the other party doesn't think so!

"Zhou Xiang, look at you now, you need to be popular and popular, and you want acting and acting. Your debut is such a popular work as "The Legend of the White Snake". You have already won on the starting line!

But as for Mr. Yang, not only did he not give you any attention, he even refused to use better resources. You said that after you became popular, have you received any decent endorsements? Did you make any money? Is there the next TV series waiting for you to be the protagonist?

Not at all! We work hard to learn acting, so many people squeeze their heads to get into this circle, what is the picture? Isn't it just a glamorous picture, but also a lot of money!

Hey, of course, if you just like acting, it doesn’t matter. Acting has no effect on earning money and promoting coffee. You can take care of all three! dont you agree? "

Zhou Xiang's face was strained, and he rubbed the mouth of the cup with his finger a little impatiently. Although he wanted to say something cruel and leave, Zhou Xiang knew that with his vain popularity, he would really offend the other party. I am afraid that I will also get a fishy.

They can't dig themselves, they can slander themselves and discredit their reputation on the Internet. Then all the little passers-by that he has accumulated with great difficulty are all ruined.

So Zhou Xiang had to be patient, deal with each other, try not to tear his skin.

"Mr. Kim..."

"Hey, what are you calling for? It's too much for you to call me, brother!"

Damn it!

Zhou Xiang's nausea is broken, so I can't wait to pour a big cup of hot water to get this greasy!

After finally controlling the feeling of vomiting, Zhou Xiang couldn’t help but twitched his mouth: “What? Actually, Sister Xia was very good to me. Otherwise, “The Legend of the White Snake” would have to compete for posts after viewing. The film is not for me.

My acting skills were really not good at first. Sister Xia was also trying to help me hone my acting skills and make my future path go a bit smoother..."

But President Jin interrupted Zhou Xiang's words: "A small supporting actor who didn't appear in many episodes until the end of the whole play is reluctant to come out. Then President Yang is too stingy. Xiangxiang, don't be taken. Such a small favor was blindfolded.

Mr. Yang is really good for you, so why not give you the heroine of their long-talked about "Blessings of Love"? You have no part in this movie, right? What about others?

Not to mention a movie tailored specifically for you, at least for a heroine, or a female second role? Your role in "The Legend of the White Snake" is still a play by your own company! I'm embarrassed to say it for me! "

Zhou Xiang suffocated his breath and did not speak. The President Jin thought he was talking about Zhou Xiang's thoughts, and a hypocritical smile was squeezed out of his fatty face: "But Xiang Xiang, when you come to our side, it is completely different. No, let’s not talk about anything else, just pick all the heroines of the idol dramas in the company!

Xiangxiang, you have to know that if you don't make idol dramas at your age, what old sayings you go to film, this is a real waste of talent! "

Zhou Xiang's belly slander: idol drama? It sounds like an idol drama, but it's actually a vulgar romantic drama with Mary Su. This kind of role is almost no help to him, and maybe it will reduce his audience's popularity!

After seeing the powerful influence and potential of "The Legend of the White Snake", Zhou Xiang consciously has a higher vision. With choices, he can play a role with depth, thought, personality, and charm. Who wants to retire? And the second best?

Regardless of whether others want it or not, Zhou Xiang doesn't want it anyway.

President Jin persuaded Zhou Xiang for a while, but Zhou Xiang still bit his mouth tight, and finally broke up again.

This is the third time this month!

Zhou Xiang was very annoying, but the other party came directly to the school to block people. Based on the principle of doing more than less, Zhou Xiang was unwilling to make the scene too ugly, so he agreed to talk to the other party, hoping that the other party would know the difficulties. retreat.

But now it seems that Mr. Jin is not impatient at all, and he clearly has a firm attitude, but the other party still comes to the door again and again.

I always think something is weird.

Zhou Xiang shook his head, thinking about turning around and telling Sister Xia to forget about it, and let Sister Xia take care of it. Anyway, he would just follow Sister Xia with all his heart, and hug the thighs of Brother Fan and Yanyan. Filming?

Not at all!

Zhou Xiang, who had made up his mind, just wanted to tell Yang Hongxia about this matter, he first received a call from the courier brother: The souvenir that Pan brother sent him has arrived!

Zhou Xiang immediately left Mr. Jin's affairs behind him, and rushed to the courier collection point, only to realize that Lin Fan had sent several boxes to himself! No one can finish it alone!

Zhou Xiang made a call that was not polite at all and summoned all his roommates to help. Anyway, taking things back to the dormitory is also worth seeing. This coolie is not in vain!

After receiving the call, the roommate was unambiguous, and rushed there soon, and brought a small cart, just enough to take away three large boxes at once.

After returning to the dormitory Zhou Xiang happily began to unpack the box: "Here are all fruits, let me see, this is longan, loquat, plum, pineapple, mango... what is this? I don’t know. !"

Open another box, all are snacks, such as dried sweet potatoes, peanuts, tangerine peel, plum, dried longan, mung bean cake, taro cake, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, etc. The third box is some local specialties in the south, including but not It is limited to sweet potatoes, yam, cold potatoes, spring bamboo shoots, etc. grown by Agang's family.

In short, the portion is full!

Seeing everyone has a share, Zhou Xiang divided each of these things into one, and then sent a message to Lin Fan to express his gratitude:

[Zhou Xiang: Brother Fan, I have received everything you sent! Thank you Fan Brother, my roommates and I have good food for so many delicious foods! 】

At the same time, I also attached a photo of snacks all over the floor, but I will not appear on the scene. After all, Pan Ge is a person with a family. It is necessary to maintain a proper distance or to maintain a principle when holding the thigh!

As soon as Zhou Xiang’s news came out, he heard his roommate scream: "Xiang Xiang! Something happened, look online! Someone is hacking you!"

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