Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 713: As long as you follow Lin Fan, you will have any song!

Lin Fan has always known that the two programs "Treasure" and "The Classics" have a strong lineup, and the characters in front of the audience should not be underestimated.

But when Lin Fan saw the entire team lineup with his own eyes, he knew that his imagination was still lacking.

This can't be said to be a team, this is actually a legion!

Director group, coordination group, cultural relics group, expert group, editing group, post-production group, actor group... Sure enough, it was a very foresighted decision to directly seek cooperation with Dishi. Otherwise, with the scale of Lin Fan’s own studio, he wanted To make these two shows is not to say that it is as difficult as the sky, at least it is to do everything.

Among them, cultural relics are involved, even if it is Lin Pan's exhaustion, the part that can't be dealt with.

However, Lin Fan knew from the beginning that these two programs were definitely not exclusive to him, so he was straightforward and honest and sought cooperation from the beginning.

However, under the current situation of cooperation, it is very rare that Lin Fan still holds the dominance of the entire program.

After getting off the plane, Lin Fan went straight to the Dishi Building to attend the internal meeting of the director team.

As soon as I entered the door, dozens of eyes in the meeting room looked towards the door, and saw Lin Fan, everyone quickly stood up from their positions and said hello: "Director Lin!"

"Director Lin is here!"

Zhou Yang directly greeted him from the innermost position and pulled Lin Fan into the first place: "Come on, Director Lin, you are here, everyone is here, just waiting for Director Lin to chair the meeting."

It’s not the first time that Lin Fan has met and held a meeting with the directors. He is very adaptable to this scene: "It’s the same with director Zhou presiding over the overall situation. I really couldn’t get out of it some time ago. Everyone, do the preparatory work first."

Zhou Yang continued: "It should be all right. If it weren't for your creativity from Director Lin, so many of us hadn't had the opportunity to get in touch with such a good project!"

Lin Fan knew that Zhou Yang was taking steps for him to complete the field, so he followed it down: "I also have an idea. Whether this show can be done well, we still have to rely on everyone's hard work. The saying goes. Chenglin, everyone can be united in order to achieve the effect of the program."

Lin Fan and Zhou Yang praised them, and quickly passed the unpleasant idea of ​​Lin Fan's late arrival. After the greetings, I naturally entered the theme of the conference.

Zhou Yang handed Lin Fan a list: "This is a list of artists who have been initially reviewed. According to your request, nine famous museums will present 27 national treasures, 27 celebrity guardians, and an narrator. Twenty-eight in total."

Checking whether an artist has any bad deeds is a process that the show itself must have. After all, it must be linked to a national treasure. Of course, star guardians must not be tainted, otherwise, what should I do if the child is damaged?

At the same time, this is also what Lin Fan himself actively asked DiTV to review. After all, on the earth, in order to increase the ratings of this show, some popular celebrities are invited, without much consideration of the artist's character and reputation.

As a result, an artist who had a "student master" character set up, but even CNKI didn’t know what it was, didn’t count himself as dead. It also led to a breakthrough in the repetition of papers that year. When the student changed the thesis to the collapse, it was miserable.

Therefore, Lin Fan supported this review with both hands and feet.

Zhou Yang handed Lin Fan another list: "This is the list of other actors on the stage. Most of them are students from the Imperial Academy of Drama, or members of the theater. The image will not be mentioned. The most important thing is to pass the acting skills."

Of course, more importantly, it is obedient and easy to use, and will not give you moths.

Lin Fan focused on looking through the list of celebrity guardians. The people he ordered are all there. The rest is the result of the discussion of the entire director team, but they all have one thing in common, that is, good image, good reputation, good acting skills, and Created one or more classic screen images.

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, the list is set for the time being."

After confirming this list, the rest of the director group breathed a sigh of relief, and the meeting moved on to the next topic.

"On the side of the soundtrack team, I have been anxious to ask for the score, so I have to make the soundtrack first. Director Lin, look at it..."

Lin Fan didn't have to listen to the following words, he knew that Zhou Yang wanted to let himself make all the soundtracks needed for the entire show.

Who asked Lin Fan to pat his chest to guarantee: "I will leave the soundtrack to me!"

Now being urged to live, I also asked for it.

However, Lin Fan had been prepared for a long time. When he decided to make this show, how could Lin Fan not get the soundtrack first?

You know, as we all know, "National Treasure" is a music show.

The first issue of "Treasure" has a total of 14 soundtracks, plus a theme song, 15 soundtracks can directly open a concert, so audiences on the earth always talk about it, saying that this program is essentially a concert. music show.

With the addition of these 15 soundtracks, each capital is a high-quality work, and several of them have been out of the circle constantly, setting off a wave of national style music in the country.

During the show’s hit period, Lin Fan also bought the original soundtrack of the show, and just listened to it when nothing happened. It was a deep memory. Now that he has the magical skills given by the system [Remember me], Lin Fan directly copied all the 15 soundtracks from the first issue.

So when Zhou Yang mentioned it, Lin Fan directly agreed: "Okay, after the meeting, I will go to the soundtrack and give them the score. With the soundtrack, we should feel better when shooting."

Just do what he said, Lin Fan opened the plug-in, and quickly solved the problems raised in the meeting according to the results of the finished program in his memory, and then moved to the soundtrack team.

The person in charge of the soundtrack is not someone else, but Zhou Yue.

In addition to Zhou Yue, there is an acquaintance of Lin Fan who is not very familiar, and that is one of the persons in charge of the Golden Melody Award, Meng Anping.

Don't look at Meng Anping seems to have always been at a disadvantage in front of Zhou But in fact, Meng Anping is the vice president of the Imperial College of Music, and he is also a big-time figure.

The performance group that Zhou Yue helped Lin Fan find for the "Liang Zhu" concerto was the performance group led by Meng Anping. As soon as the scores for "Blessed Lovers" were taken out, Meng Anping was completely trapped, and he was not allowed to perform "Blessed Lovers" more than three times a day, making Meng Anping restless.

So when he knew that Lin Fan was going to personally make the soundtrack for a large-scale cultural exploration program, Meng Anping immediately put down all the work in his hands and came to the door brazenly, so he nominated himself and insisted on joining the soundtrack group, praising himself as contributing himself to Chinese culture. Part of the power.

In fact, it is to be able to hear Lin Fan's new works for the first time!

It's best to have another concerto like "Blessings of Love", a perfect combination of modern and classical!

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is none, Meng Anping believes that as long as you follow Lin Fan, you will have any song!


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