Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 696: True Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

"Lin Fan's first album sales surpassed 50 million, reaching the diamond album achievement! 》

"The first project is diamonds, how far is Lin Fan from the king of heaven?" 》

"Lin Fan has set a new record in the Chinese music scene, with the first album's first day sales exceeding 50 million! 》


As soon as the results of Lin Fan’s first album "Qilixiang" were announced, not only passers-by, but also fans thought this number was fantastic!

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: I know that my first major will be very good, but I didn't expect it to be so good! I can't believe this is actually our contribution! 】

[Keeping in front of the grave and listening to ghosts telling stories: I have not finished listening to the digital album after I bought it, and the scores of 50 million yuan came out. I thought for a moment that I was crossing the future. Otherwise, how did I grab it from 50 million people? From this album? 】

[Moe cute rabbit: Blow it all over! Blow up a new album in general! Blow up every song in the album! What on earth did you grow up with? Why do you have so many talents in your head? 】


The fans are very fantasy, and the entertainers in the entertainment industry are shocked to the extreme!

The results of Lin Fan's album can really be included in the top five in the history of Chinese music! If we add a limited term such as "first" on the basis of this sales, then we dare not say that there will be no one in the future, at least there will be no one before!

Even more than ten years ago, when the Chinese music world was able to give birth to a singer of the Queen of Heaven and Queen of Heaven, no one's first album had such amazing sales.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the [Eight Drinking Friends] group did not know when the name was changed, and it became [One King Fried with Seven Losers]:

[Huihui: Autistic, don't Cue! 】

[Uncle Zheng: I doubt my life anymore, don’t find me if I have nothing to do...]

[Brother Crane: Big guy, take me to fly again next time, @泛泛. 】

[Kaikai: Worship the boss! @泛泛. 】

[Bobo: Worship the boss! @泛泛. 】

[Ben brother: worship the boss! @泛泛. 】

[Miao Miao: Worship the boss! @泛泛. 】

[Generally:..."Loser", sister Hui, when did you honestly explain that you eavesdropped on my new song? 】

[Huihui: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻How come there is a new song again! Brother Fan, can you give us a way to survive! Slow down and release a new song!]

[Uncle Zheng: Of course, if it really can't give us a way to survive, please let us listen to the new song before we go on the road...]

[Ben: Brother Fan, I just want to ask if you still lack pendants on your legs. I am definitely better than Brother He. The requirements are really not high, just one lyrics! 】


Seeing the subject flew away in the direction of holding the thigh again, Lin Fan didn't dare to hide, and quickly said the business:

[Generally: Stop making trouble, everyone, my new movie is about to go live, come to win a personal scene when you have time, one who has no time to buy a money, and yell for me on a social account that has no time and no money! 】

This matter, Liu Zhengyan knows best:

[Uncle Zheng: Is it that charity movie? Didn’t you say that you want to go to the summer vacation? Why is it so much in advance? 】

[Generally:...Ah, it was so smooth, I accidentally finished it more than a month in advance...]

Everyone: ...I have seen Versailles, I have never seen Lin Fan so capable of Versailles!

Is this fair?

Why don't you say that because you are so talented, making a movie is as easy as eating and drinking for you, and every shot is a shot?

Although this is everyone's brain supplement, it is not much different from the actual situation.

Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi entered the state unexpectedly because of the "competition". The shooting went smoothly day by day. Not to mention that every shot was taken, and the maximum number of shots would not exceed three, so the progress did not follow the rocket. Same, rushed towards the end!

Director Li saw such a situation, only happy, not unhappy. By the way, because I was so happy, I moved the schedule of this charity film directly from the summer file for a month and a half!

Well, it's definitely not because I want to catch the popularity of Lin Fan's new album, so as to increase the gimmick and exposure of this public welfare film.

After all, there is no money for public welfare films, and it is good to save a cent of publicity expenses!

As the director, screenwriter, art director, styling consultant, soundtrack, etc. of this charity film, Lin Fan is naturally enthusiastic.

So after the film editing was completed, it went into review quickly, and after the review, the file was quickly set, and the schedule was more than a month old.

Director Li only has official publicity channels, which can do some publicity for this public welfare film, but to be honest, these channels are not as good as Lin Fan's yelling on his social account, and the exposure is high.

Of course, Lin Fan is obliged not only to yell, but also to yell with friends in the circle. In short, he strives to make the best publicity of this public welfare film without spending money!

Such a small request, let alone Lin Fan’s friends, even if they only dealt with Lin Fan in "Morning Star", Luo Yu, Ding Erxun, Ke Xirui, etc. who have not had any intersection in the past two years, also Reposted Lin Fan's dynamics one after another to help propagate.

In addition, the sales of Lin Fan’s new albums have been growing in full swing recently, and Lin Fan himself has been paid attention to by all parties. So Lin Fan has just released a newsletter, and many people inside and outside the circle have heard about this news.

And because it is a charity film, many artists in the circle whether they are enthusiastic about charity, or want to show good to Lin Fan, or just take a little bit of the heat, anyway, many people follow to repost, help publicize, and call everyone to pay attention to charity and support Lin Fan. This nonprofit film.

The publicity effect came out all at once.

The film’s pre-sales were soon sold out. Such an achievement is really very, very good for a public welfare film.

Although the audience bought tickets, their starting points were different.

Lin Fan’s fans have always been: Hey, this is a general work! Support, must support! As long as it is something that we generally want to do, we all unconditionally support it!

Lin Fan’s fans think: Lin Fan’s upper film "A Chinese Ghost Story" was done well, no matter what the film this time, it should be worth looking forward to.

The rest should be broken down into:

[Famous for cuteness: Support public welfare undertakings and pay attention to disadvantaged groups! Contribute to the society! 】

[Ya, tap Na: Many celebrities are pushing this film, I don’t know how, buy a ticket to see it! 】

[Spring is sultry, I tease the dog: I just buy it when I’m and I don’t necessarily go to see it, let’s talk about it then...]


Of course there are black fans, so I won’t go into details.

In the midst of this disturbance, the public welfare film was officially released. Lin Fan and Xia Yan attended the premiere of the film-the ribbon-cutting ceremony!

Yes, that's right, it was the ribbon-cutting ceremony, in which one person took a pair of scissors and cut off the big red flower made of red silk cloth.

Xia Yan was in the audience, looking at Lin Fan, who was dressed in formal clothes and stood out like a flock of chickens, standing among a group of, um, ordinary public welfare workers, holding a pair of scissors and cutting the red cloth silently. The picture, endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold it back!

Holding a smile, Xia Yan took out his mobile phone and fixed Lin Fan's helpless and speechless little expression in his mobile phone video mode.


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