The new year is coming, but the new year is coming.

(Additional chapter for the great reward from user "五月遗", thank you for your support, the author will work hard to create more and better articles for everyone, Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ)


Wei Wei is panicking now.

Half a year ago, the stage of the magic show she was preparing to hold in Changkong City was dismantled by the people of the Fire Moth, and she hated it and wanted to take revenge on the Fire Moth.

Half a year later, she successfully used her knowledge and technology to break the firewall of the Fire Moth and stole a lot of useful information, including the venue and participants of the Fire Moth's year-end academic review meeting.

As the saying goes, a stage can be without singing, but it cannot be without Wei Wei. Seeing this group of big shots preparing to gather together to discuss academics, Wei Wei immediately prepared to come and join in, just in time to learn about the strength of those Fire Moth staff who were fighting against her online.

Originally, everything went smoothly.

She successfully stole the identity information of a Fire Moth staff member, and after disguising herself, she was ready to focus on the staff member's information to attend this year-end academic seminar.

Although she was a little confused by the two guards who were surprised by their brain circuits when she entered the door... But it doesn't matter! The omnipotent teacher Da V directly took out his own door-a screwdriver.

After prying open the ventilation duct here and consuming a lot of energy, Wei Wei finally successfully sneaked into the hotel building where Fire Moth held the year-end academic seminar!

But unexpectedly.

She had just climbed out of the duct and had no time to rest, but she was discovered by the people here.

The man said something... "Oh~ Professor Saras, we finally found you! The public introduction session of the seminar is about to begin, please follow us."

Just like that, after Wei Wei was stuffed with a speech manuscript, she was sent to the podium on the third floor here.

Looking at the countless scientific researchers below the stage, Wei Wei subconsciously swallowed her saliva.

The only thing to be thankful for is that before kidnapping Professor "Salas", Wei Wei had done enough homework. She knew that this professor was cruel by nature and would stab people from time to time. Afterwards, he said "It must be Mobius who did it" to wash away his academic crimes. The external news has always been not very good.

"Salas" is cruel, but also a very lonely person... or arrogant. He is so arrogant that he is unwilling to talk to anyone, so that there is no research institute that cooperates with him, and his research team is only himself.

In other words, the staff are destined not to be familiar with this cruel and arrogant professor.

Even if Wei Wei tied him up and replaced him to attend this seminar, as long as she paid attention to her tone and emotional output, there would be absolutely no problem for a while.

Huh...Huh...Wei Wei, relax...

Looking at the increasing number of World Science staff members under the podium, Wei Wei kept cheering herself up in her heart.

Since those people just gave her the speech, it means that Professor "Salas" should have contacted the seminar staff in advance. She only needs to pay attention to her tone and read directly from the script. There won't be any big problems...

Just treat this as a magic show of changing people...I can do it perfectly! No one will notice that it was Wei Wei who replaced Professor Saras, and no one will think that Wei Wei will use Professor Saras's identity to collect information about the Fire Moth at this academic seminar!

The plan worked!

Although he was seen by others just after crawling out of the pipe, they probably haven't noticed his abnormality yet. He just needs to read the speech handed to him by the staff. This magic show that belongs only to him will surely usher in an epic and gorgeous ending!

Thinking of this, Wei Wei's mouth corners slightly raised, coughed twice, and after taking another look at the speech, he smiled and said to the world science staff in the audience:

"Okay, listen carefully, country bumpkin science..."

The first sentence of the manuscript almost made Wei Wei choke. She looked like she saw a ghost, and hurriedly took out the speech handed to her by the staff to check to make sure that she really didn't read it wrong.

After wiping her eyes, Wei Wei found that she really didn't read it wrong... But what's the connection between what and what? What's the situation with Long Aotian's line of contempt for everything? ?

"Professor Saras, are you feeling unwell?

Why did you stop suddenly? "

At this time, some of the staff members in the audience had slowly noticed something unusual because of Wei Wei's sudden pause.

"Ahem... ahem! No! This magic trick... is not, Dr. Ben just had a phlegm stuck, sorry everyone."

At this point, Wei Wei was in a dilemma. She looked at the expressions of the staff members around her and saw that there seemed to be no big change. She had to bite the bullet and continue to read the speech,

"Ahem... Okay, listen carefully! Country bumpkin staff members, I declare that when my technological innovation passes the patent application of the Mu Federation, I will formulate new physical laws...

Let me see,


Technological updates, tax deductions. Technology backwardness, tax deductions.

Not developing technology... also tax deductions.

Not praising my technology, tax deductions. Praising it is not good enough, tax deductions.

If you don't use my technology, you still have to deduct taxes... If you protest against the above taxes, you still have to deduct taxes..."

The technical introduction of the seminar began.

Dr. "Salas" on the stage gritted his teeth and read the speech that "he" had prepared in advance.

Xu Ziling in the audience was thoughtful.

The reason was simple.

Because the speech of Dr. "Salas" was getting more and more familiar to him.

Then he clapped his hands and remembered - wasn't this the public rule set by his boss in the company before he crossed over??

The only difference was that the tax deduction became the salary deduction.

So Thinking about it, Xu Ziling couldn't help but take a closer look at the "Dr. Saras" on the stage, thinking that this guy might be the same position as his boss, a scholar under Tianjin, and the tax deduction...tsk tsk~

On the other side, MEI also frowned as he listened to the speech of Dr. Saras on the stage.

Kevin, who was standing by, looked at the scientific researchers around him who seemed to have gotten used to it, and couldn't help but whispered to MEI,

"MEI, why do I feel that this Dr. Saras on the stage has only talked about tax deductions since he came on stage. Why didn't he mention anything about what project he was researching... Aren't people who come here supposed to introduce their academic projects to scholars around the world and show their value to gain recognition? "

"Well... I don't know..."

MEI thought about it, shook his head, and said,

"But I guess this should be a means of swearing self-improvement... Maybe in the eyes of those doctors, compared to the approval of additional funds, establishing deterrence in front of the world's scientists is the result they want to see more..."

"Is that so..."

Hearing this, Kevin immediately understood, because MEI brought her to the year-end academic seminar of the Fire Moth this time for a similar purpose.

After being infected with the Honkai disease, Raiden Ryoma was no longer suitable for running a company. After selling ME through connections, he paved the way for MEI's current The road under your feet; this means that the research projects hosted by MEI will not worry about funding for a long time. Compared with additional funding annotations, MEI needs an opportunity to show itself to the world.

Alicia always smiled and looked at Professor "Salas" on the stage, her big pink and blue eyes narrowed slightly, as if she had discovered something very remarkable, and she chuckled from time to time.

Soon, Dr. "Salas" finished reading his manuscript, and his turn was over.

Most of the world clerks under the stage also looked accustomed to it. After all... this person is obviously registered as a US Professor "Salas", who is of African nationality but belongs to the Shenzhou Tianshi Group, is not the first time to make outrageous remarks at the year-end academic seminar of the Fire Chaser Moth.

However, Dr. Saras is cruel and aloof by nature, and never communicates with others. So after his round, the staff in the audience did not even say a word of ridicule. They just clapped twice symbolically and invited the next doctor to come on stage to express his academic ideas.

Seeing this, Dr. Wei Wei silently breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately... Before she replaced "Dr. Saras" today, she had done her homework and knew that he was cruel and aloof, and never communicated with others. The possibility of being approached by other researchers is close to zero. As long as there is no problem during the time when she reads the script, there should be no more problems in the future.

Hum~ As expected of this magician, he can play the role of the person who switched the person in front of so many people... Haha~ This should be the "golden cicada escaping from the shell" technique often said by the Shenzhou people, right? This magician is indeed the greatest magician in the world!

Thinking of this, Wei Weiwei's mouth corners slightly raised, and after noticing the audience, she quickly frowned, snorted coldly in a villain style, and waved her hand, "Indignant"

He left the scene, and his attitude was indeed like that of a scientific research doctor whose technology was not valued by the world.

No staff stopped him on the way, it seemed that he played his role very successfully and no one noticed anything unusual.

Next, after stealing enough information about the Fire Moth under the identity of "Saras", he would first break into their entire network system... At least their network should be paralyzed for two or three days.

Humph! Who asked your people to dismantle this magician's magic stage first... Now this magician paralyzed your network, isn't it too much?

But don't worry, magic is just magic after all. No matter how wonderful the magic on the stage is, it will not hurt the people below... If you say that the network will be paralyzed for three days, then it will only be paralyzed for three days. This magician still has this world-class magic tour to hold, and the Fire Moth is not worth this magician's continued waste of time...

Thinking of this, Wei Wei's steps became much lighter, like the pleasure of revenge and the joy after finishing another magic show.

However, just as Vivi was feeling better, she bumped into someone because of her brisk steps and inflated heart.

"Oops! Sorry..."

Vivi subconsciously wanted to apologize to the person she accidentally bumped into, but the next second she realized that she was wearing the "brutal and arrogant" vest of Dr. Sarath, so she put her clothes horizontally, straightened her collar, and pretended to be angry,

"Hmph! How can you see the road? Don't you know someone is coming from behind... It's in the way..."

Saying that, Vivi, pretending to be angry, was about to bypass the person in front of her and continue her plan to steal the information of the Fire Moth terminal.

"Please wait! Great magician sister, I am your fan! Can you sign an autograph for me? Thank you♪~"

"Ah? Fan?"

Hearing this, Vivi was stunned, and then she felt a little proud. She didn't expect that these clerks from all over the world actually had their own fans...



Wei Weiwei reacted to the situation and turned around instantly. She quickly adjusted her expression within 0.01 seconds and pretended to be gloomy and said,

"Haha! Where did the scientific research junior come from? There is no magician you said here. If you continue to harass me, I don't mind helping you check your brain."

"Huh? Really? That's a pity..."

Hearing this, the "passerby" with pink hair showed regret, and then took out a small object from his arms, sighing and saying,

"Before, a lovely fairy lady gave me this magic prop that is said to make people all over the world look at it. Unfortunately, I have never known how to use it to activate it correctly... I just thought I saw the legendary magician on the news. If it was her, she would definitely help the fairy lady solve the doubts and make this magic prop shine..."

Magic props that can make people all over the world look at it?

Wei Weiwei was stunned when she heard this.

Before she could speak, the "passerby" with pink hair in front of her said with regret:

"But now it seems that I was dazzled and saw the wrong person... Sorry, Dr. Sarath, I'm sorry to bother you, I'll leave now..."


Seeing that the passerby was about to leave with the "surprise prop", Wei Wei hurriedly stopped her.

"What's the matter?"

The "passerby" turned around and looked at Wei Wei with some confusion.

"This... cough cough..."

Wei Weiwei glanced at the other person's arms for a few times, but unfortunately the light here was a little dim. She couldn't see what the amazing props were, so she had to cough twice and said,

"Little clerk... To be honest, this doctor is actually very interested in magic performances and knows a little about the use of ordinary magic props. If you really don't know how to use the 'magic prop that can make the world look at you' you said, why not bring it to me to see."

Hearing this, the "passerby" blinked and asked back,

"Sarah Isn't Dr. Si's research direction quantum physics? Does he also know magic tricks? "

"This... you are too nosy! What this doctor knows has nothing to do with you."

Wei Weiwei frowned again and said,

"This doctor is still willing to try to help you unlock the use of this legendary prop, you should be grateful. If this doctor leaves later, you may never know how to use this magic prop in your life! Why don't you bring it over to me quickly? "

"This... okay..."

The "passerby" seemed to be intimidated by the aura of "Saras"

After shrugging her nose in fear, she handed over the "magic prop" in her hand with a face full of grievance.

Wei Wei borrowed it and took a look.

It was indeed a small object, about eight centimeters long, pink and blue in color, shaped like a right-angle handle, and the longer part of the handle also had a spreading ring that grew from small to large, which seemed to be used for sound amplification...


Then, Wei Wei found a few buttons on the "magic prop", which seemed to be the key to activating this "magic prop".

But considering that the "passerby" just said that she had tried her best but still couldn't master the use of this "magic prop", Wei Wei didn't expect such an obvious button to activate this "magic prop that can make the whole world look at it".

Therefore, she just pressed the button on it with the idea of ​​trying it out to see what would happen.

But it didn't take shape. Wei Weiwei had just pressed the button, and the next second this "magic prop" started to shout loudly like a person, meaning--

"Wow! This speaker also has a recording function! Let me see... Xiao Ziling, Xiao Ziling, come here quickly, I have something to tell you. I just noticed that person was sneaking around, and I will be responsible for holding her back, and you sneak up from behind and attack, understand?"

Wei Weiwei: ???

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