Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 743: Yes, you have to queue to write a message!

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, on the top floor of the yard, next to the swimming pool, three big, two small and five people were sitting neatly. It tastes better than one.

Especially for the two little guys, the feeling that they wanted to eat ice cream just after noon, and then they could eat it after sleeping, was really great!

More importantly, this was made by his favorite brother Lin Fan himself. The two little guys really wanted to lick the ice cream box.

"Brother Lin Fan's ice cream is delicious!"

"Brother Lin Fan, I still want to eat, can I add another?"

The children are young and their stomachs are relatively fragile. Even in the current weather on Huahai Island, people are sweating with enthusiasm. Lin Fan did not dare to let Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao eat more ice cream: "No, eat too much ice cream, you guys. My stomach can't take it."

Xia Yan also said: "There are still delicious food at night, all made by brother Lin Fan. Now you want to eat another ice cream, but you won't be able to eat the delicious food made by brother Lin Fan at night!"

Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao were immediately caught in a dilemma.

Looking at the tangled faces of the two little cute babies, the three adults laughed unscrupulously, and savagely dug a large scoop of ice cream into their mouths: Well, it's really delicious!

The two little guys who couldn't eat ice cream shifted their target to the water swing and wanted to play on the swing. Zhou Xiang volunteered to help them push the swing, and took care of them to avoid danger.

"Sister Zhou Xiang, push it higher!"

"Wow! I feel like I'm going to fly!"

"You two hold on tight, don't let go, you know?"

"Know it!"

The longing yard stands facing the sea. Sitting on the rooftop, you can clearly see the blue sea on the white sandy beach. The evening sun is not as hot as the daytime, but it is still warm. It is gently blown by the sea breeze, like a pair of Gentle hands caressed his cheeks.

There is also Zhou Xiang and the two little guys, swinging there, and the crisp laughter that comes, the whole picture is so beautiful that people can't bear to blink.

Lin Fan couldn't help but think of the scenes of getting along with fans who came and went when the yard he longed for was still open to the public.

At that time, I finally realized my biggest wish in my previous life: to open a homestay in a tourist attraction, and only receive single ladies and sisters-I feel that my life is complete, and I just want to spend the rest of my life in a homestay.

But in fact, Lin Fan himself knew that he still had a thick guard up in his heart. It seemed relaxed and casual, but he actually wanted to hide here, thinking that as long as he didn't integrate into this world, he wouldn't be hurt by this world.

Later, it was the group of fans who were always watching him, who always followed him with little stars in their eyes. With their enthusiasm and tolerance, Lin Fan was completely pulled out.

Lin Fan didn't know what to think, suddenly stood up, turned and went downstairs.

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan's back suspiciously, but did not catch up rashly, and not long after, Lin Fan came back with a box.

Looking at this familiar box, many fans, especially those who lived in the yard they longed for, moved their hearts slightly and realized something.

Sure enough, Lin Fan sat down next to Xia Yan again, took the initiative to open the box to Xia Yan, and opened it in front of the camera.

A box full of pages full of messages!

"This is a guest book specially prepared for customers when the B&B is still open. I hope customers can give some suggestions and opinions to the B&B. After all, I have never opened a B&B before, and I don't understand many things."

Lin Fan explained to Xia Yan, "But then I found out that there are basically no suggestions and opinions. Everyone writes it as a text, and it is just a full page, and there are more than a dozen pages. When you were in school. If you have such perseverance in writing essays, I believe your teachers and parents will be very pleased!"

The last sentence is said to the camera.

In the barrage, fans immediately responded to Lin Fan:

【Cherry Puppy: You are right! If I hadn't written so many words on the guestbook, I wouldn't know that I could have written three 800-character essays in one go! 】

[Tremble, mortals: Oh! What are three articles of eight hundred words, I can write thirty articles! Yes, that's right, the one who wrote more than a dozen pages was me! 】

[Homework °Let's break up: still say it! In order to be able to leave what I want to say to Fanfan on the guestbook, I stayed up all night to write the manuscript, because it was the next fan's turn to write the book at dawn! 】

Yes, you have to queue to write a message!

Not only do you have to queue up, but also have a time limit, the kind that is outdated.

In order to be able to write a few more lines on the guestbook, it is normal for fans to stay up all night. After all, everyone can stay in the homestay for different times. Some people can stay for a week, while others can only stay for a day or two. There is not enough time to watch Lin Fan, how can there be so much time to write a message?

However, Lin Fan is not very clear about these things. Lin Fan only knows that the guestbook has just been released for a week, and the number of pages has been filled!

This forced Lin Fan to change into a book that could add pages, distribute the pages, and let fans finish writing and put them in the special box at the bar. Lin Fan would then bind the pages when he was free.

Looking at the box full of pages, Xia Yan couldn't help but be speechless: "So many!"

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Yes, there are too many, there is no way to bind them together. If they are bound into several books, I don't think it's good, so I just don't bind and let them be It's all in the box."

Lin Fan picked up the top page of the box and read softly:

"Fan Fan, I finally saw you up close. You are exactly the same as what I saw on TV, no, it's even better than the one on TV! The breakfast you made was delicious, and the way you looked helplessly pampering us was so cute, of course the best The important thing is that you look really handsome when you work hard..."

Lin Fan paused for a moment, and seemed to feel a little embarrassed to praise himself like this, so he skipped a large paragraph of brainless praise in the middle and came to the end:

"Don't worry about what other people think, it's good to be a creator, it's good to be a creator, so running a homestay is also very good! No matter what you do, we will support you, trust you, and accompany you... just like you use your Singing, accompany and encourage us..."

Lin Fan didn't read the name of the person who left the message, but the person who wrote this message could feel Lin Fan's gratitude hidden in his flat voice through the screen.

That summer two years ago, Lin Fan left the entertainment industry and quietly opened a homestay on Huahai Island. Fans came to hear the wind. It seemed that Lin Fan gave fans a chance to get in touch with idols up close. , In fact, this is also Lin Fan gained more warmth than he imagined.

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