Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 794: I still remember that summer, love buried deep in the Coral Sea

The beautiful harmony of Lin Fan and Xia Yan not only made the fans' scalps numb, but also made the audiences who were watching the live broadcast of the concert all regretted to the extreme:

[Whose heart is broken by high heels: Why can't I get a ticket? Why can't I go to the scene to listen to Fanfan and Yanyan Shenxian chorus? Is my broken hand worthy of my thirty years of being single? 】

[First place in the kindergarten grabbing meal: woo woo woo, I knew the scene was so hilarious, I can't miss anything! 】

[Sister's aunt is more popular than you: the voice of the pan is absolutely amazing, and the harmony with Yanyan is also extremely beautiful, this is simply not a voice that human beings can make! 】


Unfortunately, no matter how much they wailed and regretted, they still missed the live concert this time, and they could only enjoy such a famous scene through live broadcast.

Yes, just after the live performance ended, the clip of the song "Big Fish" sung by Lin Fan and Xia Yan was posted on the Internet by enthusiastic fans, arousing the onlookers of the melon-eating crowd.

[Word is very big, knee endure it: what the fuck? What kind of fairy is fighting? Is Lin Fan and Xia Yan's concert so fierce? 】

[Look at this, it's short and small: ah ah ah, this harmony is too good to hear! If I missed the concert, I feel like I missed 100 million! 】

[One monk does not pit: Upstairs, if there is really 100 million, I would rather spend it all on Lin Fan and let him give me "ah" 100 million! 】

[Good sir: If you want 100 million yuan, isn't it delicious to live broadcast for free? 】

One sentence awakened the dreamer, and the majority of passers-by who ate melons suddenly realized: The live concert is impossible to go to, but you can watch the live broadcast, and the live broadcast does not require money!

As a result, the people who had reacted to the melon-eaters rushed into the live broadcast room of the concert, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of people online in the live broadcast room. .

Fortunately, the live broadcast room stood firm.

But the audience outside the stadium can hold on, but the fans on the scene can't hold on.

After the song "Big Fish" was sung, the whole scene was like a pot of boiling hot water. The applause, screams, cheers, and even the voices of crying and crying were mixed together, and all kinds of emotions were mixed in it. Difficult to separate.

And this kind of atmosphere is most suitable for singing love songs.

"Remember yesterday

that summer

A moment when the breeze blows

seems to blow everything up

Only the loneliness is willing to settle-"

If "Big Fish" is a long farewell, then "Summer Blown by the Wind" is the memory after the farewell, the most beautiful summer, and the clearest self.

"The wind is still blowing

autumn rain follows

The heat in my heart doesn't go away

It's like keeping your eyes closed

Familiar faces will come to my eyes again—"

Lin Fan's voice was like a gust of wind, blowing through the hot summer, making people feel refreshed and comfortable. And Xia Yan's voice was like a spring in a mountain stream, clean and transparent enough to wash away all the dust from the soul.

Coupled with the elegant and refreshing melody of the whole song, it completely washes away the sadness and nostalgia of fans just because of "Big Fish", leaving only the tenderness and faint summer atmosphere.

The voices of Lin Fan and Xia Yan were intertwined, and the beautiful melody spread from the stage to the ears of every fan, and then to their hearts.

"Blue thoughts

It suddenly turned into a sunny summer

Warmth in the air won't be far away

Winter also seems to be no longer nostalgic-"


After "Summer Blown by the Wind", followed by "Crystal":

"My love with you is like a crystal

No burden secrets clean and transparent

My love for you is a beautiful crystal

The unique light shines in your eyes—"

The thorough and pure melody completely settled the mixed emotions in the audience, and then witnessed the love story of the bird and the fish:

"Turn away

Can't say goodbye

blue coral sea

miss the moment pale

each other

you and me

Not mature enough to confess

should not

enthusiasm is not there

Your smile can't come

Love buried deep in the Coral Sea—"


Before I knew it, eleven songs had been sung in this concert. Among them, Lin Fan stepped down and changed his costume and style when he sang the song "Darkness Before Dawn" when Zhang Xinlan and Zhuo Yuanquan appeared as guests. Besides, there has been no rest.

Although Lin Fan sang along with Xia Yan after his second appearance, his physical strength has also been depleted to a certain extent.

Usually at this time, either guests are invited to the stage to support the scene, or the host coffee stops to chat and interact with the audience for a while, and the right to rest, in short, to give the throat a chance to relax.

It's just that the concert has been going on until now, except for a new song "Darkness Before Dawn" and the beautiful "Big Fish", the fans can't sing along, and all the other songs have been sung.

Especially the love songs sung by Lin Fan and Xia Yan, there is not one song that fans can't sing. There are several songs in a row, and the whole audience is filled with the sound of chorus, making it difficult to tell whether this concert is a fan We came to hear Lin Fan sing, or fans bought tickets to sing for Lin Fan.

In short, the chorus atmosphere in the audience was super good, which also proves how high the popularity and popularity of Lin Fan's songs are.

If it was someone else, I would be reluctant to interrupt the atmosphere at the moment. After all, the big chorus in the concert is really rare.

But Lin Fan doesn't care. After all, it's easy to achieve a chorus here. Lin Fan doesn't feel a pity at Xia Yan waved to the audience, right when he said goodbye, and then Ride down the lift stage.

As Xia Yan left the stage, the beautiful ocean, big fish, coral and other light and shadow special effects on the stage were broken into countless star points, turning into faint fireflies, flying randomly on the stage.

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Another lift stage also rose slowly, with a piano and two little guests, appearing in front of everyone.

He Li exclaimed: "Ah! It's Xixi and Xiaobao!"

"Where? Where?" Fans craned their necks to see.

Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao are small, and they are even more inconspicuous against the background of the piano. They are indeed easy to be ignored at first glance.

But the on-site director would never make such a mistake. As soon as the lifting stage stopped, the camera directly aimed at the two little cute babies, and put their images on the big screen, so that the whole audience could watch it. Clearly.

Fans only saw a switch on the big screen on the stage. Gu Xi, who was wearing a white princess dress with a wreath on her head, and Yu Xiaobao, who was wearing a small suit and a red bow tie, appeared in front of everyone holding hands. , all of a sudden my heart will melt!

"Ahhh, Xixi is so cute! She looks like a little fairy princess!"

"Little Treasure is so cute, with a small suit and a small bow tie, and trying to put on a serious expression, it's so cute!"

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