Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 777: Are their luck finally getting better?

For the concert of the tenth phase of the second season of "The Yard of Longing", the three rounds of pre-sale of live tickets were all within three minutes, and the seats were snatched up by enthusiastic fans, so that when the official sale was launched, there were only 70,000 tickets left. The ticket didn't last long, and it was quickly emptied.

In this way, there are still many iron fans who have not grabbed tickets.

After all, although this concert was held for 100,000 people, it was only held once, unlike the national tour concert, which would hold more than a dozen or even more than 20 concerts in a row. In this way, fans can evenly share in these shows, without having to crowd all together to compete for the 100,000 places, and naturally everyone can have a ticket.

It's a pity that this concert is the tenth episode of "Longing Yard". Strictly speaking, it is still a variety show. Not only fans of Lin Fan and Xia Yan want to participate, but fans of variety shows who like this show , also want to participate.

This makes the votes, which are not evenly divided, even more stretched.

Even Lin Fan and Xia Yan didn't dare to keep more tickets, for fear that they would be found out by fans. When so many fans stared at them, who would you give them to or not?

Of course, some of the tickets that should be reserved still have to be reserved. After all, people like Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang, Hui Qiaodan, and Zhang Xinlan can participate as guests. They don't need to get tickets, but the people around them do.

for example:

Li Xiaodong is as thick-skinned as a city wall, and he is not polite to ask for tickets: "Brother Fan, can you give me some tickets? My dad has always wanted to come to the concert of Brother Fan, but his secretary is "Assistant, I don't live up to my expectations at all, I didn't get a single ticket!"

Lu Bingyang was more subtle: "Brother Fan, my seven aunts and eight aunts are all your fans!"

There is also Zhou Xiang, who also expressed Ai Ai regularly: "Brother Fan, do we have any internal tickets in our company? Mainly my roommate... Well, it's better to shirk, but the teachers in the school..."

There's no way to get rid of it!

Zhou Xiang was worried that if he rejected them, his final exam this year would be in danger!

Not only them, but also Lin Fan and Xia Yan's friends in the circle, they don't need tickets themselves, they can enter the venue through the guest channel, and they have their own seats to sit.

But who doesn't have relatives and friends who can't get rid of the seven aunts and eight aunts?

Of course, it is impossible to give too much, but look at you, such a big star, with such a good relationship with Lin Fan, you can always get one or two tickets, three or four tickets, right?

So, with just three or four, four or five, seven or eight, Lin Fan still sent out a lot of favor tickets.

In addition to Lin Fan's own side, Xia Yan's side, Yang Hongxia's side, and even Xia Shaozhang's side, they all sent out a lot of tickets.

But compared to other singers holding concerts, Lin Fan is already very "stingy" when he only sends out dozens of tickets for one favor.

Mainly, if you want to send more, there is no way.

Even Xiao Wan didn't dare to take the initiative to tell Lin Fan about a certain handicapped sister. However, Lin Fan has always been thinking about the backbone of his support club.

Well, how can I put it, maybe it's Wang Lingli and the others' luck, which is so bad that Lin Fan can't ignore it when he is busy preparing for the concert.

"Xiao Wan, what happened to Wang Lingli and the others?"

Did you get a ticket?

Do I need to open a back door for them personally?

Xiaowan's expression was weird: "This time, Yuji Wang and the others grabbed the tickets themselves..."

Lin Fan was shocked: "Really? This is really great, their luck is finally getting better?"

It's a miracle!

Xiaowan also thinks this is incredible. After all, Wang Lingli's hand is disabled, but the entire fan circle is famous. Everyone has always been careful not to touch Wang Lingli's fatal weakness, especially during Lin Fankai's concert.

For fear of being careful, Wang Lingli was so angry that she exploded on the spot.

However, this time, Wang Lingli didn't know what kind of **** she had gone through, but she actually grabbed the live ticket during the third pre-sale!

And not only one, but also helped other handicapped little sisters to grab a ticket!

Xiao Wan couldn't believe his eyes!

Not only Xiao Wan, but the fans in the support club group also dropped their jaws. You must know that although there are a total of 100,000 tickets this time, the difficulty of grabbing tickets is not lower than last year's 30,000 tickets, where is it?

Even, because of the addition of the fans next door, as well as the fans of Lin Fan and Xia Yan, the difficulty of grabbing tickets for this concert has increased, and a scalper ticket on the Internet has been directly priced at 30,000 yuan. !

Under such circumstances, Wang Lingli, a well-known handicapped person in the fan circle, actually grabbed the ticket? Got a lot more?

Is this world a fantasy, or is it that I haven't woken up from a dream?

If it wasn't for Wang Lingli's own screenshot of the successful purchase page, which she sent to the group for everyone to worship, everyone might think that Wang Lingli was in a trance and hallucinations because she couldn't get the tickets.

Xiao Wan himself confirmed the screenshots several times, and finally decided: "Although it is incredible, this time there should be no need to reserve tickets for them."

Lin Fan also breathed a sigh of relief: "This is a good thing."

In any case, it is indeed a good thing for Lin Fan that the fans can be self-reliant, especially the head of the support club, who seems to be cursed and confused and has improved, which is really a blessing Good thing!


"Ah!" Wang Lingli rubbed

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Tip of the nose, "Who is scolding me?"

Wang's mother warmly brought hot tea and fruit to her daughter, and approached her diligently: "You have done such a great deed, who would scold you? Your eldest brother, second brother, three cousins, four Cousin, there are five, six, seven or eight cousins, but they are all counting on you to find their daughter-in-law!

Come, come, drink tea, eat fruit? By the way, is pocket money enough? Do you want me to ask your dad to give you the private money that he has been hiding for many years? "

As soon as Wang's mother's voice fell, Wang Lingli received the plaintive look that Old Wang handed over, and she shook her head in fright: "No need, no need, I have enough pocket money, I don't need the money from Dad's private house!"

Pharaoh nodded in relief: Dear I really didn't hurt you in vain!

Wang's mother regretted: "If you don't need it, then I will accept it. When you want it, remember to tell me."

Old Wang: "...No, daughter-in-law, this is different from what we said..."

Daughter no, shouldn't it be returned to me, why did it fall into your pocket?

Wang's mother swept over with a knife: "Is it reasonable for you to hide your private money?"

Seeing that the war between her parents was about to begin, Wang Lingli quickly diverted her mother's attention: "What, Mom! I'm going to screen the candidates for my future sister-in-law. It's okay, no, it's okay. Don't bother me!"

Wang's mother was immediately diverted by her daughter: "You can rest assured, as long as you can solve the single problem of your brothers and sisters, I will bear the sky when the sky falls!"


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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